Neo-Classical Art And Romanticism

Question Description

Write a two to three page essay discussing how the artwork of your choice reflects the typical values and characteristics of Romantic or Neo-classical art.

Provide a brief background on the artist as well as a description of the work.

Include observation of a few stylistic elements to produce a convincing argument.

World Literature Before 1660 Quiz on Style Sheet

Question Description

Quiz on Style Sheet

A total of 8 questions, the answer must follow the rules on the Style Sheet, otherwise it will not score.

Books that may be used: The Norton Anthology of World Literature, vols. A, B, C, 4th ed., Martin Puchner, general editor (ISBN 9780393602814). New York: 2018.

according to readings to define terms

Question Description

you have to find the definitions of the terms from the reading, you can not just translate by vocabularies and you need to quote after you find the definition.

here is the terms you need to define






Disability Rhetoric

Identity-First Language

Medical Model of Disability


Person-First Language


Social Model of Disability

Transmission Model of Communication

Protagoras’s relativism and Socrates’s dialectic method in terms of what is assumed about the nature of Truth.

Question Description

Discuss the differences between Protagoras’s relativism and Socrates’s dialectic method in terms of what is assumed about the nature of Truth. Each philosopher has his own conception of what is truth, and that conception drives his methodology.

You should have a minimum of 100 words for your initial post

intention and reflection journal

Question Description

intention journal and a reflection journal both should be a page each, its related to the previous journals. follow the instructions attached in the bottom of the page journals 5-12. I need the intention journal in 6 hours and the reflection journal you have up to 2 days.

Complete American Literature FINAL TWICE

Question Description

Two students have the same class and both have the finals due in American Lit.

Please save the answers after the first student since the exams are the same

I look up most of the answers from quizlet or coursehero, but DO NOT PLAGIARIZE ANYTHING!!!!!


paraphrasing a part of article

Question Description


You will find all the requirements and the questions in the word file.

I sent you 2 files that are the main source, but when you are answering, don’t copy from them, just bring another resources to have a reference. I am required to have at least 3 refrences.

Thank you

read the articles and answer the questions

Question Description

Does knowledge have intrinsic value, or does it need to have a practical use to have value?

Question Description

My essay would be analyzing the philosophical question above and how it relates to the article from NYT (I have attached it below). I have also attached the sample of an A essay and the instruction. Thank you!!

The essay should follow MLA style and have at least 4 pages.

DB Assignment #7

Question Description

Discussion Board Question Assignment #7

Discuss some of the more common mental disorders that are associated with criminality. In particular, explain to me how Antisocial Personality Disorder is related to criminality.

Explain a couple of other disorders and their relationship with criminality. Be detailed.

At lest 250 words and 1 in-test citation