PSCH 320 Community Psychology


This worksheet aims to help you organize your thoughts and prepare for the first major paper assignment this semester, Paper 1. You may earn a maximum of 10 points on this assignment; please see the syllabus for late assignment policies. 

For Paper 1, you are asked to select a social problem you believe deserves more attention and explain what the current literature says about the problem. You can take inspiration for your topic anywhere. Most, if not all of us, have observed some type of injustice or adversity that you believe can be prevented, reduced, or better managed. I encourage all students to select a problem that is personally meaningful to them but not so emotionally charged for them that their work will be undermined by their feelings. Many of the issues students are likely to select are complex, meaning that there are multiple contributing factors and no obvious, easy solutions. Your goal is to better understand the problem using scientific, academic literature.

Keep in mind, that the more information and writing you include in this worksheet, the more feedback you can get ahead of time, which may help you out as you prepare for your Paper 1. 

Finally, you might consider thinking through whether you want to look at “causes” or “effects” of your social problem. As previously indicated, the literature on many of these topics is complex, so finding a way to narrow your topic might help. 

Note: Each response below is worth 2 points. 

1. Which social problem will you write about? Be sure you are specific. I recommend using APA PsycInfo for a bit to refine your topic. It’s really important that your topic is not too broad nor too narrow or finding scientific studies and connecting them will be difficult.  

2. Please list the full references, in APA Style 7, for the three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles about your social problem. Use Purdue OWL and/or APA Style guide to help you format the references correctly.

3. For each of your three articles, tell us what was the methodology? Did the researchers use surveys, observational data, experimental methods, etc.? Who were the participants? You should write at least one paragraph about the methodology used in each article you selected. 

a. Article 1: 

b. Article 2: 

c. Article 3:

4. For each of your three articles, tell us what was the main finding, or major takeaway for the article? You should write at least a paragraph about each article you selected. 

a. Article 1: 

b. Article 2: 

c. Article 3:

Race and Ethnicity in society SOC 338


part 1) Read the textbook (Chap 4: Patterns of Ethnic Relations: Assimilation and Pluralism) carefully and answer the following questions.

What is assimilation?

What is pluralism?

What is cultural assimilation?

  • w5r4
    What is structural assimilation?
  • w5r5
    What is psychological assimilation?

What is biological assimilation?

Milton Gordon’s theory of assimilation proposes seven stages through which various groups pass. According to Gordon, which of these seven stages is the most critical in the process of assimilation?

Based on the discussion presented in the textbook, is it accurate to describe the US as “the melting pot”? Explain your answer.

What is the difference between cultural pluralism and structural pluralism?

What is the difference between corporate pluralism and equalitarian pluralism?

What is inequalitarian pluralism?

  • w5r12
    Based on the discussion presented in the textbook, is it accurate to describe the US as a society of “corporate pluralism”? Explain your answer.

part 2) 

Which country in the world experienced this type of assimilation (i.e., biological assimilation) to a great extent? Explain your answer.

Which country in the world has this type of pluralism (i.e., cultural pluralism)? Explain your answer.

Which country in the world has this type of pluralism (i.e., corporate pluralism)? Explain your answer.

  • w5r4
    Is the US an assimilationist society or a pluralistic society? Explain your answer.

part 3) Week 5 Quiz

Week 5 Quiz

Click the above link to take the quiz for Week 5, covering Chap 4.


  • This quiz tests your understanding of key concepts presented in Chapter 4. Take this quiz after you have finished reading Chap 4, Chap 4 Notes and Supplementary Readings. This is an open-book quiz.

There are 16 multiple-choice questions in this quiz. You can have 1 hour and 15 min to complete this quiz. Once you start taking the quiz, you have to finish it in one setting.

Part 4) Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment

For this assignment, you are going to analyze your and your family’s experiences in the United States. More specifically, you are going to analyze how much you and your family are assimilated into America. Make sure to analyze along the dimensions of assimilation discussed in the textbook (p. 81-p. 85). At the end of your paper, discuss how much overall you and your families are assimilated in the US considering these different dimensions.

  • Do not write a general paper. Do not write about the general experiences of your ethnic/racial group. Your paper should describe concretely and analyze specifically your own and your family’s experiences in the US.

Human trafficking infographic


Slavery Footprint & Reduction Plan

Navigate to and take the survey. On each survey page, you will see a gear icon on the left. If you click on it, it will expand, and you can provide additional information to fine-tune your survey. You will need your results for this 

Many federal and state agencies, non-profits, academic institutions, and research think tanks create and consume infographics. Therefore, one purpose of this assignment is to help you develop your visual communication and data presentation skills. The other is to get you thinking about how you (yes, YOU) can combat human trafficking through your daily practices. You will use your data from the Slavery Footprint exercise to create an informative, visually appealing infographic detailing 1) what you expected to find; 2) what you found; 3) how you felt about what you found; and 4) what steps can (or will) you take to reduce your footprint.

You may use any software you like to create this infographic. I strongly recommend Canva because it is easy to use, has many elements to choose from, includes templates to help inspire you, and (most importantly) it’s free! If you use PowerPoint, please try to keep it to less than 8 slides.

Content: your content should include the above information. You may also include information outside of the simulation to compare your results to national trends or to suggest ways to reduce your footprint. If you choose to include outside information, be sure you are using data and information from credible sources 

Design: layout and color choices can make or break an infographic. You should choose a layout and color scheme that is visually appealing and aids in comprehension. Avoid clashing colors and many patterns. There is much research about color theory that should help you make your decision. Consider the size of the font and the use of charts, graphs, or images to help get your point across.  

Components: your infographic should have a concise and descriptive title; relevant charts and graphs to help communicate your points, a few words/sentences to introduce and conclude the content of your topic; and references.

Remember:  Infographics are a powerful medium for presenting information, so be creative and make sure your infographic effectively communicates your chosen topic to your target audience. An infographic is a collection of imagery, data visualizations like pie charts and bar graphs, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic.  

Response 2


Respond to this post: I do not feel qualified to recommend one theory over another for global rhetorical problems, as I’m having trouble fully wrapping my mind around the theories themselves (much less their use within various cultural contexts, as opposed to being applied exclusively, in turn, to my own context). That said, the first theorist who comes to mind is Kenneth Burke, (1945).

I found Kenneth Burke’s pentad, as he described in A Grammar of Motives, to be particularly applicable as a framework for analyzing or organizing a broad variety of rhetoric. This is likely because his framework is short and simple, yet has the potential for depth of analysis as well as breadth. His analysis of motive seems particularly useful for cross-cultural rhetorical examination, as what one says is rarely fully equivalent to what one means, depending on the linguistic or cultural undercurrent at play.

I know English and Spanish, but I am still learning Japanese. For the last year or so, I’ve been studying Japanese in my free time, and I think the stark contrast between English and Japanese is an ideal example to display Burke’s pentad at work on a global scale. American language and culture are typically more direct and candid than Japanese language and culture, which is subtle, indirect, and polite almost to a fault. In Japanese, there simply isn’t a direct way to say all sorts of ideas, even ones so simple as “I want an apple” (which would literally be translated into English more as “an apple is desirable”), because the Japanese rarely come right out and say what they think or feel (thus nuance and double meanings abound). The agent is often literally not even named in Japanese, and the underlying purpose or motive is often more of a riddle than a clear message. In English, we generally follow the SVO (subject, verb, object) sentence structure (emphasis on the agent), whereas in Japanese the order is generally SOV, with an emphasis on the object rather than the agent. Approaching Japanese rhetoric with Burke’s motive-seeking lens is therefore an excellent place to start.

As can already be seen, Burke’s method of examining motive becomes immediately useful, enabling us to dig deeper into cross-cultural rhetoric to understand the “why” underneath the more obvious “what,” which I think is perhaps the most important goal in addressing global rhetorical problems.

Literature Question



The final assignment for this course pulls together the work you have done on the other three assignments. You will incorporate feedback you’ve received and prepare a preliminary concept paper for your dissertation or doctoral project, carrying this work forward into your subsequent residency courses as you develop your topic and project plan. Your concept paper presents the topic and should include discussion of the following:

  • Topic.
  • Problem.
  • Supporting Evidence. (Evidence is based on the literature you have reviewed.)
  • Preliminary Project Framework. (The methods that you have identified for your project.)

Remember, as you deepen your understanding and add detail to your project, you should expect to make several revisions beyond this course as your work is viewed through multiple lenses, including those of instructors, peers, the existing literature, and other sources. You should seek opportunities to improve and refine your work after this course. Doctoral project planning is an iterative process, with each revision often inspiring further revisions until all elements are aligned. These iterations are a necessary and customary part of the doctoral journey.


This assignment has been identified as a signature assignment. Completing signature assignments serves a dual purpose: to meet the competencies in the course where the signature assignment appears and to acquire skills needed to demonstrate competencies specific to the completion of the doctoral project. You must meet the established criteria for demonstrating competence in this assignment to successfully complete the course per University Policy 3.04.07: Grading [PDF]. Completion of this course is a program-specific requirement. Consequently, you must pass this course to remain in good academic standing as stated in University Policy 3.01.04: Academic Standing [PDF].


Using 10 additional articles on your potential topic and a summary that provides additional evidence to support your work, include the following in your MS Word document:

  • Discuss identified gaps in the literature or potential organizational needs.
  • Identify a topic consistent with the acceptable topics for the discipline.
  • Define the problem for the proposed topic.
  • Analyze the alignment of problem, questions, and methods.
  • Describe ethical issues or concerns related to the topic and/or theory.
  • Present a preliminary project framework that aligns with the topic and problem and is consistent with the acceptable topics and methods for the discipline.
  • As a scholar-practitioner, apply conventions of voice, academic tone, and discipline-specific language.

Public Art


One of the traditional functions of sculpture is giving culture a voice that can speak through the passing ages. Public monuments and artworks become an emblem of a people and a time by expressing communal sentiments, distilling the shared aesthetic, and commemorating important individuals and events. Oftentimes, public sculpture is there to convey very specific content, content deemed somehow important to the community.

First, find a work of public sculpture. You might go to a local park, or a nearby government building, or even your high school or local bank. Research the piece to discover its basic details, such as its title, the name of the sculptor. Once you have learned about it, then think about it, but do not write your essay as a “report” on the sculpture.  And DO NOT copy and paste information from another source.  That is plagiarism.

Second, take photos of the sculpture and include one or two of these with your response. Yes, you have to see it in person. Do not upload photos from the internet. (I’ve seen more copies of the Fire Dance sculpture from the City of Fort Myers website than I can shake a stick at–that is not in the spirit of the assignment and will result in a grade of no higher than 70 for the assignment.) If you don’t have transportation, that’s ok, just let me know via Canvas Message and we’ll work something out.

Also, if you have your own photo from a sculpture you have visited personally in another city or country, you can use that. Just talk about why it was important to you and what it made you think about when you were there or after you concluded your visit.

Finally, write your essay. Focus on what it made you think about. What is the subject of the sculpture? How does the sculpture capture and express its purpose? Is it a memorial statue? Does it have a message of some kind?  What does it say about the values of the community socially, aesthetically? Is the sculpture full round? Relief?  Most importantly, though, write about your thoughts as you contemplated the sculpture. What did it make you think about? Did you have any memories come to mind as you looked at it? You don’t have to answer all these questions–they are there to give you an idea of the kinds of things to write about.

Help with memo


Overview: Russia is among the NSC’s most difficult and complex policy challenges, so it will likely require a series of Principals’ Committee (PC) meetings to forge policy recommendations to the President.  Nonetheless, the first PC on Russia may be the most important, since it sets the stage for consideration of subsequent issues and challenges.

Remember, DoD is responsible for the country’s defense, but it’s also interested in broader policy issues that might affect its potential adversaries’ capabilities and constraints.

For this assignment, your role is the the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. 

Review the module three materials and your notes on them, with particular emphasis on the Graham ‘Foreign Affairs’ article (Nov/Dec 2019), the Topol NYT article (25 June 2019), and the Vershbow/Fried paper (23 November 2020).

Write a Briefing Memorandum to prepare the Secretary of Defense for these discussions.  You will need to be succinct he’s a busy guy but make sure that critical elements are included.


Select three policy elements, e.g., sanctions on Russian oil companies, that the SecDef should push and at least one that he should oppose.

Outline the views of other PC members who will be policy adversaries or supporters.  

Finally, assess NATO Allies’ likely reaction to at least two of the policy issues you are asking the SecDef to pursue.

This memo should be in the format of the example briefing memorandum provided but without any talking points.  In this case, you should drop the State Department header and, instead, use ‘Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.  20301.’  The ‘To’ line on the memo should read:  ‘The Secretary of Defense.’  The ‘from’ line should read:  ‘USD/P –‘ followed by your first name, middle initial, and last name.

There is no need to include a clearance page.  For an internal briefing memorandum for the Secretary of Defense from his staff, all of the clearances would be from the Department of Defense, but both ‘OSD,’ the Office of the Secretary of Defense and ‘JCS’ the staff of the Chairman that’s known as the Joint Staff.  Clearances might also come from the relevant ‘Combatant Command,’ in this case EUCOM as well as a Unified Command such as STRATCOM.  As with clearances at State, the objective is to make sure the SecDef is well-prepared for the meeting and that relevant members of his staff have been given the opportunity to express themselves in preparing the Secretary.

Adapting Lesson Plans Discussion & Article Critique



QUESTION 1: Students – and teachers – come to the classroom with a variety of  learning styles. Consider ways in which you could adapt a lesson plan to  reach students with varying learning styles. Consider your own learning style and how their plans would work for you. Visit this site for further background on this subject.



Articles are written to inform, misinform, influence, or misdirect,  among other reasons. Sometimes they serve as nothing more than a vehicle  for an author to achieve fame, notoriety, and wealth. You should never  take at face value the elements of any article you read, but you should  be able to:

Differentiate between fact and opinion

Recognize and evaluate author bias and rhetoric

Determine cause-and-effect relationships

Determine accuracy and completeness of information presented

Recognize logical fallacies and faulty reasoning

Compare and contrast information and points of view

Develop inferential skills

  • Make judgments and draw logical conclusions

When writing an article critique, you will need to summarize,  evaluate, and offer critical comment on the ideas and information that  the author(s) presents in the article.

  • Starting in Module Two,  you are assigned two articles to read, which are located in Module  Resources for that specific module. You have to select one of the two  articles and write a critique of it. In your paper, cite any and all  information taken from the article or any other references used. Your  goal should be to read and understand the article, analyze the findings  or arguments, and evaluate and comment on the article.

Reading the Article

  • Allow enough time to understand it.

Read the article without taking notes to gain an overall picture of its main idea.

  • Read the article again analytically highlighting important ideas and making brief notes of the main ideas and main topic.

Main Elements

  • Be sure to address the following within your article critique:

What is the issue that the article is specifically addressing? Is  this a significant problem or issue related to the concepts and theory  in this course? Why or why not?

  • What references did the author use in this article?

Did the article contain research? What data was used? What instruments, if any, were used to collect data?

  • What were some of the conclusions, if any, to the research in this article?

Was the article reliable and valid? Explain.

  • Was this article well written? Thoughtful and reflective?

What were the limitations in this article? Any variables?

Any other thoughts, comments?

couple counselling


Karen and Dan are a married bisexual couple who engage in polyamory, or romantic and sexual relationships with other individuals, with the consent of everyone involved.  They have decided to come into couples counseling off and on throughout their relationship just as a way to ‘check in’ with each other to make sure that everyone is still content with the conditions of their relationship.

Karen has recently started showing up with significant bruising that you can see.  In one session, she has clear bruising around her neck, and it looks as if someone has tried to choke her.  You are worried that this might be a situation of domestic violence, and you privately question Karen about this while Dan is settling their bill with the office manager.

When you ask Karen about the bruises, she laughs nervously and assures you that she is not in any danger. Your immediate sense is that Karen has been the victim of intimate partner violence.  You persist in your questioning as Dan joins the conversation.

Karen and Dan seem a bit embarrassed, but admit that they are part of a fetish community in which bondage and discipline have resulted in Karen’s bruises.  She plays a submissive role to Dan’s master role, and the injuries were sustained during a consensual sexual experience.

Over time, Karen’s bruising becomes more visible, and in subsequent sessions, you notice that Dan’s tone becomes more and more demanding and domineering over Karen.  You also notice that his behavior has become physically more intimidating to her.  But, both Dan and Karen insist that they are happy with their situation and that this behavior is consensual.  Despite their assurances, you can’t help but be concerned about the boundary between consensual behavior and intimate partner violence.  

Today, Karen comes to the session in visible pain from an injury to her arm, which she sustained when Dan shoved her and she stumbled and fell.

Using the 8-step decision-making model, determine whether or not you would intervene in this situation as an example of intimate partner violence.  Document specifically how the major values described in the readings (justice, autonomy, beneficence, etc.) influence your decision.  It is most important here to ‘show your work’ in each step.  Documentation is everything in an ethical dilemma, so be thorough and thoughtful, remembering that this documentation could be subpoenaed into court proceedings.

week 6 + 7 discussion


Week 6 Discussion: Continue Your Discussion

Literature Searches

This week you looked at how to conduct an effective literature review and created an action plan to help you begin that work. Choose one of the following for your initial post:

Share how the Literature Review Action Plan helped you think about and plan your literature review. What was of most value to you that others might learn from?

Discuss questions or challenges you have with searching for literature. What support can you seek to answer your questions? What topics in the literature will you use to formulate your own literature search?

  • As we wrap up this week and our work on conducting a literature review, share which resources were immediately relevant to your project and why.
  • Response Guidelines
  • As you respond to your classmates, share your ideas, experiences, and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Don’t forget, you can love or like their posts too. When writing your post:

Do not create your post as a reply to a pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.

Label your post with the hashtag for the week (#Week 6) so others can sort posts by the week’s topic.

If you wish, include links to credible professional or scholarly articles, videos, images, or other Web resources to support your post or provide examples.

  • You may also choose to create a slideshow or use audio or video as your discussion post.
  • Week 7 Discussion: Continue Your Discussion
  • Ethical Standards

MY TOPIC / PROJECT  ” Navigating Change in Healthcare Environments ” 

This week you focused on planning for ethical challenges. For this discussion, choose one of the following as the basis of your post:

Discuss ethical concerns you see in your project. How will you address or prevent them?

After reviewing the Campus resources, were you surprised by the scope of ethical concerns that can emerge during a project? Discuss what particularly surprised you and how you might modify your question, topic, or methods to avoid ethical challenges.

As we wrap up this week, what lingering questions or concerns do you have about ethical challenges? How might you get support to address those questions or concerns?