You will research your State Senators and Representative and evaluate if they are represented properly.

Question Description

You will research your State Senators and Representative and evaluate if they are represented properly.

  1. Research your Senators and Representative for your district.
  2. Provide contact details for them and their website address
  3. Provide party affiliation
  4. Review their platforms (issue stances)
  5. Do the elected officials represent your views? Why or why not?

APA format. at list 200 words

my research question is: relationship between education level and job satisfaction

Question Description

I have to gather sources using scholarly articles for my research project. The purpose of this annotated bibliography is to gather sources, summarize them, and evaluatetheir usefulness for later research and writing purposes. It include 15 sources, they must be relevant and scholarly sources. Also include links to the full article.

The decade of the 1930s was enormously complex politically, socially, and economically. The art created during this decade was responsive to this complexity and followed many different trajectories. Trace some of the principle arenas in which art was prod

Question Description

The decade of the 1930s was enormously complex politically, socially, and economically. The art created during this decade was responsive to this complexity and followed many different trajectories. Trace some of the principle arenas in which art was produced in the 1930s and the issues it addressed

10 PGS.

answer question

Question Description

This homework assignment will help you improve the compromise section of your paper for Project 1. To improve your compromise, you will:

  1. Summarize your compromise in 4-5 sentences
  2. Provide two sources that will help you prove your compromise works
  3. Write one question you have that you want me to answer about the intended compromise

Philosophy 125: Logic Discussion. 2-3 Short Paragraphs.

Question Description

Write 2 short paragraphs on this.

Based upon your own experience, what would you say are the two most common forms of fallacies?

Why are fallacies so easy to use and what makes them difficult to catch in our daily discourse ?

What is the difference between a formal and an informal fallacy?

essay 1,200 word

Question Description

In an essay of at least 1,200 words (about 4-5 pages), chose a topic about which you can make an argument based upon a claim of value. You may use one of the topics in the background readings listed above or you may decide to select a topic of your own.

Login and complete 6 Replies for two PSYCH COURSE

Question Description

There are two courses a PSYCH Course and a Research Methods Course

RESEARCH METHODS COURSE, click DISCUSSION on left column, then go to Discussion 4 and reply to three students

PSYCH COURSE: Click modules on the left column, scroll down to Module 4 discussion and reply to 3 students posts


Answer the following questions based on the attached reading below

Question Description

Freire, P. (2007) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. (M. B. Ramos Trans.). New York, NY: The Continuum International Publishing Group, Inc. (Original work published 1968)

What is the banking concept of education?

How does the banking system of education reflect or support oppression in the “real world”?

What is the problem-posing method of education?

Abnormal Psy, Discussion, real life example and responce

Question Description

There are 3 componets to the question. ( see attached document).

A,B and C, but be answered in paragraph forms ( minimum of 7 sentences for each).

I added two power points of chapters 3 and 4 which will help you find the answer.

No citations are needed, no plagiarism.

Movie title: Bon cop and bad cop 2. Quick revision. The paper is already written and marked, and got very low marks. My prof need it revised as per his remarks.

Question Description

Movie title: Bon cop and bad cop 2. Quick revision. The paper is already written and marked, and got very low marks. My prof need it revised as per his remarks.

I will attach the instruction document together with the paper.

The remarks are on the last page of the paper.