Week 2 Discussion Post Response

Question Description


  • In 100-150 words, respond to two peers’ main posts. Examine whether each post clearly supports the peer’s ideas about the merits of each proposal and the choice of proposal format for the intended major writing assignment. Offer your ideas as to other ways of seeing the value in one or more of the proposed proposal formats.I attached the person we are responding to:)

​Slowing Down Global Warming- Discussion

Question Description

As Hite and Seitz (2016) discuss in Chapter 5: Climate Change, reputable scientific studies continue to show that the Earth is warming at an unsustainable rate because of a rise in the release of CO2 and methane gases.

What is the relationship between population increases and climate change? Do you think fertility control is an effective strategy to halt climate change? Why or why not?

Week 4 DQ#1 Rob

Question Description

Week 4 DQ #1

Please answer the following Question in a minimum of 100 words.

Consider the racial make-up of the US and the projected changes over the next 25 years. What does this mean for you as a healthcare provider for older adults? What impact will it have upon the work that we do in gerontology?

Remember to support your responses with citations as appropriate.


Question Description

Read “Patriarchy, The System” by A.Johnson. How does the author define Patriarchy? What does he say about the social system? About privilege? About gender based violence?

What I’m looking for is a 300 word summary in which you address some of the key points being made. I am more concerned with you understanding what the author is saying than sharing your personal opinion.

Week 3 DQ#2- Rob

Question Description

Week 3 DQ #2

Please answer the following Question in a minimum of 100 words.

What area of diversity in public policy is most important to you? What are the issues and what are the solutions you see in addressing this issue currently. Remember to include the relevant citations to back up your perspectives; your responses are to be based in evidence and not just opinions.

discussing your reactions to the film and making

Question Description

listen to this episode of the Hidden Brain podcast about how gay rights activists have successfully shifted public opinion and write two paragraphs discussing your reactions to the film and making connections to the readings we have done in class. These paragraphs must make clear that you have actually listened to the whole episode. 🙂


Reading chapter and answer questions

Question Description

Please read the Do More Faster chapter Legal and answer the following questions:

  1. What are three different types of “legal entities”?
  2. Which one would you personally select as an entrepreneur and why?
  3. What are tips from “Lawyers Don’t Have to be Expensive” an entrepreneur may apply?
  4. What is the importance of forming an entity early in the process?

This assignment can be submitted as a 1 page paper.

The research question I propose is: Why are young adults with cancer the most under served patient population?

Question Description

Your research committee has decided that they want you to develop a qualitative study to answer your research question. Describe the purpose for and benefits of using a qualitative methodology in answering your research question. Identify the qualitative methods you will use to gather information. Lastly, identify the potential barriers to using a qualitative design.

Answer should be 250-300 words with APA style reference.

Complete STANZA PEOM FOR American Literature

Question Description

  • Develop your own poem based on your readings this week. Your poem must be 5 stanzas with 5 lines in each stanza. The poem must be about your or some aspect of your life. Make sure your poem has a title.

Robert Frost (p.566)

  • Mending Wall (p.567)

Ezra Pound (p.575)

  • In a Station of the Metro (p.576)

Edna St Vincent Millay (p.584)

  • First Fig (p.585)-Do short response.

PSY Consciousness Essay

Question Description

In a multi-paragraph essay, discuss the different states of consciousness that you have experienced in the past 24 hours, including any periods when you were asleep, alert, or “daydreaming.” Be sure to describe both the brain and bodily activity you experienced during each state of consciousness. Include information from class materials, readings, and research on states of consciousness to support your discussion.