SOP4003 Discussion Question


The notion of Mating Intelligence (MI) offers a fresh angle. MI includes the mental capacity for courtship and display, sexual competition and rivalry. It is at work in our efforts to form, maintain, coordinate, and terminate relationships. Mating Intelligence guides us in flirtation, foreplay, and copulation; in mate-search, mate-choice, mate-guarding, and mate-switching; and in many other behaviors that may have reproductive payoffs. Here’s the quiz, take it yourself and see how you ‘measure up’. to an external site.

Then take a look at the following video: to an external site. 

Do you think MI matters in selecting a mate? Have we pushed the preverbal envelope too far when it comes to finding a mate? Should it be more natural selection versus a state of science? What are the positive and negative considerations when taking an assessment such as the MI or others to help in the selection of a mate?

Post 1 

Personally, Mating Intelligence would help in selecting a mate, but not a necessity where it would matter for everyone to have. We also have pushed the preverbal envelope in a sense where we would generalize the behaviors towards sex rather than individualizing these cues. While I may sound against the matter of mating intelligence, I also think that selecting a mate requires both natural selection with a state of science. One of the positive considerations on taking an assessment towards Mating Intelligence is being able to have a general sense of where you are at when reading the opposite sex based on majority of the conditions. However, taking these types of assessments doesn’t measure the complete picture of someone’s mating intelligence, mainly depending on their conditions. Through the quiz that was posted above, a lot of the questions wouldn’t apply to me because of what I believe in relationships. I decide to not sleep and flirt with many women since I’ve chosen to set standards on what type of woman I would provide my attention to. Some of these questions base your intelligence through the amount of relationships someone has, which would discount my final score on the assessment. I did like some of the questions that were in the assessment which were based of your ability to attract or convince women, and whether you have an idea of what feelings they have towards yourself which are questions that would be more applicable towards the matter. 

Post 2 

MI does not matter when selecting a mate. Men and women are very different; we operate differently and think differently, and each has our own things that the other does not understand. I do not believe it is truly possible for one sex to fully understand the other, neither is it required. When someone believes some of the things on the MI are true about themselves, I think they simply have high confidence rather than an actual understanding of the opposite sex. The MI is pushing the preverbal envelope too far when it comes to finding a mate. I do believe it should be more of a natural selection versus a state of science. Science does not have anything to do with finding a mate. Understanding the opposite sex better may help, but it is not required. What is required is being kind and considerate of other people’s perspectives. You can respect someone’s differences without needing to understand them. Also, being attractive and wealthy should not have anything to do with selecting a mate. Being attractive is something we cannot control, and being wealthy is not an easy task that should be expected from anyone. What should be expected is being responsible with money and striving for better ways to handle money. Also holding a job can be expected. I do not see any positives to the MI. I see the MI as either making someone’s head bigger or destroying someone’s confidence because they do not understand the other sex, aren’t attractive, aren’t social enough, or do not see themselves becoming financially successful. None of these things are required for finding a mate. We are holding too high of expectations with the MI. It does not matter to be social, attractive, wealthy, or to have lots of people attractive to you. What the MI should be asking is if you are kind. Considerate? Patient? Hardworking? And things about your personality that are attractive to others. 

higher education


Please respond to casita. with 400. words. a p a  style citations and references 

Ensuring that educational institutions offer students high-quality, pertinent, and productive learning experiences is largely dependent on the process of academic program assessment. Chaffey College (2019) states that “Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are measurable statements that describe knowledge or skills that students achieve upon completion of their academic program”.  PLOs should be clear and measurable (Chaffey College, 2019; SACSCOC, 2023).

In an academic program centered around horticulture, for example, a PLO would read, “Students will be able to analyze and interpret data related to plant sciences.” A laboratory report in which students gather and examine data on plant growth in several environments could be an assignment that relates to this result. A rubric that assesses the students’ capacity to apply scientific methods and analyze the importance of their findings in relation to horticulture practices could serve as a direct means of assessment for this PLO.

Reflecting on my own experiences with an online Business Administration program, I can personally attest to the transformative nature of the capstone project. As a student, I was tasked with a PLO that stated, “Students will demonstrate proficiency in developing strategic business plans.” This objective came to life as we tackled the task of creating a thorough business plan, either for a hypothetical company or a real venture we wanted to create.

Throughout the process, the capstone project turned into a pivotal assignment that not only measured our grasp of strategic planning but also ignited our entrepreneurial spirit. We were creating a business concept rather than just finishing an assignment as we included together market analysis, financial projections, and marketing strategies.  We didn’t simply study business as students; we also developed into capable business strategists who were prepared to take on the world.

In my previous role as Director of Student Services, I have had the distinct opportunity to directly influence and enhance the experience of our students in their academic journey. One of the key areas under my purview is the Career Counseling unit, where we are committed to providing services that not only meet but exceed our students’ expectations and needs.

To measure the effectiveness of our career services, we employ both national and local indirect methods of outcome assessment. For instance, at the national level, we have adopted the practice of administering the widely recognized National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey. This standardized career satisfaction survey allows us to capture a broad snapshot of how our services are perceived by students in relation to nationwide benchmarks. The insights gleaned from this survey help us to identify areas where we are excelling and, more importantly, where we need to implement strategic improvements to better serve our students.

On a more localized scale, I have found immense value in conducting one-on-one interviews with our students. This intimate form of qualitative feedback is indispensable as it provides nuanced perspectives on the specific programs and workshops we offer. Through these discussions, students share their personal experiences, challenges, and successes, which in turn shed light on the tangible impact of our career counseling efforts.

By utilizing both national and local indirect methods, I have found this helps us to maintain a holistic understanding of our performance. This dual approach enables us to benchmark ourselves against national standards while staying deeply connected to the individual voices of our students, ensuring that our services remain student-centered, and outcome driven.

Also in my previous role, it was imperative to stay abreast of the accreditation requirements set forth by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), which play a critical role in shaping the quality and credibility of our academic and non-academic programs and services.

SACSCOC (2023) stipulates that institutions must have clearly defined and measurable Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for both academic and non-academic services, ensuring that there is a systematic approach to improving student learning and success. The commission also requires evidence of effectiveness, which includes assessment of student learning outcomes, program evaluations, and the use of assessment results to inform continuous improvement (SACSCOC, 2023).

To meet SACSCOC’s requirements for improving student development and achievement, we routinely evaluated and improved our procedures in career counseling, student advising, and other student services. Our adherence to upholding the best standards of service for our students could be observed in our commitment to fulfilling these accreditation requirements.…

Week 4 Discussion-1 Reply Post


The Compromise of 1850

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of different ideas proposed by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky. It was then passed by the United States Congress in order to fix slavery issues that existed still during that time. It had addressed issue of slavery post Mexican-American war. The plan that Clay had was to keep a balance and stability between the free and slave states (Drexler, 2018). Some of the events that have occured would be that the territories of New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Utah would be organized without mentioning slavery (PBS 2019). In Washington, D.C, the slave trade would become outcast or banned and California would become a free state into the Union as Congress admitted. 

  • The Fugitive Slave Law 1850

This law in 1850 was that all states and other territories would help return the enslaved people who either left or ran away. If people did not assist in this law, they would be fined to pay a substantial amount of money. Therefore there really was not a choice in the matter. Ordinary individuals had to also assist in returning those who ran away or risk having to either be arrested or pay a fine for not engaging in this law. Basically, authorized local governments to seize and return escapees to their owners and imposed penalties on anyone who aided in their flight ( Editors, 2018). This law also prevented the enslaved people the fair right to a jury trial, and if anyone intervened they would pay a fine of $1,000 and spend at least six months in prison. In these individual cases, they would be left in the hands of federal commissioners. These commissioners were also paid a hefty amount for returning a potential runaway than if they freed them ( Editors, 2018). This law was not met kindly, as there was a lot of resistance by people or different states passing new ways to assist the enslaved runaways. Abolitionists also doubled in their effort to help those escape or needed assistance. There were also riots that supported the idea of resisting this law and there even was a mob of antislavery activists that rushed to a Boston courthouse to forcible liberate an escapee named Shadrach Minkins (Drexler, 2018).

Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852

Author Harriet Beecher Stowe published her most famous work, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, in 1852. In this book, Stowe discusses the many injustices of how the enslaved were treated and was an important figure during the anti-slavery movement (, 2019).  This book starts with the story of a man named Uncle Tom, who at that time was an enslaved individual. The story goes that while he was being transported by a boat to become auctioned in New Orleans, he ended up saving the life of a little girl named Little Eva. Upon saving her life, her father decided to purchase him for himself because of that noble act (, 2019). However, things do not go as planned or well for Tom. After rescuing Eva and being in her father’s home, she ends up getting ill and before her death requests that her father let go of all the enslaved. He agrees, but is killed by Simon Legree. Legree became his new owner, and had Tom whipped to death. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was also inspired by a slave narrative called “The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an inhabitant of Canada- which was narrated himself in 1849. Stowe, moved by the story and of his life, created the book (, 2019).

  • In my opinion, I feel that the American Civil War was inevitable. There was an ongoing debate between the Northern and Southern states. It became an issue that escalated and progressed as each sides own beliefs, policies and values continued to be fought over. There were many political problems and the role of slavery within the American society. The Southern states wanted to have all the control especially surrounding the topic of slavery. The Northern states had a much different opinion regarding that and would not allow the Southern states to have that kind of influence. In the end, the combination of all of these things eventually boiled over resulting in the Civil War.



Please be on time or before. I need a professional presentation, give me a polished presentation. DON’T USE ANY AI!


The Florida Springs seem to be in the news quite a bit, mainly due to the challenges faced in overcoming pressures from development, pollution, and human activities. The springs have been around for thousands of years and have an interesting and varied history. Humans have valued them for many reasons over many years and are still valued today as an important natural freshwater resource.

Research and read articles, books, etc., for this assignment about Florida Springs. You can use any reputable peer-reviewed source; be sure to include proper references using APA standards. Concentrate on the environmental aspects of the springs and bring attention to problem areas, but do not neglect any social, business, and/or political overlap. Consider the freshwater resource aspects as well.

Complete a project in one of the following formats, but regardless of the format chosen, remember that the intended audience is the general public:

  1. Develop a written brochure: It can be any number of designs (e.g., tri-fold Word file), but must be written and produced as a Public Service Announcement. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the brochure. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the information.
  2. Film a short video commercial: One to two minutes long following an introduction and produced as either a Public Service Announcement or a news media reporting story. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the video. Use only yourself as the narrator and do not include other people in the video. Use video format/software generally available and provided with PC or MAC operating systems (e.g., MP4, MPEG, MOV, WMV, SWF or FLV). Remember, the instructor must be able to open the video file and view it for a grade.
  3. Draft a PowerPoint Presentation: 10 to 15 slides long; at a minimum, all criteria below must be fully addressed. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the presentation.

Address the following criteria at a minimum:

  1. Course name, student name, module number, and date.
  2. Choose an example of a Florida Spring and briefly describe it as a freshwater resource and what it has been used for.
  3. Report the federal and state government rules or regulations that apply to Florida Springs, their protections, their use, and any oversight.
  4. Name the government agencies that have authority over the Florida Springs and describe their involvement.
  5. Report and briefly explain at least two major environmental concerns related to the Florida Springs and one freshwater resource issue.
  6. Explain the human activities that negatively impact Florida Springs.
  7. Report on what is being done to protect the Florida Springs and the costs involved.
  8. Propose at least one further action that could be taken to protect the Florida Springs.


This assignment requires a file upload submission. After reviewing the assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by selecting the Submission Type button below. Enter the required information and/or browse for your file, and remember to select the Submit Assignment button below the file to complete your submission. Review the Progress Tracker above to confirm submission. Need Help? View the Canvas Student Guide: How do I submit an online assignment?Links to an external site.

For a media file: Choose the Media tab and select the Record/Upload Media button. Choose the Record tab or Upload Media as appropriate to your submission. If recording, please review Canvas record video or record audio guides before getting started. Select the Upload Media tab and then the file type if uploading a media file. Be sure to monitor the upload to ensure the process finishes. With both options, remember to select the Submit Assignment button to complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after submission. For more information, visit the Canvas page, How do I submit a media file as an assignment submission?Links to an external site.

Write a review that discusses the impact of at least 2 traditions on our popular music of today


Write a review that discusses the impact of at least 2 traditions on our popular music of today; expound on the innovations of the 21st century, including the advancement of technology and glocalization. Focus especially on how the key terms apply.  

Sources to choose from

Lorenzo Candelaria and Daniel Kingman, American Music: A Panorama

Part II, Chapter 9, “Rock Music,” pages 128-145.   

Part IV, Chapter 12, “Secular Music in the Cities (&tc),”pages 190-202 

Part IV, Chapter 14, “Popular Song, Dance, and March (&tc),” pages 222-245. 

Complete Listening Cues for all chapters as you read. 

Gilbert Chase, America’s Music: From the Pilgrims to the Present

Chapter 7: “American Pioneers,” pages 112-130. 

“American Revolutionary Song: Chester William Billings,” to an external site. 

“Northfield Jeremiah Ingalls Keene State College Chamber Singers,” to an external site. 

Chapter 23: “The Rise of Ragtime,” pages 413-428. 

“Tom Turpin, ‘Harlem Rag Two Step’ (1897),” to an external site. 

“Maple Leaf Rag Played by Scott Joplin,”  

“1911 Collins and Harlan Alexander’s Ragtime Band,” 

“The Carter Family Wildwood Flower,” to an external site. 

  • “Jimmie Rodgers T For Texas,” to an external site. 

“Gene Autry Back in the Saddle Again (from Back in the Saddle 1941),” to an external site. 

  • “Hank Williams Cold Cold Heart,” to an external site. 

“Bill Monroe Blue Grass Breakdown (1965),” 

“Down on the Picket Line,”  

“The Kingston Trio Tom Dooley Live 1958,” to an external site. 

“Phil Ochs Draft Dodger Rag,” to an external site. 

“Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited (Official Audio),” to an external site. 

“Joan Baez With God on Our Side (Live 1966),” to an external site. 

  • “Chuck Berry ‘Back in the USA’,” to an external site. 

“Elvis Presley Good Rockin’ Tonight (Live~RARE),” to an external site. 

“Janis Joplin Ball & Chain Monterey Pop,” to an external site. 

“Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit (Grace Slick Woodstock 1969),” to an external site. 

“Grateful Dead The Other One (Live at Civic Center, San Francisco, CA 12/28/83),” to an external site. 

“Jimi Hendrix Manic Depression1967,” to an external site. 

“The Doors Light My Fire Ed Sullivan Show 1967 (HD Remastered),” to an external site. 

“The Byrds 8 Miles high,” to an external site. 

“Plastic People,” (The Mothers of Invention), to an external site. 

“The Fugs ‘New Amphetamine Shriek” Virgin Fugs (1967) [Mono],” to an external site. 

“The residents The Walrus Hunt,” to an external site. 

Essay by William Brooks, “American Music on Record,” pages 639-646. 

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Remember to incorporate the following guidelines from the syllabus into your writing. 

The writing guidelines for reviews is broken down into 5 categories, with each category receiving up to 5 possible points:  

Does the response address the topic at hand?

  • Does the response show a knowledge of the reading and media materials?

Does the response demonstrate writing clarity and conciseness? (If your review is only 1 page, it needs to be extremely well-crafted in order to follow these guidelines.)

Does the response properly cite sources used?

Does the response demonstrate proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other general writing skills?

Real estate.


ACTIVITY: Final Paper Part 6 (FHA & Conventional Loans)

This is the last section you will write for the final paper, other than the introduction and conclusion (in Module 14). This week’s focus is a comparison between FHA and conventional loans, as we learned in Chapters 9 and 11. This activity will examine both conventional and FHA loan financing through the lens of your buyers.Please. no plagiarism. no AI. original work only


Write three paragraphs about your subject buyers (as listed in your profile data) that you have been writing about for Module Activities 4, 6, 8, and 10. The first paragraph will be an overview, the second paragraph will examine FHA loans, and the third paragraph will discuss conventional loans. The two loan types must be applied to your subject buyers so please connect the textbook material with your BORROWERS’ specific situation.Please. no plagiarism. no AI. original work only

Module 12 Supplemental Resources

Acronyms and Explanations

Front end ratio = Housing costs. PITI + HOA + any other costs, example: Mello-Roos

  • PITI = Principal, Interest, Taxes, & Insurance
  • HOA = Home Owners Association (example: monthly dues for condo or PUD)
  • Mello-Roos = Assessment for public improvements added to property tax bill

Back end ratio = housing costs (above) + ALL OTHER DEBTS THAT APPEAR ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT

FHA Debt Ratios = to an external site.

Mortgage loan differences.


<your name>

<today’s date>



<module / chapter #>

Recommended Loan Program

<Write one overview paragraph recommending either the conventional or FHA loan program for this buyer. Compare and contrast the loan types below by answering the following questions with complete sentences. Which type of loan do you recommend for your subject borrowers FHA or conventional? Why do you recommend this loan type? What are the pros and cons? Paragraph must be 5 sentences. Cite the textbook page number in parenthesis.>

FHA Government Loan

< Write one paragraph explaining the FHA government loan program approaches from Chapter 11 in the textbook. Discuss the specifics of this loan program and whether it would be a good fit for your subject borrowers. This paragraph must be 5 sentences. Cite the textbook page.>

Conventional Financing

<Write one paragraph describing the conventional loan financing methods from Chapter 9 in the textbook. Discuss the specifics of this loan program and whether it would be a good fit for your subject borrowers. This paragraph must be 5 sentences. Cite the textbook page.>


Ima Student

May 12, 2021


Real Estate Finance by Huber, Walt

Recommended Loan Program

For Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, I recommend the FHA loan program for their new home purchase financing. FHA and conventional loans are similar because …. In contrast, FHA and conventional mortgages are different in the following aspect: <insert reason>. The advantages of the FHA loan for the Mouse borrowers are… The disadvantages <insert>, however, are outweighed by the advantages. Therefore, the FHA mortgage will best suit their situation (p. 123).

FHA Government Loan

The FHA mortgage loan is <insert>. The loans are insured by the federal government, which minimizes the risk for lenders. This loan program offers borrowers…. (p. 456). It has the following qualifications for borrowers… FHA would be a good fit for Mickey and Minnie Mouse because <insert>.

Conventional Financing

Conventional mortgages, on the other hand, require <insert terms>. Borrowers applying for this program need to qualify by <insert> (p. 789). The benefits of a conventional loan include <insert>. However, this loan also requires the borrowers to <insert>. Although the conventional mortgage is a good option, it is not the best choice for the Mouse borrowers and their situation.

I need help with my discussion board


American Family

1.Coontz titled her work “The Way We Never Were” because of the ideals surrounding what a “Ideal American Family’’ is meant to look like. The phrase “American dream” of a family with two kids and a dog, in a suburban house with a white picket fence, has long been sed to describe what the typical American family looks like, which is often not what most families actually are. The idea that the man of the house is to be the breadwinner and the woman is meant to be the housekeeper, has since been somewhat forced out of society. It was expected that marriages and families were always to work out and the couple are supposed to stay together till death and be happy for all of their lives, when quite the contrary is true. Coontz touches on this topic when she says that “I found that the male breadwinner family of the 1950s was a very recent, short-lived invention and that during its heyday, rates of poverty, child abuse, marital unhappiness, and domestic violence were actually higher than in the more diverse 1990s.” Furthering that this idea of an “ideal family” was never actually ideal. 

2. According to the Pew Research Center, more children are growing up in households with arrangements other than two parents in their first marriage. This means increased rates of families with parents in their second marriage, parents who aren’t married, households with just one parent, or children living with neither of their parents. Furthermore, two parent households are most common among Asian families and highly educated parents, with white families taking second place. This means that race and social class are tied to the percentage of two parent households in the US. Another interesting trend is that the number of children per household has declined in recent decades, with one and two child families being most common nowadays, and families with three or four children declining in popularity. Another graph also shows a correlation between race, education, and family size: white, Asian, and highly educated parents are likely to have the least children in comparison to Black and Hispanic households and parents with less education.

Woman in Hip Hop

1. The study was combined by Critical Race Theory and Black Feminist Theory to get the concept of rap music. It is examined on how racism is common in our daily living for people of color and a certain race is more judged from others. They write how black women are “sapphire” and “jezebel” in sapphire women are headstrong, bossy, and dominating over men and jezebel they are labeled has fierce, sexy, and driven. Wallace states there stereotyping and its started from slavery days that women are able to do more physical work.

2. A large portion of the students who participated in this study defined independence in relation to financial stability. This means milestones such as moving out, owning a car, having a job, and more are all indicators of and contributors to one’s independence. Additionally, some students cited the level of parental involvement they received as another consideration in their definition of independence. Some stated that their parents fostered them into independence by giving them more and more financial a decision-making freedom as they grew up, but on the flip side, others stated that they are still heavily reliant on their parents in their adult lives, which they feel limits their independence. According to the article, female artists in rap “define independence by condemning the disrespectful treatment of women in society by addressing societal issues like harassment and domestic violence” (Moody-Ramirez & Scott, 59), including artists such as Queen Latifah, Eryka Baduj, Sister Souljah, and more. On the flip side, male rappers’ representation of independent women can vary from artist to artist, with some placing women “in positions of sexual exploitation and moral degradation”, while others “promote positive and uplifting messages about the Black experience” (Moody-Ramirez & Scott, 58)

Humanities Question


General Assignment Instructions

• This assignment involves creating an original physical art project that will be photographed and submitted onto Canvas. The image of the work must be embedded into the Word document with the written response for the assignment.  Please make sure the image is embedded large enough to see the labeling. 

• Answer the following prompts in an MLA formatted Word document in a minimum of 300 words.

? Do not recopy the questions into your document.

? Be sure to number your answers.

• You must embed an image in this assignment. This is as simple as pasting an image file into the document from your device. Find the image file wherever it is stored, copy it, and paste it onto the document. Alternatively, you can upload the image directly into the document using the insert picture feature in Word. 

• A complete assignment applies the lessons of the unit to the assignment.

• Please read the rubric carefully before beginning the assignment.

Architectural Design Project Assignment Instructions

In Part One of this project, students will be designing a building.

• Architects are trained and licensed professionals who design buildings and play a role in the construction of those structures. Architects design structures with the purpose, style, and function of the building in mind.

Students will act as an architect and design an original building, then describe how they will make the structure strong and aesthetically pleasing. 

1 Students must select one of the following structures to design:  

? residence

? place of worship  

? commercial building  

? governmental building

2 Students must choose to create one of the following schematic designs to produce (students can find examples in the course materials):

? Elevation drawing

? Cross-section drawing

? Three-dimensional model of the exterior

3 While designing the original structure, students are required to label and use at least two building materials, two architectural elements, and two architectural principles from the following list. 

? Architectural building materials: stone, concrete, wood, steel, glass, iron, brick, carbon fiber, and plastic. 

? Architectural elements: post and lintel, rounded arch, pointed arch, gable, buttressing, flying buttress, arcade, tunnel/barrel vault, groin vault, ribbed vault, dome, pendentives, cantilever, columns. 

? Architectural principles: evidence of repetition, use of line, use of balance, use of scale, use of variety, use of texture. 

4 Create your physical project and label the completed design with each of the two materials, elements, and principles utilized. Be sure to make the labels large enough to read in your embedded photo.   

? Your original architectural design may be created in one of the following ways.  

? You may utilize any computer animation/drawing/drafting programs that you feel comfortable creating in.

? The free Microsoft 360 package includes Paint and Whiteboard, which could be useful tools for this project. 

? Minecraft, Roblox, or other videogame design software may be used to design your structure. *Take still photos of the finished design to label it appropriately.

? You may also create a physical three-dimensional model of your architectural design. You must label the fundamentals on the physical model or the photo or the model.  

? You may also hand draw and color your structure with any materials found in your home.  

In Part Two of this project, students will be writing a response about their architectural design.

In your written response (Minimum 300 -words), address the following (Be sure to number your answers):  

1 Why did you choose to utilize the materials and elements in the structure in the way you did? How do these materials and elements add to the strength of the structure?  

2 How did you utilize principles of design to add to the aesthetics of the structure? 

3 How did your project end up? Do you think your project represents your own individual style? Why or why not?

humanities final


My Future as a Human Services Professional

[WLO: 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 13, 14 and the epilogue from your text, The generalist model: Where do the micro and macro convergeLinks to an external site. and Self-care in the world of empirically supported treatmentLinks to an external site.

Your final paper should identify and analyze a specific need identified by a community.

Your summative assessment will require you to reflect on your future as a human services professional. In your paper, you must comprehensively address the following:

Evaluate your career selection that was made in Week 1.

What populations do you want to serve and in what capacity?

What type of organization do you want to be working for in the future (or now if you plan to stay with your organization as you advance)?

Appraise the past, current, and future societal issues facing the human services profession with your chosen population and organization.

Evaluate a minimum of one historical issue related to your population.

What current challenges might your clients face and how might this impact your organization as well as your work?

What future societal issues might your clients and organization face?

Evaluate how you might perform your role in this field.

  • How might you be supervised?

What might your working relationships be with your colleagues?

  • How will you maintain healthy boundaries with clients?
  • What other services might your organization offer and how might these services interact with yours.
  • Assess the impact that the community will have on your clients and organization?

How will you work to serve your clients within the community?

  • How do you think you will have an impact on the global needs in terms of the population you have chosen to serve?
  • Compare the human services organization where you currently work or might work with a similar human services organization that serves the same population.
  • Outline the similarities and differences, evaluating which is more of an effective model of a human services agency.
  • The My Future as a Human Services Professional final paper

Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA StyleLinks to an external site.

  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
  • Title of paper (bold and with a space between the title and the rest of the information)
  • Student’s name, followed by institution name (“University of Arizona Global Campus”)
  • Course name and number
  • Instructor’s name

Date submitted

For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.

  • Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Library Quick ‘n’ DirtyLinks to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

History and Systems of Psych Discussion Forum #9


In Discussion Forum 9, post your response to the following discussion prompt. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the Course Calendar. [MO 5.1, MO 5.2]

  • Freud’s theories on psychosexual development, the subconscious mind, and psychoanalysis had a huge impact on the application of psychology to human suffering. Describe and discuss three of Freud’s concepts that stand out to you in some way. Explain why they stand out, either because they seem valid and relevant to human striving and suffering or because they appear to be flawed or mistaken. Explain your choices.
  • In your replies to your classmates, say whether you agree or disagree with their judgment about the concept, supporting your assertions as necessary with information from your course readings.

Here are the 2 Classmate responses that need replies:

Post #1- Hallie

Sigmund Freud was an interesting individual. His theories on psychosexual development, the subconscious mind, and psychoanalysis were well-researched. To this day, people still talk about him or you see jokes made where he would love today’s world, considering how parents can form a serious and inappropriate relationship with their child(ren) and vice versa. We are going to discuss the concepts already mentioned. When it came to psychosexual development, it was quite frankly, an interesting concept. For one thing, Freud believed the adult personality was formed almost completely at age five (Schultz & Schultz, 2016). Orally, he believed that if an infant sucked, bit, or swallowed, it would lead to habits such as kissing, smoking, and eating when they are older (Schultz & Schultz, pg.314). There were also the anal and phallic stages that he proposed (Schultz & Schultz, pg.315). As for the subconscious mind concept, this only means that a part of our mind can influence our behaviors and actions, and how we might not be aware of it because this is happening “subconsciously”. Psychoanalysis refers to “an incalculable number of observations and experiences, and only someone who has repeated those observations on himself and others is in a position to arrive at a judgment of his own upon it” (Schultz & Schultz, pg.320). All of these concepts stood out mainly because they were interesting. I would like to think that psychosexual development is not at all true; if I can be honest here with no judgment, I find it disturbing. I do not think that the adult personality can be developed at the young age of five. The subconscious mind concept makes sense, but I still believe that we can think before we act on something. When it comes to the psychoanalysis concept, I suppose this could still be used today depending on what the situation entails.

Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). A history of modern psychology (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Post #2 – Samantha

Freud’s concept of ego, id, and superego refers to the conscious and unconscious mind. Also, it refers to the human psyche. The id is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. The id operated on the pleasure principle. The ego is the rational part of the psyche that mediates between the instinctual desires of the id and the moral constraints of the superego, operating primarily at the conscious level.The superego incorporates the values and morals of society, which are learned from one’s parents and others. It develops around 3 5 years. The superego operates on the morality principle and motivates us to behave in a socially and responsible manner.

Freud’s concept of id, ego, supergo stand out to me because i think it relates a lot to how personality develops and functions. Id is the drive for behavior, the superego is moral perfection, and the ego is a balance between the two. Having a balance between all i believe is a healthy and well- functioning personality