Complete 150 page American Literature Task (SIMMONS)

Question Description

Write a 150 word analysis that answers the following question-

What does the candle possibly symbolize? Support your stance fully.

A minimum of one (1) Figurative/Connotative Device found in the work should be mentioned. Include a minimum of one (1) quote from the work with author name/page number reference in parentheses following the quote.

Reading THE FIG


Things I Wish I Had Learned a Whole Lot Sooner!

Question Description

For this assignment follow the instructions . You are a camp director for kids. In 150 words respond to number 1


In this activity, please add those life lessons (camp related) that you wish you’d learned a whole lot earlier in you career (to date) as a camp director.

What is the Socratic Method?

Question Description

In a 2-3 page essay, explain the Socratic approach to philosophy and Illustrate your understanding of dialectic with a contemporary example of a belief that might be examined via the Socratic method. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.)

Annotated Bibliography Exercise

Question Description

Follow the instructions: Replace all the orange text with your own responses, regarding your chosen source, including a proper MLA Citation where indicated.

For the last question, refer to the “Applying the Rhetorical Situation” supplement, and answer at least three questions from that sheet.

I will attach the two sheets to go along with this assignment.

Qualitive and Quanative Research

Question Description

There are several unique characteristics of qualitative research thatmake it distinct from quantitative research. Describe the aspects ofqualitative research and the elements of design that contribute to therigor of the work. What actions of the researcher can compromise theintegrity of the findings? 300-350 words

Please use the format for writing PHd refrences in the attachment. Thanks

Government Discussion 2305

Question Description

Congress has often been controlled by one party, while the presidency iscontrolled by another. How has this arrangement impacted the policymaking process? Can divided government be advantageous to the policymaking process? (If you use outside sources to help answer thisquestion please document them MLA style or by including a link to yoursource.)

Must be 300 WORDS

Preparing for the Written Assignment

Question Description

From the videos in the module 1 content, choose 3 of thevideos related to producing American Psychological Association papers that youplan to utilize in order to meet the requirements of the Written Assignment 1paper on lifespan developmental psychology and the Final Course Book ProjectDevelopmental Analysis.

The post should be at least 3 paragraphs and 250-300 words.

Info Tech Global Economy

Question Description

Topic: Info Tech Global Economy

  • Question 1: what are the main advantages of using multiple models?
  • Question 2: what simulation modeling relies upon?


  • Need 3 Responses for other student posts (Each Response Separate paragraph for 2 questions)
  • Minimum 150 words for each response (use uploaded document to see other student posts)
  • No plagiarism please.

Article I:Ecological Consequences of Economic Development.Question: Describe in detail some of the long-term ecological consequences associated with economic development in Colonial North America?Article II: Environment, Disease, and Mortality in Early Vi

Question Description

Article I:

Ecological Consequences of Economic Development.


Describe in detail some of the long-term ecological consequences associated with economic development in Colonial North


Article II:

Environment, Disease, and Mortality in Early Virginia. In what sense, and with what consequences, did early English geographical understanding impact the experiences in the initial exploration and settlement in the New World?


Question Description

  1. According to the provided source materials, what made someone or a group of people considered to be “unfit” members of society? Based on your research, are there any categories or types of people we systematically marginalized today? (350 words)
  2. What is Eugenics and what were the goals and policies of the American Eugenics movement? (350 words)