Week 9 RSH Discussion + Project


Discussion Question 

This week’s focus is qualitative research methods and how researchers apply them to understand how particular groups or individuals experience specific phenomena. Please post something to the discussion board related to the content covered this week.

Note: Do not create your post as a reply to the pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.

Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:

Consider a research topic you are passionate about. What kinds of biases might you bring to conducting research on this topic? How might you be incorporate reflexivity into your research approach?

Some fields have a greater appreciation for qualitative methods than others (for example, the hard sciences generally don’t engage in qualitative work). What do you feel your discipline’s general attitude toward qualitative research is, based on your reading of the literature or your personal experience?

Response Guidelines

As you respond to your classmates, share your experiences and anecdotal feedback regarding their posts. How have your personal experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Consider exploring the features of Yellowdig, such as your ability to embed videos and pictures, create polls and videos, use hashtags, love or like a post, and so on.

resources / references https://conjointly.com/kb/

Instructions Project 

As a reminder, your topic must be related to WORKPLACE WELLBEING

  • This assignment requires that you use your accumulated knowledge about the elements of research. In this final project, you will create a proposal for how you might study the topic selected for this quarter, either qualitatively or quantitatively.
  • A PowerPoint template has been provided for you to outline your ideas. Each slide has a major heading that focuses on the given research component. The major headings are accompanied by subheadings that signal the main points to be addressed. As this is a PowerPoint presentation, you are not asked to provide a full narrative, but rather clear and concise bullet points in brief sentence style, demonstrating your understanding of each aspect of the plan. Please use accurate APA style and format for this assignment including citations and references. Detailed instructions for this assignment are embedded in the PowerPoint template. Please follow the instructions and remove the instructions from the final assignment submission.

You may want to use the articles provided for the Week 3 and Week 6 assignments. You should also use the course textbook and any additional scholarly sources you choose to support your proposal. See Program Library Research GuidesLinks to an external site., Reviewing the LiteratureLinks to an external site., and Library HelpLinks to an external site. for guidance.

Competencies Measured

Competency 1: Analyze the methodology used in scientific research.

Detail the methods section (for quantitative proposal) OR detail the procedures section (for qualitative proposal).

Competency 2: Evaluate the characteristics, purposes, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of research methods.

Articulate the statement of the problem and the purpose statement.

Articulate the research question (and hypotheses for quantitative proposal).

Explain the theoretical perspective for quantitative proposals OR the philosophical assumptions/worldview for qualitative proposal.

Competency 3: Evaluate ethical issues in research studies.

Articulate anticipated ethical conduct.

Competency 4: Evaluate data collection and analysis strategies based on the characteristics of the research design.

Explain the expected findings for the given topic.

Competency 5: Examine the appropriate application of scientific research methodology.

Create a complete and appropriate research proposal outline.

Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members in the identified field of study.

LAVC Philosophy Plato and Descrates Discussion post


Plato and Descartes are paradigmatic rationalists. As such, both Plato and Descartes think the nature of knowledge and its acquisition are rational, and the nature of reality is non-empirical.  We saw how Plato takes seriously the commitment to an objective, fixed truth, which is exhibited in Forms. Knowledge, on Plato’s view, is the complete grasp of a Form. Both the Divided Line and Allegory of the Cave are intended to show the relationship between knowledge and reality. We also saw how Descartes uses methodic doubt to arrive at the (purely rational) certainty of the ‘I think.’

As with all our discussion work, there are two parts to this forum. First, you’re going to respond to the prompt I provide. Once you do that, you can see others’ responses. At that point, you can complete the second part, which involves using the second prompt I provide to reply to a classmate’s post. 

General Instructions

Please consult the Discussion Rubric for some general writing guidelines.

Think of all your discussion work as part of your essay exam preparation. Interacting with the text, your classmates, and me should aid the development of your understanding of the material, as well as provide you with practice articulating your thinking about the text.

Pay attention to spelling and grammar, which are essential tools for doing philosophy. Precision in word choices and sentence structures also aid in the clear and coherent presentation of ideas and arguments.

NOTE: Each part of the discussion is worth 5 points, for a total of 10 points.

As a reminder, your initial post is due on Saturday before midnight; your peer reply is due Sunday before midnight

Part I Instructions and Prompt

  • You are going to conduct edits on a response generated by ChatGPT. It is important that you follow the editing format I used in this sample, which involves striking through text and using colored font for the new text. (These features are common in Word and Google Docs.)

Below you’ll see the options. Click on the link associated with the option you choose.

  • You’ll see the ChatGPT-generated answer to the relevant prompt (which is also included on the linked page).
  • Copy the text and paste it into a Word or Google doc (or similar word processing program). Please note that Canvas doesn’t seem to preserve colored font, so either you have to recolor the edited text in Canvas’s text box, or do what I’ve done, which is highlight edited text in bold italics.
  • Edit the text using the formatting style in the sample I provided via this link. (Strikethrough text to be delighted and use bold italics for new text.) Edit for the following:

Grammar (clarity)

  • Word choices (sharpness of conceptual focus)

Coherence (flow of reasoning; explanations of technical terms)

Relevant text (i.e., get rid of anything inessential to the philosophical concepts, e.g., biographical info.)

Below the edit, type up the “clean” copy, i.e., no edit marks.

Copy the entire work (marked-up ChatGPT product and your clean copy) into the discussion field. You shouldn’t have any issues with the formatting copying over, but if you do, the strike-through and other tools are available in the discussion text field.

  1. Your completed edit should run to roughly 300 words.

Choose ONE of the following options:

  1. Explain Plato’s theory of the divided line.
  2. Explain Plato’s the allegory of the cave.
  3. Explain Descartes’s dream argument, ending with the possibility of the evil genius.
  4. Explain the passage in Descartes’s second meditationending with, “I am, I exist, must be true whenever I assert it or think it.”

Week 7 Discussion-Reply Post


Please respond to the following classmate post for this weeks discussion.

The Cold War was a period of open but restricted rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies. This nuanced conflict was characterized by political, economic, and propaganda competition, with limited use of weapons (Britannica, 2024). This era witnessed heightened tensions and ideological differences between the superpowers, leading to prolonged geopolitical maneuvering and strategic competition. Concurrently, international communist expansion, characterized by efforts to spread communist ideology and influence beyond national borders, posed a significant challenge to Western interests. The constant threat of communist expansion prompted the United States and its allies to implement various policies and strategies to counteract these efforts. 

The Marshall Plan, an initiative proposed by Secretary of State George Marshall in 1947, was a highly effective policy for thwarting international communist expansion during the Cold War era. By providing substantial economic aid to war-torn European countries, primarily those vulnerable to communist influence, the United States aimed to rebuild infrastructure, stabilize economies, and foster democratic institutions. This approach successfully countered the appeal of communism by addressing the economic hardships that often fueled support for leftist ideologies. By bolstering the economies of Western European countries, the Marshall Plan not only facilitated their recovery but also served as a deterrent to Soviet attempts at expanding influence through economic instability and political unrest.

The Berlin Airlift, conducted from 1948 to 1949, was a highly effective policy to thwart international communist expansion during the Cold War era. In response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin, the United States and its allies organized a massive airlift operation to supply the city with necessities such as food, fuel, and other essentials. By sustaining West Berlin without military confrontation, the United States effectively demonstrated its commitment to defending democratic principles and thwarting Soviet aggression. This bold action showcased the resolve and resilience of the Western powers, thereby undermining Soviet attempts to assert dominance in the region through coercive tactics. The Berlin Airlift ensured the survival of West Berlin and served as a powerful symbol of the West’s determination to resist communist expansion, bolstering the morale of democratic nations worldwide.

George F. Kennan’s containment strategy was a comprehensive plan to limit the spread of communism through indirect means, avoiding direct military conflict. According to Corbett et al. (2014), Kennan characterized the Soviet Union not as a revolutionary regime but as a totalitarian bureaucracy incapable of accepting peaceful coexistence with the United States. This understanding of Soviet intentions profoundly influenced the development of containment, which sought to prevent the spread of communism through various means. By containing Soviet influence and supporting democratic nations, the United States effectively thwarted international communist expansion while minimizing the risks of an all-out war.

Considering the effectiveness of the Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, and containment strategy, it becomes evident that the United States had legitimate reasons to fear international communist subversion during the Cold War era. The ideological rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, coupled with the aggressive expansionist policies of the Soviet regime, posed significant threats to global stability and democracy. Through strategic initiatives like the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift, as well as the containment strategy, the United States effectively countered communist expansionism. It safeguarded its interests and values on the world stage. Thus, the fears of international communist subversion were justified, given the geopolitical realities and aggressive actions of the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. 

HIST 121 WSU Primary Source Essay


Primary Source Essay 1: 

The Broken Spears and Hernan Cortés’s Letters to Charles V of Spain

Due Date: January 29, 2024, in class. Assignments not turned in during the class period will be considered late.


Over the last three weeks, we have been spending time reading from the Nahuatl language accounts of the encounters between Hernan Cortés and his Spanish soldiers and the Mexica people and subsequent conquest of Tenochtitlan. In this assignment, you will compare and contrast the ways in which moments of the encounter and subsequent conquest were described by the different groups involved. The purpose of this assignment is for students to begin working with primary sources to form a scholarly argument about the past.

Directions: In three to four pages, answer the following question. How do the Nahuatl sources and the Spanish sources represent and discuss the encounter between the Mexicas and the Spanish? How do their representations compare to one another? Both the Broken Spears and Cortés letters have been broken down into vignettes. Please select between one and three of these vignettes and in a formal essay compare and contrast how they represent the encounter and or the subsequent conquest. Your essay should be formatted like a proper historical essay with an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs that use primary source evidence to support the thesis, and a conclusion. All sources must be cited in Chicago Manual of Style Footnotes and the paper must include a bibliography that includes all of the sources used. You are not required to bring in outside research, but you are more than welcome to use the textbook to support your argument.


Time New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced. Footnotes should be single spaced. Please include page numbers on your essay, and all essays should be printed and stapled before turning them in.

* A list of Hernan Cortés letters as well as link to the letters is available on the reverse side of this page.

Link to Hernan Cortés’s Letters to Charles V of Spain:

https://www.historians.org/teaching-and-learning/teaching-resources-for-historians/teaching-and-learning-in-the-digital-age/the-history-of-the-americas/the-conquest-of-mexico/letters-from-hernan-cortesLinks to an external site.

List of Letters and Corresponding Events:

Letter 1:

Part 1: Cortés describes the Country.

Part 2: The Spaniards Describe Indigenous Religion

Letter 2:

38-39: Cortés Defends His Expedition

48-49: Cortés Receives Gold from Caciques

63-64: Moctezuma sends Gold to the Spaniards

58-59: Cortés Meets Xicotencatl, Tlaxcala Chief

64: Cortés Thrilled to Learn of Divisions and Conflicts in Mexico

64-66: Tlaxcalans Urge Cortés to Visit Cholula

68-69: Cortés Meets Cholulans

76-77: The Spaniards Investigate the Volcano Popocatepetl

85-89: Cortés on Meeting Moctezuma

91-94: Cortés Decides to Imprison Moctezuma

104-107: Cortés Forces Moctezuma to Tell Mexicas to Obey King of Spain

110-14: Cortés Describes Tenochtitlan

134-35: Cortés Decides to Fight Panfilo Narvaez

140-43: Cortés Defeats Narvaez

145: Cortés Learns of Revolt in Tenochtitlan

146-51: Cortés Returns to Tenochtitlan

151: Moctezuma Killed

158-60: Cortés on La Noche Triste or the Night of Sorrows

164-66: Spaniards Fight Their Way Back to Tlaxcala

166-67: Xicotencatl and Other Tlaxcalan Leaders Promise to Help Spaniards

Third Letter:

255-57: Cortés Constructs Brigantines as Crucial Weapons

262-66: Cortés Begins to Retake Tenochtitlan with Brigantines

270-72: Spaniards Assault Tenochtitlan

277: Cortés Wins New Indian Allies

278-81: Cortés Explains Why Tenochtitlan Must be Destroyed.

283-85: Cortés Gains More Indian Allies

287-89: Mexicas Force Retreat

294- 97: Mexicas Inflict Casualties on the Spaniards

298-99: Mexica Sacrifice Spaniards

308-10: Cortés Tries to Take Tenochtitlan

319-21: Spaniards Construct Catapult (Battering Rams)

328-30: Cortés Begs Mexicas to Surrender

331-32: Cuauhtemoc Taken Prisoner 

here is the link for the book and the letters, please follow above instructions, all sources have to be primary sources.  the due date is January 28th 11:59pm pullman time. 



Crisis Intervention w/ Children Who Experience Grief and Trauma Due to the Loss of a Parent



As part of the Research Project Series, you will write a literature review research paper that
synthesizes the major points of your findings. Your paper must focus on your selected topic and
the field of mental health crisis intervention. Your paper must relate your research findings to the
content of this course, your academic research, your interview findings, cultural concerns, and
biblical perspectives on crisis counseling.
? The body of your paper (not counting the cover page, abstract, or reference pages) must
be between 12-15 pages. Any submissions less than 12 pages will be prorated and heavily
penalized. There is no need to go over to impress as succinct writing is highly valued in
crisis work.
? Current APA or Turabian formatting is required. Focus on the cover page, headers, Level
1 and Level 2 headings, citations, references in particular.
? Your paper must contain a formal introduction and a formal conclusion. Conclusions in
literature review papers must contain a paragraph related to “ideas for future research”.
You just read the literature so you are in a positive to advise what seems to be missing.
This tells future researchers what to focus on.
? Spiritual application is required in the paper including specific Bible verses/passages.
? You must incorporate some key points from your interview in this paper. This is where
you share your interview findings. There is no need for a specific section but rather
weave in the interview data like you do other academic sources.
? Avoid personal experience or personal opinions in these papers. This is a literature
review paper so only academic sources are utilized.
? At least 15 scholarly sources must be used to support your findings and research. At least
10 of your sources must be published within the last 5 years. It is fine to use an older
study only if it is considered a “classic study” in the field.
? Be sure to review the rubric for additional requirements before submitting your paper and
use the rubric as a checklist to ensure that no requirements are missed.
? Proofread your paper carefully before submission. Consider this a major assignment and
submit your best work.
Here is a basic outline of the main sections that your paper must include:
1. An APA or Turabian cover page.
2. An Abstract. (An Abstract and Introduction are often confused but they are different in
both formatting and content. Be sure you know the difference.)
3. Body of the report which includes all of the areas listed below:
a. Introduction –in APA or Turabian Form. Use this section to orient your reader
and grab their interest. Why does this topic matter? What interesting background
information can you share?
b. Mental health symptoms / relationship dynamics common in your population-of-
interest How can new interventionists identify this population? What type of

CRIS 606
Page 2 of 2
mental health issues typically arise? What type of relationship issues typically
c. Best practices in crisis intervention (how can we best help them?). NOTE: avoid
any discussion of long-term counseling or psychotherapy. This is a crisis course
so be sure you know the difference.
d. Spiritual applications/interventions (What does Scripture say about your topic
area that is relevant?)
e. Cultural considerations What cultural concerns/considerations must we attend to
when working with this population?
f. Conclusion Wrap up your paper discussing key themes and findings that you
uncovered. Note: The conclusion of literature review papers must include at least
a paragraph on “ideas for future research.” You just read the literature on your
topic area so you are conversant in the research. What seems to be missing? What
should future researchers focus on?

Deaf Clients in Canada


Counselling Deaf Clients in Canada.

A. Socio-cultural and demographic background – In this section, include descriptive information about the specific cultural group that you have researched, such as demographics, history, social and cultural customs, traditions, belief systems and values, as well as epidemiological data on the prevalence of certain conditions, if such data exist. Make sure to be as specific as possible in your Question. For example, if you write about youth in a particular group, make sure to define what age range you mean and what researchers have noted. Include at least two (2) recent (last seven years), peer-reviewed sources and any required peer-reviewed course readings you cite.  Write about 400 words for this section.

  • B. Counselling strategies – In this section, include information about how you would conceptualize a presenting concern or concerns brought into counselling by someone in the cultural group. For illustrative purposes, you may develop a hypothetical client. The focus in this section is on considerations of therapeutic alliance and experiences that a client in this group may have had such as intergenerational trauma, personal trauma such as adverse childhood experiences, or experiences that may have contributed to them becoming migrants who are now refugees or immigrants in Canada, experiences of oppression and/or marginalization or anything that you believe may have contributed to them seeking counselling. You may make references to the theoretical material covered in the course, such as influences of individualism and collectivism, models of cultural identity formation, acculturation, or any other topic area that you think is relevant to the cultural group. Include at least three (3) recent (last seven years). Look for sources that are about the particular cultural group in Canada. If you cite sources that are about the cultural group in other countries than Canada, explain how you think the information fits for the cultural group in Canada. Remember to include your voice in your writing and note what you think about the research you have read about the cultural group. Write about 650 words for this section.
  • C. Counselling interventions – In this section, address specific practical techniques that you believe would be appropriate and effective in working with clients in the cultural group. Include at least two (2) recent (last seven years), peer-reviewed sources in addition to any required peer-reviewed course readings that you cite. Remember that the course texts are not peer-reviewed, although you may find many of the original peer-reviewed sources cited in the course texts in the YU library. Describe which interventions you may already utilize or would most likely utilize when you work from clients in the cultural group and why you think that they would be effective. Write about 400 words for this section
  • Directions for future research – In this section, identify existing gaps in the current research on and knowledge of diversity and cross-cultural counselling theory and practice related to the cultural group and/or areas of research that need to be expanded or improved and provide an agenda for future research. Describe what area or areas that you think are most important for researchers to focus on and how this may be useful to counselling work with clients from the cultural group. Include at least one (1) recent (last seven years), peer-reviewed sources in addition to any required peer-reviewed course readings you cite.  Write about 200 words for this section.

chamberlain university HIST405N Week 4 Discussion


The Reconstruction period in American history saw the implementation of three different plans: Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan), Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan, and the Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Congress) (OpenStax, 2014).

First, we have Lincoln’s Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction. This plan offered a pardon to Confederates, except high-ranking officials and war criminals, who pledged loyalty to the Union and supported the end of slavery. Once 10% of the state’s voting population took the oath, they could form new state governments and be readmitted to the Union (OpenStax, 2014).

Next, we have Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan. Johnson took a more lenient approach, requiring Southern states to declare secession illegal, ratify the 13th Amendment, and nullify Confederate war debts. Once these conditions were met, the states could be readmitted to the Union (OpenStax, 2014).

Lastly, there was the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, also known as Radical Reconstruction. This plan aimed to punish the South and protect African American rights. It divided the South into military districts, required states to draft new constitutions granting voting rights to African Americans, and ratify the 14th and 15th Amendments. Only then could the states be readmitted to the Union (OpenStax, 2014).

Now, let’s address the topic of whether the South should have been treated as a defeated nation or rebellious states. The South had seceded from the Union and fought against it to preserve slavery. Treating the South as a defeated nation would suggest a harsher approach with more severe consequences. On the other hand, treating them as rebellious states acknowledges their former allegiance to the Union and aims to reintegrate them back into the country. The decision to treat the South as defeated or rebellious had significant implications for the Reconstruction process and the relationship between the North and South (Foner, 1988).

Moving on to the changes in American culture and society during Reconstruction, there were notable differences between the North and South. The North had already undergone significant industrialization and urbanization, leading to the growth of cities, factories, and a more diverse economy. In contrast, the South was primarily agrarian and heavily relied on enslaved labor. During Reconstruction, the North continued to industrialize and modernize, while the South faced challenges in rebuilding its economy and adapting to the end of slavery. African Americans in the North experienced more opportunities for education, employment, and political participation compared to their counterparts in the South (Foner, 1988).

Lastly, let’s analyze the impact of the Compromise of 1877 that ended Reconstruction on African Americans. This compromise marked the end of Reconstruction and had significant consequences for African Americans. In exchange for the disputed electoral votes in the presidential election, Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South, effectively ending the military occupation and protection of African Americans. This compromise allowed Southern Democrats to regain political power and implement segregationist policies, leading to the establishment of the Jim Crow system and the disenfranchisement of African Americans. As a result, African Americans faced increased discrimination, violence, and limited opportunities for social and economic advancement (Foner, 1988).

In conclusion, Reconstruction was a complex period in American history with differing approaches and outcomes. It shaped the future of the country, particularly in terms of race relations and the rights of African Americans.


Foner, E. (1988). Reconstruction: America’s unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. Harper & Row.

OpenStax. (2014). U.S. history. OpenStax CNX. Retrieved from https://cnx.org/contents/p7ovuIkl@6.18:gMXC1GEM@7/…

Sociology Question


Case Assessment

As the world’s population nears 10 billion by 2050, the effects of global warming are stripping some natural resources from the environment. As they diminish in number, developing countries will face mounting obstacles to improving the livelihoods of their citizens and stabilizing their access to enough food. The reason these governments are struggling even now is that our climate influences their economic health and the consequent diminishing living standards of their people. Climate changes are responsible for the current loss of biodiversity as well as the physical access to some critical farming regions. As such, these changes in global weather patterns diminish agricultural output and the distribution of food to local and international markets. These difficulties will become even more significant for these countries as the Earth’s climate changes for the worse. Temperatures are already increasing incrementally, and polar ice caps are melting, so the salient question is: what does this suggest for developing societies?

The issue before the developing world is not its lack of food, but rather how to gain access to food. Simply put, changes in our climate are affecting the global food chain, and hence, the living standards of entire populations. Added to this is the fact that food is not getting to where it is needed in time to prevent hunger or starvation. In many developing countries, shortages are due to governments’ control over distribution networks rather than an insufficient supply of food itself. In effect, these governments are weaponizing food by favoring certain ethnic or religious groups over others. When added to the dramatic climate changes that we are experiencing even now, the future for billions of poor people looks increasingly dim.


You are to write a minimum of a 5-page persuasive paper for the UN that addresses the following questions about the relationship between atmospheric weather patterns and food security in the developing world:

  1. Climate change and global warming are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same phenomenon. What are the differences between the two concepts and what leads to the confusion between them?
  2. In 1900, the average global temperature was about 13.7° Celsius (56.7° Fahrenheit) (Osborn, 2021), but as of 2020, the temperature has risen another 1.2°C to 14.9°C (58.9°F). According to the Earth and climate science community, if the Earth’s surface temperature rises another 2°C (3.6°F), we will suffer catastrophic weather patterns that, among other things, will raise sea levels, cause widespread droughts and wildfires, result in plant, insect, and animal extinctions, and reduce agricultural productivity throughout the world (Mastroianni, 2015 and Lindsey & Dahlman, 2020). How much credibility do you place in these projections? Why?
  3. There is no question that the Earth’s food sources are threatened by changes in its weather patterns, but what specific challenges does climate change pose to the food security of people in the developing world?
  4. There is currently a debate among some multinational lending agencies like the International Monetary Fund, UNICEF, and AID over the financial support for food security that has been misused by recipient government officials. On the other hand, U.S. authorities insist that misuse of its assistance is not occurring because it has strict monitoring oversight in place. What is your position on this matter? Is there evidence that financial assistance to developing governments is being widely misused by government officials?

CHD2330 Graphic Organizer & Thematic Unit Presentation


Part 1: Graphic Organizer


For this discussion, you will be creating a graphic organizer in the form of a thematic unit planning web covering many content areas (language arts/literature, math, science, social studies, art, music/movement, dramatic play, health/safety, physical development, and outdoor/field trips). Please remember to include early learning standards related to language and literacy development with both text and nomenclature for each activity along with standards related to each content area. Additionally, in the introduction to your planning web, explain the benefits of using a thematic approach to teaching young children in a one to two-page essay. Why is it used and what purpose does it serve? What does research tell us, if anything?

View this site for sample designs of planning webs (Links to an external site. (Microsoft Word has fillable shapes, so you can create a Word document for this.)

Decide on a theme. (Some examples are community helpers, community garden, transportation, my family, etc.)

Once that you’ve chosen your theme, put it in the center of your web.

  1. Next, you will have one fillable shape for each of the content areas listed above.

Brainstorm learning activities related to your theme for each content area.

  1. Give a brief QUESTION of each activity within each fillable shape, and add a full standard with nomenclature and link for each activity. You should have at least one standard related to language and literacy development and at least one standard related to each of the content areas.
  2. You should have at least one standard related to language and literacy development and at least one standard related to each of the content areas.
  3. Search standards for kindergarten, first, second, and third grade here: https://www.cpalms.org/search/Standard
  4. Search for preschool standards here: http://flbt5.floridaearlylearning.com/standards.htm
  5. Upload your graphic organizer document for grading and write your essay into the discussion post.

Example of writing out full standard with nomenclature (you need one literacy and one content standard for each activity)

ELA.K.R.1.1. Describe the main characters, settings, and important events in a story

  • MA.K.M.1.2. Directly compare two objects that have an attribute which can be measured in common.

Example of early learning standards written out:

  • (Language/Literacy)IV.C.1.b.Begins to understand the use of words in different context (including plurals and past tense in speech)

(Math) V.A.2 Counts and identifies the number sequence “1 to 10”

Part 2: Thematic Unit Presentation Instructions

Using your planning web, you will complete a presentation, of your thematic unit. To complete the assignment successfully, the following components should be included:

  1. Slide 1: Title slide

Slides 2–4, Introduction: What is a thematic unit? Why is it important? What has research taught us (complete with in-text citations)?

Slides 5–25: (one slide for each activity QUESTION, taken from your web and one accompanying slide for each QUESTION with either a photo of the product or a video of the process. If you choose to include a video QUESTION, it should be no longer than 1–2 minutes).

Slide 26: Reflective statement on the process (complete with in-text citations)

Activity 41: Cultural Values & Communication (Part 1)



This discussion asks you to analyze the impact of cultural differences on business conversations and devise ways to improve understanding through cultural awareness of differences. It builds on the weekly learning goal of developing a culturally intelligent strategy for communicating with people from different cultures.

From the first moment, we begin talking with another person, we are opening the channels of communication to form an interpersonal relationship. “Relationship” is broadly defined as two people interacting in an interpersonal, one-on-one communication setting. However, cultural differences in communication styles affect perceptions and hinder understanding in relationships.

Post Instructions 

For this forum read the Cultural Conflicts section of the Script for Cultural Awareness published by Big World Media (pages 2-3). The section features a conversation between a U.S American on assignment in a Middle Eastern country and another employee of Middle Eastern origin. After reading the script, you will explore the importance of understanding other people’s values and see how different styles of communication based on cultural value dimensions can hinder understanding.

While people often share common values, they sometimes prioritize them differently. Brian and Ahmed both stress productivity; however, it’s comparatively more important for Brian based on his culture’s value dimension stressing competition. This is true for communication styles as well. Being direct is more efficient, but it can be disrespectful. Indirect communication is more diplomatic but can frustrate and mislead.

In low power distance cultures, such as the United States, the emphasis is on direct communication. High power distance cultures, which are more hierarchical, do not want to appear to challenge authority and are more indirect in their communication styles. It’s easy to spot differences in appearance, but our values and priorities are often hidden within. You need to cultivate awareness and sensitivity to understand our world’s diverse cultures, such as the Middle East in this business scenario. This is where an understanding of cultural value dimensions and differences becomes important, such as time orientation, low vs. high context, direct vs. indirect communication, individual vs. collective cultures, competitive vs. cooperative cultures and others discussed in the readings this week.

For your post to this activity forum, take the role of one of Brian’s friends or one of Ahmed’s friends.

Writing as Brian’s Friend

Brian tells you about his conversation with Ahmed; he asks for your opinion and advice. You gently cue Brian into the mistakes that he made and give him some suggestions for better preparing himself next time.

Writing as Ahmed’s Friend

Ahmed approaches you about the conversation; he feels like he failed to explain his culture to Brian. What should he have told Brian about his values and beliefs? You also give him some advice on how he could have communicated with Brian without offending him.

Regardless of your perspective, include terms and concepts from all of the week’s readings to support your ideas. After addressing the prompt, write a few sentences specifying examples from the readings that helped you to better understand the cultural value differences that Ahmed and Brian are facing.