CHFD 220 Forum 4: Exploration of Sexual Response and Arousal

Question Description

Many factors influence male and female sexual response and arousal. Describe how the three dimensions of sexuality (biological, psychological, and sociocultural) influence sexual response and arousal.

The post must be 250 words in length and must contain 1 citation/reference(APA format) from our course text.

Bureaucracy in Public Administration

Question Description

  1. Evaluate to what extent bureaucratic empowerment facilitates the implementation of public policy.
  2. Propose several different ways how one might reduce the number of layers of bureaucracy between citizen and administrator.

600 min apa


Public Administration in America (11th ed.)

Chapter 4, “Organizational Theory” (pp.145–193)

Chapter 5, “Decision Making in Administration” (pp. 194–229)

Chapter 6, “Chief Executives and the Challenges of AdministrativeLeadership” (pp. 230–275)

Milakovich, M. E., & Gordon, G. J. (2013).

Cultural Integration

Question Description

Share your thoughts about new China and developing India in the global community. In 1-2 pages, described the developments in China and India; discuss how those developments impact the global community; and discuss the ways that the global culture has more or less integrated in the recent years. Remember to include at least 2 credible and scholarly sources and cite your sources using proper APA format.

I need someone who is keen on instructions and has excellent English. Please Ensure Top notch work, no plagiarism no grammar issues

Question Description

I need someone who is keen on instructions and has excellent English. Please Ensure Top notch work, no plagiarism no grammar issues

Keenly follow instructions and make sure that you ensure a well formatted paper. The paper should be formatted in 1.5 spacing.


As soon as you choose the topic let me know

Top notch work please no plagiarism no grammar errors. Follow instructions carefully

Week 2 Discussion 2: Utopian Ideas

Question Description

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 3, 4; review Chapter 2 (Section: Ideologies and Politics in the United States)
  • Lesson
  • Additional scholarly sources you identify through your own research

Initial Post Instructions
Explain one of the perfect political systems of Plato, Bacon, Marx, or Skinner. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.

Sociology 2

Question Description

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed admiration for the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed antagonism and rejection toward the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways are Marx and Engels ideas relevant for sociology today?
  • Include a direct reference or quotation from the Communist Manifesto when answering these questions.

What makes a life worth living?

Question Description

In 1-2 pages, explain the idea that the unexamined life is not worth living and discuss your own ideas about what makes life meaningful. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.) Review and comment on the post of other students and the instructor by the end of the week.

CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY watch a movie and then answer the following questions

Question Description

1. Go to the “Academic Videos Online” database on the Cook Library website.

2. Search for “Mongolian Bling” (2012).

3. Watch the film, and answer the following questions:

a. Identify each of the following “scapes” in Mongolia: ethnoscapes, ideoscapes, technoscapes and mediascapes.

b. What’s one example of “localization” in the Mongolian music scene?

c. Give one example of “neoliberalism” in Mongolian life.

Discussion Q: The Chosen People: Judaism teaches belief in being a “chosen people.” Is this a problematic belief or mostly something good? Is the thinking related to this belief similar to how people in other religions see themselves?

Question Description

Answer the following discussion question: The Chosen People

Judaism teaches belief in being a “chosen people.” Is this a problematic belief or mostly something good? Is the thinking related to this belief similar to how people in other religions see themselves?

You can use the links above to help answer the question.

Civil, thoughtful, andwell-worded interaction is expected please. Not a paper.

Class 6: The Conquest of the West & US Empire

Question Description


Class 6: The Conquest of the West & US Empire

How did the American government handle Native Americans in the late 19th century according to the readings? Specifically how did they try to eliminate cultural differences and land disputes? Do you see their reasons and methods for assimilating Native Americans’ assimilation as similar or different from conquering people overseas? Why or why not?