Project One Planning Document First Draft



You have identified an issue in the natural sciences and developed an  initial research question. In Modules Three and Four, you will practice  evaluating scientific sources and then identify and describe sources  related to your topic. As you investigate your topic through these  sources, you will revisit your research question and make adjustments.


In this first draft, you will identify appropriate resources related  to your issue and begin to analyze them and compile your reference list.  You will complete the first two critical elements (introduction and  body) of Project Part One, and you will complete a draft of the  conclusion in Modules Five and Six. You will also begin building  critical element IV, the reference list, in this draft.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Introduction: In this section, you will discuss  your natural science issue and select resources that you can use to  research the issue. This will lead you to the development of a research  question related to your issue. Specifically, you should: 

Describe the issue in the natural sciences that you  have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant? (You  identified this issue in Module One, but how would you revise this piece  now that you have received instructor feedback and investigated your  sources?)

Describe at least three science resources that you  could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be  relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for  the issue. In your Question, consider questions such as: What are  the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What  makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What  was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did  you make choices?

Based on your review of science resources, develop a specific question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?

  1. Body: In this section, you will use the natural  science resources that you selected to investigate your question,  focusing on an appropriate audience and the scientific principles  related to the issue. Make sure to cite your sources. Based on your  research: 

Identify an audience that would be interested in  your issue and the question you developed. For example, who would  benefit most from hearing your message, or who could best help in  addressing the issue?

Describe how and why you can tailor your message to  your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your  audience understand scientific terminology and principles, or will you  need to explain them? How will you communicate effectively with your  audience?

Identify the natural science principle(s)  that apply to your question and issue. For example, if your issue is  global climate change, the principle you might identify is that the sun  is the primary source of energy for Earth’s climate system.

  1. Explain how the principle(s) you  identified apply to your issue and question. In other words, how are the  natural science principle(s) you identified relevant to your question  and issue?

Final Project Proposal


Final Project Proposal


This is an individual effort assignment from each student in the course.


The Final Project Proposal is a written submission in which students identify and discuss the issue(s) surrounding their chosen themes/topics and propose a program, initiative, or activity that will address those issues. For example, a student from a previous semester chose the theme of Climate Change and Natural Disasters for his project package. For the Final Project Product Proposal, he discussed how climate change affects agriculture in South and Central America. Within the proposal, he identified the issue and causes, prior attempts and deficiencies in addressing the issue, and proposed the solution of enhancing global awareness through art (making information pertaining to climate change more appealing and interesting for a targeted audience). 

Sample Final Project 

Final Project Proposal TemplateActions

Students are required to submit drafts of the Final Project Product Proposal for feedback before submitting the final draft of the proposal.

Part 1:

The problem to be addressed

  • Problem subtopic

Possible causes and maintaining forces

Background and Justification

  • Part 2:

Newly proposed deliverable


Here are the recommended completion steps:

View the provided example and the sample template.

The student should select a global healthcare-related topic that truly interests them; they should not feel confined in this process. However, check with the instructor to confirm this topic is “OK.”

Identify a problem within that topic area, and then, write that problem as a research question. <<<<< Take time with this step. Historically, this is what students have struggled with the most. Here is a very brief example:

Topic = WNBA Basketball

  • Problem = There are not as many teams as the NBA so there is a limited variety of matchups.

Research question/subtopic = Based on past research, what are the major hurdles that are delaying the expansion of the WNBA?

  • Write part 1 mentioned above.
  • Identify a possible solution to the research question and substantiate why this is unique and better than previous solutions to the problem.
  • *NOTE: This will be the catalyst for the dynamic deliverable. For example, If your solution to the lack of teams in the WNBA is to write an NBA bylaw that requires NBA teams to also have a “sister” WNBA team. The dynamic deliverable would be that bylaw. If your solution is to have a TV campaign to encourage fans to write letters to NBA owners (who don’t have a WNBA team) and encourage them to start one, the dynamic deliverable would be an original video of that TV commercial.
  • Write part 2 mentioned above.
  • Review to ensure all the required subheadings, from the template, are included and covered.  

Example themes/topics/global health problems may include (but are not limited to):

  • Obesity & Heart Disease

Food/Water Insecurity, Hunger, & Poverty

Medical Tourism

  1. Climate Change & Natural Disasters
  2. Abortion & Family Planning
  3. Universal Healthcare vs. Private Sector Insurance-based Payers

Health & Wellbeing for Nations at War/Unrest

  1. Vaccinations, Genetic Testing, Autism & Developmental Disabilities
  2. Global Health Security & Preparedness for Aggressive Communicable Diseases
  3. LGBT Community Health
  4. Cancer
  5. Euthanasia / Death & Dying 

Product Management university of maryland Project management theory


1.During your interview process for the position of Project Manager you are asked to explain the relationship between cost, schedule, and performance. What is your answer to the interview panel? – (5 points)

2.For your final question the interviewer asks you to explain the definition of a project and how work on a project differs from ongoing operations. How would you answer the interviewer? (5 points)

3.You’re the project manager on a fixed price project. Is it feasible to use an agile approach in managing the team’s activities? Provide reasoning for your stance and discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of doing so.(5 points)

4.As a newly hired program manager you have a meeting to meet all your project managers and learn about the current status of their projects. As your discussion continues with one of your PMs, you find out that one of the reasons their project is behind schedule is because the PM claims that the program has been forced to do a lot of work and reporting that isn’t necessary for this type of project. You ask your PM if they attempted to tailor the work and reporting requirements. Your PM simply asks you what tailoring is (5 points) and how it could have helped prevent this issue (5 points). What is your response?

5.You are in the planning phase of a new project and are starting to work with your team to create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). How would you explain to the team what a WBS is and why we have one on a project? (5 points) What issues might a project face if it did not have a WBS? (5 points)

6.You are a project manager leading a cross-functional project team in a weak matrix environment. None of your project team members report to you functionally and you do not have the ability to directly reward their performance. The project is difficult, involving tight date constraints and challenging quality standards. What type(s) of project management power will likely be the most effective in this circumstance? (5 points)

7.While explaining how matrix organizations support program/projects to your project manager, it becomes obvious they know nothing about different organization structures and who is responsible for various activities under each structure. How do you explain to your PM the types of organization structures and differences between the responsibilities of the project manager from that of the functional manager in the execution of a project in each organization type? (5 points) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different organizational types. (5 points)

8.Your fellow project manager tells you they are about to start a new project but are unsure about the phases. Explain to them the phases of the project management lifecycle (5 points) and the purpose of each phase (5 points).

9.What is the most interesting or helpful thing you have learned so far this semester and what upcoming topic is of most interest to you? (5 points)

Graphic Design Question


Part 1

Look at this poster. Respond in a short paragraph with your analysis of the following:

Is there a grid in this poster? If so, elaborate

  • Talk about the alignment

Talk about the number of colors

  • Talk about the number of fonts
  • How many different sizes of type are there?
  • What do you notice about the symmetry/asymmetry?
  • Does the treatment of visual elements create a pleasant/sophisticated presentation?
  • image.png
  • Write your analysis down. Do some research and find another Swiss-type poster similar to this. 
  • Embed the poster you found and find similarities and differences between them.

Come back and respond to two friends. Talk about their findings and say what you find interesting in them.

Peer post 1. 

Yes their is a grid. The lines that are creating the heaxgons help to create the grid. The main set a words are aglined to the right with the first letter starts in the middle. The second set of words is aliged to the left with smaller text. Their are three colors Red, Black, and Cream. It has one constant font. Their is three to four different type of font sizes. Their is a mix of symmetry and asymmetry the shapes are creating asymmetry but the words are creating symmtery. It does create pleasant/sophisticated it shows off the skills of the desginer. 

  1. poster disscuion .webp
  2. Similaries:
  3. The color patellate is very similar

font ans text 


The design

The way the words are placed on the page 

Peer post 2.

Yes, there is a grid in this poster. We know that there is a grid because of how the points of each hexagon align with one another. The hexagons are aligned side by side with one another while alternating colors. There are three colors: red, black, and an off-white. These colors work against each other, offering a visually interesting form of contrast. There is only one font that is being used in this poster. However, there are also varying sizes (3 sizes) for specific lines of text in order to organize information. The shapes on the poster are symmetrical. However, the symmetry breaks when the design reaches the edge of the page, making the design unpredictable. This poster gives off a sophisticated feel because of the colors chosen and its simple design. 

  • image.png
  • The poster above is similar to the example because they both share symmetrical attributes and follow a grid. There are 3 colors: black, beige, and orange. Much like the example poster, the colors chosen to offer a unique sense of contrast. The pattern is predictable because unlike the example poster, there is no deviation from symmetry. There is one font, but two variations in size. Much like the example, it offers a sophisticated but simple feel.

Part 2

Post an interesting design that you saw (either in person or online) and write a little paragraph about why you found it to be interesting. The visual can be an ad, a billboard, a poster, basically any kind of a designed image

Develop a research-based policy statement for your setting that addresses a human resources issue for the LGBT


Develop a research-based policy statement for your setting that addresses a human resources issue for the LGBT population.

Expand All


Practicing psychologists are often hired to consult with organizational policy-makers; and to develop intervention plans, sensitivity training, and policy implementation programs for government, business, education, industries, and health care organizations.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

How does the understanding of perceiving persons and attribution bias help you in your personal or professional life?

What theories could be applied to reduce prejudice, discrimination, or sexism in your professional setting?

What factors influence the link between attitudes and behavior?


  • Read the Assessment 2 Context document for information about the subject of this assessment.
  • Use the Capella library and the Internet to research current LGBT workplace legislation: hiring, firing, and retention, promotional opportunity, health insurance, or parenting leave. Some suggested keywords for searches include a combination of LGBT and: protection in the workplace; inclusion; self-concept; self-esteem; self-efficacy; normalization; discrimination; social support; and perceived stress in sexual minorities.
  • Use this template to complete your assessment.

Policy Statement Template [DOC] Download Policy Statement Template [DOC].

The deliverable for this assessment is a research-based policy statement. Sample policy statements and templates are available on many websites, if you wish use them as guides.

The purpose of a policy statement is to state acceptable methods or behaviors in an organization. Essentially, a policy states the organizational values and how those values relate to the organization’s purpose.


Assume the role in the scenario described below.


You are a consulting organizational psychologist. You have been retained to develop a new policy for the LGBT population in your professional setting (or for a setting from your experience.)

  • Deliverable

Propose a research-based policy for one specific issue regarding the LGBT population for a setting.

For example, propose a new policy for hiring, firing, and retention, promotional opportunity, health insurance, or parenting leave.

Identify the professional setting related to your experience.

The Policy Statement should be two pages, maximum.

Brevity does not mean this assessment lacks academic rigor. Disciplined, succinct writing requires thorough knowledge of the subject and excellent writing skills.

Address each of the following elements in your policy statement, using the template provided:

Analyze research related to concepts of self-esteem, self-concept, self-presentation, and self-efficacy for the LGBT population.

Integrate social psychology principles and research to propose an LGBT policy for a workplace.

Analyze how the proposed policy and current workplace legislation reflect social psychology principles.

How does the research-based proposed policy meet the requirements of current laws?

How do laws reflect principles of social psychology?

Evaluate the implications of a new policy for the organization and individuals.

How will this new policy be perceived by others in the organization?

How will this affect the organizational culture?

What suggestions do you have for addressing resistance or changing the culture?

Support positions with references from scholarly and professional literature.

Government Housing Programs Essay


Discussion 6 Chapters 11 & 12

Mar 16



March 16, 2024

BRE-126 Real Estate finance

Huber, W

Chapters 11 & 12


The overview of Chapter 11 is learning the government programs like Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Veterans Affairs (VA) Loans. “Neither FHA nor VA makes loans “directly” to the public. The FHA insures, but the VA guarantees loans made by “appropriate lenders.” (Huber, 2017, p. 289) Neither FHA nor VA loans are included in the secondary market. Some things they do not do is Buy loans or sell loan-backed securities. On the contrary, FHA is viewed as a federal insurance agency whereas VA acts as a guarantor to protect the approved lenders against borrower’s defaults.

Key Concept from Chapter 11

One thing I learned from reading Chapter 11 is that in 1934 FHA was created by Congress. Its purpose was to create new jobs through building. To increase the mortgage market and to show that financing is available, repair and sale of real estate exists. “The FHA’S primary function is to insure loans, FHA “approved lenders” are insured against losses caused by borrower default” (Huber, 2017, p. 291). One of the many insurance programs that they are joined with is called Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP).

Key Concept from Chapter 12

In chapter 12 we learned about the advantages and disadvantages of a lease option. The advantage of a lease option is that the seller is receiving income from the property. The disadvantage is that the seller cannot sell the property to anyone other than those who are renting during the time of the lease. “The lease/option is used only when it seems unlikely that other offers will be forthcoming in the near future” (Huber, 2017, p. 323). The seller cannot engage in utilizing the property during the term of the lease.

Key Concept from Chapter 11

The second concept that I learned in Chapter 11 is an FHA loan term is between a 15–30-year period. FHA also offers adjustment loans and home repair loans which is a 203 (k) loan. FHA conventional rates are typically lower than any other loans but the risk from the lender is less because of the FHA mortgage insurance. “Unlike Conventional Loans, FHA loans are fully assembled without any increase in interest rates. A lender is prohibited from exercising any “due sale” clause on a transfer” (Huber, 2017, p.293).


by Celene Cruz

After reading these chapters it has been an eye-opener to when I purchased our home on understanding why FHA was not the best fit for us at the time. Seeing the breakdown of the requirements, and the legal documentation behind it makes a lot more sense. Moving forward as I am preparing myself to become a real estate agent, I am eager to learn more about these home loan programs because I am sure it will be in the state exam. As well as it will be brought up in the field.

Santa Monica College art final 1


Create an artwork that is stylistically or conceptually linked to an artist, artwork or movement that has been discussed over the course of the semester. This project does not necessarily require artistic skill in the traditional sense (you don’t need to be able to paint like an Old Master). You can choose any medium including paint, collage, photography, performance, video, music or anything else that comes to mind. If the work is too large to bring to class then a slide or photograph of the artwork/event will suffice. The work must in some way address a historical figure, artwork, style, theme, philosophy, event or movement that has been studied in this class.

Your work should address these issues from a fresh perspective. The goal is not to reproduce a work or idea from the past but to interpret or critique it in a subjective manner that sheds new light on an older idea. In support of your visual arts project you will be required to turn in a one-page artist’s statement that explains why you chose the subject and what you intended to communicate to the viewer. Feel free to discuss your ideas with me in advance. Your grade for this project will be based on the conceptual strength of the project and not the beauty or skill required to create the work.


Curator in museum

Are you a Curator?

What does a curator do? He or she comes up with ideas for exhibitions that they think are important or interesting to the public, selects the artworks for display, writes brochures or wall labels, and sometimes give tours of the exhibition. Imagine that you have been given this job and the director of your museum has asked you to come up with a concept for an art exhibition that includes at least five works of art that were either discussed in the lectures or in your textbook. The works in your exhibition must support a common theme or idea that you think would be compelling for the public but should not need to be of the same time period, style, or by a single artist. Be creative and message me with your concept so in advance so that I may approve it before you get too far along.

Once you have decided on the artworks to be displayed, create either an exhibition brochure or film/record yourself giving a tour of the show. If you choose the exhibition brochure, it must include at 500 words of text explaining the theme and why each work was selected. If you film yourself giving a tour, you must do it in a format that can be be shared. For both options, be sure to explain why you made the choices you did and how the works relate to each other.

PSY1010 Touchstone 32- Workplace Styles


SCENARIO: Monica and Jennifer are coworkers that have been assigned to work on a project together. Jennifer is very organized and wants her and Monica to do really well on this project. To get started, Jennifer took some initiative and prepared a list of to-do items along with the due dates. She even color-coded the list to indicate who will do which item. Shortly after, Jennifer sends an email to Monica with the to-do list attached. Jennifer wants her partner to know that she is serious about their success.

Monica is happy her teammate has shown initiative but is surprised by Jennifer’s to-do list and feels a bit uncomfortable as she is feeling like Jennifer is micromanaging her. Monica wants to do her part on the project but is feeling anxious because she doesn’t know where she fits in. Monica is worried about working on the project. She wonders if she can succeed in this project since Jennifer is already the leader. Prior to this situation, Monica worked for a separate employer who asked her to work on a similar project. She felt anxious about her ability to successfully complete the project and attempted to communicate her feelings with a co-worker. However, her co-worker didn’t seem to understand Monica’s concerns and said that she should just ignore her feelings and get the work done.

As Monica ponders having a conversation with Jennifer, she starts to feel overwhelmed and thinks it might just be easier to be removed from the project.

ASSIGNMENT: Now, it is time to practice the skills and concepts that you have learned to help your friend Monica navigate through a difficult workplace situation. Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skill, as well as what you have learned about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions in this case study assignment. Remember, you are to help Monica calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem. 

Assignment (use the attached template)

DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following four questions in 5-7 sentences each:

  1. What are the “Big 5” personality traits? Name and describe each of them, using specific details and information from the case study and course lessons.
  2. Consider the different approaches to the project taken by both Monica and Jennifer. On which of the Big 5 personality traits do they most differ? Discuss these differences in their personality traits.
  3. Using what you learned about emotions, what advice would you give to Monica? Describe a specific strategy that Monica can use to manage her emotions and successfully complete the project. 
  4. If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Monica faced? What past experiences or knowledge influence your answer? Explain how your experience or knowledge can resolve a similar workplace conflict.

Analyze literary works from world cultures



You, the traveler, will demonstrate what you have learned in the literature level of the campaign by composing a codex (slideshow) on a topic that correlates with the literature level. You will analyze a specific piece of literature; a poem, or a short story (found at the Reading Selections link below), and compose a slideshow displaying, analyzing, and showing a justification of your interpretation (in the form of quotes from the text). Convince your audience your interpretation is valid. In your analysis, include a short summary of the work including characters, setting, and plot. To prove your overall mastery, discuss the overall theme, the symbols and what they represent. Additionally include your interpretations of the work, what the work is criticizing, explaining, and /or demonstrating. Once again to ensure your mastery and that your interpretation is valid, use evidence from the work in the form of quotes (minimum of 4). Be sure to use proper vocabulary and terminology of the literary devices used and analyzed within the works.

The ability to analyze, extrapolate, and share data/information will be key in any industry as it shows the ability for critical and independent thinking. Likewise, it shows the development of soft skills such as using computerized presentation software, creating files, documenting source information, and being able to organize information in a coherent manner.


In this assignment you will:

Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.

Articulate how these works express the values of the individual and society within an historical and social context.

Demonstrate an awareness of the creative process and why humans create.

Demonstrate critical thinking skills (CT), such as creative thinking, innovation, and inquiry, and analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information.

Demonstrate communication skills (COM) such as effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written and visual communication. 

  • Create a mini slideshow for a piece of literature so they can see different art in multiple forms of the humanities (artwork, literature, music) which will help students to realize the there is more than just one type of literature in the world and the significance of that literature on various levels.


You can embark on the next level of your journey in the humanities by showing you have mastered Module 5. To conquer level 5, you must present your findings by showing you have learned and interacted with elders from the literature module. Only by understanding how literary advancements shape and influence a culture will you be able to take those tools to the next level of the course of the defense of the humanities.

View and select a reading selection.

You will upload a slideshow presentation into Canvas for grading.

Listen to the Module 5 Mastery Assessment Instructions

APA format 7


For your first written assignment, you will have to review the case study and complete a conceptualization using the following questions below:

Camila is a 17-year-old, who identifies as non-binary and multicultral. She is currently in her senior year of high school and has been having thoughts of suicide for the past few days, however no plan, intent, or means. She recently was rejected from from prom date about 2 months ago, due to him wanting to take another person, who happens to be her best friend. Camila stated that her best friend is not interested, however, she is still hurt that this is even happening.

Camila is a B+ student, who works a few hours at a pet shop, as she is inspired to be a veterinarian. Camilia also volunteers in her community Boys and Girls Club a few hours out the month as well, as she likes to support children and meet new people. 

Camila lives with her mother and maternal grandmother, her father is in jail for committing a crime. Camila shared that she has a “somewhat” close relationship with her mother and grandmother, however, they want her to focus more on her education, and not “relationships.” Camila shared that she finds it difficult to talk to her family about her issues because they believe she is “dramatic” and “focused on the wrong things.” Camila shared that when she seeks validation for her looks and good grades throughout her life, she is often ignored or never met with praise. Camila has found herself crying to sleep, struggling to eat, feeling disinterested in her goals for college, and lonely which has intensified since the day she was rejected from her prom date. 

Camila shared that she has been having thoughts of suicide because she “does not feel worth anything anymore to anyone.” Camila has decided to speak with the school counselor to discuss the matter, due to her making a note about not wanting to live, and another student finding it; that causes concern for the school and her family. 

Based on the case study, Discuss the symptoms related to the case study, and how you would consider assessing the client using the following measurements:

What, if you believe should Camila be diagnosed with at this time? Why? Justify the diagnosis that you choose based on chapter readings and literature.

What are the psychosocial factors impacting Camila?

  1. What assessment would you use to determine what the client has been going through? Hint: Columbia Suicide Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
  2. What strengths or abilities do Camila have, if any and how can they assist her with getting through her current problem? 
  3. What would be the next best steps to take a clinician now that Camila has support from the school counselor and family?