DB Assignment #8

Question Description

Discussion Board Question Assignment #8

Explain to me how physiological factors work in the development of a psychopath.

When discussing the nervous system aspects of psychopaths, be sure to also explain whether these criminals are actually the same as portrayed in movies or on television. Explain why or why not.

A good news letter

Question Description

For extra points for my class The prompt is

“The instructions is like say I applied for a security job and your writing a positive letter just one page saying I am hired and I received the job offer “

A page will be enough.

Write it as a letter.

complete the assignment from the powerpoint

Question Description

make the answer clear and professional also make it anonymous and do not use names, consider all aspects of a sponsor when trying to answer and lease explain your decision. check the power point it has all the steps and the important things you should think of.

posting your discussion and answer a question for one of your peers.

Question Description

Read the article “What Art Entrepreneurship Isn’t” in the journal below, In 1 page discuss the article, write a definition of Arts Entrepreneurship and ask a question about the reading.

After posting your discussion you, to the best of your ability, answer a question for one of your peers.

A verbatim script

Question Description

A verbatim script of the spoken parts of your presentation is required in order to meet the Universal Access requirements for online learning courses. Each person should be responsible for typing up their portion of the videoed presentation, and then all should be combined into one word document.

Compare and contrast the leadership styles of FDR and Hitler? What made both effective leaders despite their political differences?

Question Description

What conditions made people give their support to fascist leaders? What were the advantages and disadvantages of being under fascist rule? 150 words; 2 sources

Compare and contrast the leadership styles of FDR and Hitler? What made both effective leaders despite their political differences? 150 words; 2 sources

Sleeping Disorders

Question Description

For this discussion post: Select a sleep disorder – insomnia, sleep apnea, sleepwalking narcolepsy. Describe the sleep disorder and possible causes that may lead to the sleep disorder. Considering the possible causes and the information you read about the disorder, what are some possible treatments?

Include citations and references.

1.5 page Summary for English (BLANCH)

Question Description

Length: 1.5 to 2 pages

Times New Roman

MLA format

Topic Choices:

1) Describe an issue that you feel strongly about and why it is important.

2) What do you like/dislike and why?

3) What are your goals for this semester?

4) What is your college major and why?

Humanities Short Task (MCCLENDON)

Question Description

Please view the instructions below…there can be no plagiarism at all…make sure follow all instructions

Create a timeline about Air Force One

Question Description

Hi I need to create a timeline about the Air Force One. Here are two websites that I found some information.



I am attaching some examples from previous students. Please let me know what software (example powerpoint) you used when doing it.