text me before doing this

Question Description

you have to read a book to answer these questions also there is these questions. text me

  1. Ehrenreich “Nickle and Dimed” pp.395-402/Comprehension #1-3 & Rhetoric Questions #1-6
  2. Packer “The Broken Contract: Inequality and American Decline” pp.53-62/ Comprehension Questions #1-3 & Rhetoric Questions #1-

what violations of humans rights listed in the ICCPR were faced by Dolores Huerta and/or her colleagues in their struggle for the rights of farmworkers?

Question Description

need an answer to this question for a paper due tomorrow:

what violations of humans rights listed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights were faced by Dolores Huerta and/or her colleagues in their struggle for the rights of farmworkers?

Week 5 DQ#1- Rob

Question Description

Week 5 Discussion Question #1

Please answer the following Question in a minimum of 100 words.

How is disability experienced differently by ethnic subgroups of older adults in the US. Why?

Remember to support your responses with citations and references as appropriate.

Prenatal Development

Question Description

Describe relevant theories that relate to development and prenatal development.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations. Apply relevant topics and resources you have located and read.

solid academic writing is expected

Please provide 1-3 pages

summary of a video

Question Description

3 paragraphs double spaced per

Its all about the article I have included.

the directions on how to work it is on the picture that I have included it is detailed to every paragraph.

thank you again.

Iwill provide like with video when accepting

need 300 word answer

Question Description


Need a 300 word answer to this question. The framers clearlyenvisioned a smaller role for the national government than what ispresently the case. How have society and technology changed to allow orrequire greater national government control over the state?

Central American Revolutionary Figure

Question Description

Prepare a 5 page paper on a Central American revolutionary figure. Write about why this individual was important to the history of revolutionary movements. What was this person’s role and how did they impulse a struggle for the masses?

Week 4 DQ#2- Rob

Question Description

Week 4 DQ #2

Please answer the following Question in a minimum of 100 words.

How will the “greying of the population” impact gerontological services? What role does funding play in this picture?

Remember to support your responses with citations as appropriate.

A mind at a time

Question Description

Does anyone have or have read the book “A Mind at a Time”? I have an assignment on it, and do not have the book. The assignment is in the files section below. I need Reflection number 1 done.

Who can help me with a history discussion of 6 questions and an opinion paper?

Question Description

My 6 questions just have to be answered with 5 sentences each.

My paper must be 3 pages MLA format Times New Roman double space.

It is an opinion paper on what ever topic you choose from the chapter.