Correct the following Paper

Question Description

My teacher gave a paper in which she wants us to put in correct APA format. DO not add anything, or delete anything just format it to be correct APA. She is going to grade us on how well we know APA. Thanks. It is in the files section below.

Eng 111 ( Task 7)

Question Description

Welcome to Task 7!

Review your research paper outline and sources.

Complete Part 2 of your research paper outline (the one you started last week).

Submit your completed outline to Moodle.

Online students – your assignment is due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m.

On-ground students – your instructor will provide you with the due date.

Reflect on your experience and try giving specific examples from yourself. All the instructions are attached below. Please follow them carefully and ensure top notch work.

Question Description


Attched find instructions

Top not work is required. No plagiarism no grammar errors. Please ensure that you follow all the instructions carefully

Reflect on your experience and try giving specific examples from yourself.

This assignment is 750-1000 words , I would prefer more than 750 and close to 1000 Words.

Short research

Question Description

Conduct research on the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). What is its role and purpose as it relates to assistance it can give to human resource personnel members to help them effectively and efficiently complete their tasks and duties?

Just need around 300 words for this and all the information above.

Complete History Philosophy Disc

Question Description

  • For this assignment, you are to select a topic from Chapter 6 or 7 that you find interesting.
  • Once you have identified your topic, do an internet search to locate a website you find informative.
  • You are to post a summary of the websites content and the websites URL/Address.

​Watch the film The Breakfast Club and answer the following questions

Question Description

Watch the film The Breakfast Club and answer the following questions:

  • What was the role of calling the teacher a “brownie hound” in group development?
  • Did the group follow all the steps in developing? Explain why or why not.
  • How does the group establish norms? Explain.
  • How does the group become cohesive? Explain

Please follow the instroctions and the attachement bellow

Question Description

This a researcher paper topic : Film Speed

This paper should start with after Roentgen discovery exp .this was made possible

One of the references should be dental radiology principles and techniques 5th edition by Joe m. Iannuci, DDS and Laura howerton, Rdh, ms

I will attach bellow the rubic

Complete Governmental Discussion Post (walker)

Question Description

Individuals are taxed in a number of ways as identified in your readings. Discuss what you believe to be the appropriate mix of personal taxes (federal, state and/or local income, personal property, sales in order to generate revenue. Support your answer with material from the readings and other research.

Briefly describe how the following tools can be Applied to a psychological Skills Training program.

Question Description

Sport Psychology

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

Minimum of 400 words

Minimum 4 cited scholarly sources

Briefly describe how the following tools can be Applied to a psychological Skills Training program. Then select your two favorite and explain why these particular tools are special.

Psychological Skills Training Tools:

Attentional Control

Attribution Training




Pre-performance Routine




Descartes Meditations one page short essay answer

Question Description

Hi , I need your help with a question about descartes meditations and your answer should be one page short essay APA style.

I will provide you the answer the and book’s pages with the attachments, you can find the answer in the book pages that I’m going to attach.