Need help with a 250 word political science hw.

Question Description

Hi, you did the discussion post for me on the same topic. This time i just need a 250 word hw on the same topic and you have to take the same position you took on the post. Please look at the pictures attached for the instructions.

Your Ideal Human Service Agency

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Which theories or approaches are appropriate for your dream human service agency?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 75 words each:

what’s the disadvantage of the theories chosen ?

Is ideal realistic ?

Exam 4.6 in read class

Question Description

Help me write written questions posted directly in chat once i have chosen you. I will post the questions once i have chosen you in chat. help me identified questions such as critical thinking and weak sense critical thinking. Also the difference between descriptive and prescriptive issues.

3 short essay papers on ethics (300 words each)

Question Description

1) Nursing Code of Ethics –

-choose 1 provisions and write a 300 word essay on it.

2) A Death of One’s Own Movie –

3) Bad Medicine – talk about the ethics around doctors who preform botched surgeries – 300 words

Depression Discussion 2

Question Description

Select a scientific paper from a journal. The paper should be associated with Depression.

Write a summary that properly captures the idea and finding of the paper.

Make it 200-250 words on this.

APA fomarting please

Make sure you index your source paper in the reference section.

400 word APA format post

Question Description

400 word APA format post explaining:

  • What are the three most pervasive issues confronting parents as they attempt to raise healthy and godly children today?
  • In what ways are these issues hurting the next generation? Consider the emotional, cognitive, spiritual, psychological, behavioral, and physiological consequences.

facility management video

Question Description

for this assignment watch the video and answer the question. Please respond with 200 words.

From Activity #1

What three (3) things that did learn about facility management from the video you watched that you hadn’t thought of in relation to your camp prior to this activity.

Geo 206 help

Question Description


I need hel on this assignment . Can you help me please? It is not hard but due to my busy schedule, it is hard for me. I need this done in less than 2 hour.

Please be efficient in Geography. The class is really hard

Key Terms and Concepts/APA Assignment

Question Description

Key Terms and Concepts/APA Assignment

familiarize you with key terms and concepts related to child development and child assessment, in order to guide your efforts towards completion of the Observation Assessment (See Observational Assignments packet), as well as to familiarize you with proper APA formatting.

attached assignment .

Your Core Values Discussion

Question Description

Select one of your core values and write 1-2 paragraphs where you:

(1) identify the value and explain why it is important to you and

    (2) tell how you developed this as a core value.

    (3) demonstrate proper capitalization and use of apostrophes

    (4) demonstrate basic sentence and paragraph structure