Answer question below based on the providing reading ?

Question Description


*Name of woman founder and chapter number:

*List and discuss five important facts about the woman founder:






*What are the main contributions this woman founder made to the field of sociology?

Midterm Q#5

Question Description

What physiological factors have been associated with aggression? Explain in detail. Next, discuss factors that account for gender differences in aggression? Cite relevant research findings. In addition, briefly describe the various environmental factors that influence aggression. Lastly, explain the difference between each of the following: overt and covert acts of aggression; cognitive scripts model and hostile attribution model; reactive and proactive aggression.a

Resilience Worksheet

Question Description

Complete the Resilience Worksheet.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the “Resilience Worksheet” scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation

please use at least one Reference

The upside and downside of the Third Grade

Question Description

I am in need of an article critique on the attached article. They Essay must be 1.5-2 pages. The general body of the essay will be summarizing the article while the ending will be dedicated to your personal opinion. You must decide on if you agree or disagree on the article and expound on your reasons why. NO PLAGIARISM. APA format.

Exodus Reinterpreted Assignment

Question Description

Do some internet research on how the Exodus Narrative has been interpreted and re-appropriated in the context of a specific culture. (The sample given in class was the U.S. Seal that reinterpreted the Israelites as the early American colonists). You may use any culture you wish, as long as you can find information. Provide the urls for the sites that you use.

History of Film. Analysis: On The Waterfront (1954)

Question Description

1.) What did you like about the film? (no more than 50 words)

2.) How is method acting displayed in On the Waterfront? You must cite a specific example from the film. (at least 125 words)

3.) What are the themes displayed in the film? What does director Elia Kazan want you to think about once the film is over? (at least 125 words)

Survey of American Literature QUIZ 1 and 2 TWICE

Question Description

2 students have the same class and they EACH need Quiz 1 AND Quiz 2 done for BOTH STUDENTS

You took the midterm and aced it so I need these quizzes aced too. Once you do Quiz 1 and 2 for one student you can save the answers so it’s VERY VERY EASY to just input the answers for Student 1!

Sociology 4

Question Description

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed admiration for the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed antagonism and rejection toward the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways are Marx and Engels ideas relevant for sociology today?
  • Include a direct reference or quotation from the Communist Manifesto when answering these questions.

Sociology 5

Question Description

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed admiration for the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed antagonism and rejection toward the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways are Marx and Engels ideas relevant for sociology today?
  • Include a direct reference or quotation from the Communist Manifesto when answering these questions.

Translate this for me please

Question Description

They don’t have to be 100% accurate, just translate as you think they should 🙂

Deadline is 3 days but finish as soon as you have time so I can confirm the payment for you!

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pia akuje ajitambulishe hakuna haja tusumbuane na yeye:

kubali tu msee hakuna haja uruke nchi yako be patriotic:

ni ufala tu ndo anatubeba:

huyo msee asikusumbue kichwa: