The Soviet Union accused the US and its allies of trying to surround, and ultimately destroy it. War of words? Or was somebody telling the truth? And where do our ‘isms’ fit in? In particular nationalism?​

Question Description

The United States accused the Soviet Union of breaking all its wartime pledges and holding Eastern Europe hostage while trying to subvert governments in the West. The Soviet Union accused the US and its allies of trying to surround, and ultimately destroy it. War of words? Or was somebody telling the truth? And where do our ‘isms’ fit in? In particular nationalism?

300 words; at least 2 sources

Write a letter to your parents that highlights the points you would like them to know about the way the experiences you offer

Question Description

You are a camp director who runs a camp . for this assignment follow the instructions respond with 400 words also attached is a video they may help here is a link

2. Write a letter to your parents that highlights the points you would like them to know about the way the experiences you offer in your camp/program contributes to the “total learning” of their child

Week 3 DQ#1- Rob

Question Description

Week 3 DQ #1

Please answer the following Question in a minimum of 100 words.

What do we mean by diversity in public policy? What are the major areas of concern when we look at healthcare for older adults from a public policy perspective? Remember, public policy is more than just what happens in Congress. It is also what happens at the local/city, regional, state, national, and international levels.

Chapter 4 Discussion Board Surgery for Intersexed Conditions

Question Description

When children are born with ambiguous external genitalia, they typically become candidates for surgery to make their genitals conform to “normal.” For many years, the dominant medical view was that this surgery should take place when the children were as young as possible to prevent any perception of having abnormal genitals. What do you think of this view? Feel free to do a little research on this…

Unit 2 journal

Question Description

Reflect on an example of a stressful event you have experienced. Explain how you reacted. Was your reaction typical for you, and do you think it agreed with your survey results? In hindsight, would you have changed any part of your reaction and handling of the event, and if so, how?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

1. Has Jefferson’s revolutionary vision been achieved in America today? Does every citizen have the same shot at the American dream of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”? How so? Why not?

Question Description

Has Jefferson’s revolutionary vision been achieved in America today? Does every citizen have the same shot at the American dream of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”? How so? Why not? NO PLAGIARISM. I would like for the response to explain how America has not achieved the vision. 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Must be double-spaced in MLA format. Answer must be 5-7 paragraphs long.

ask a question and explain it in 2-5 sentences about on a reading about feminist women artists

Question Description

This week I would like you to post any question (or questions) you have about ideas/issues/artists that we have addressed so far (in readings or lectures), being as clear as you can be with your questions. This may mean that your explain your question, and why you are posing the question, in a short (2-5 sentences) paragraph.

attached are two readings you can just choose one

Main connectives and translations. Translating sentences into truth functional logic.

Question Description

I have 12 multiple choice type questions that I need help with and it needs to be completed by 8 pm central time.

Example Question: (Translate the sentences) Interest rates will rise and fall only if the economy?

Possible answers are: Interest Rates will fall, The economy will Improve, Consumers increase borrowing, Consumer spending falls, Unemployment rises, The deficit will be reduced, Taxes raised, Government spending increases.

displaced person – 550 words

Question Description

There are a number of diseases that are consistently seen in displaced populations. Please explain potential causes for these outbreaks.

What are potential solutions for addressing these disease outbreaks?


File Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Humanitarian Emergencies Among Refugee and Internally-Displaced Populations.pdf (311.22 KB)

Vaccine-preventable diseases in humanitarian emergencies among refugee and internally-displaced populations Eugene Lam, Amanda McCarthy, and Muireann Brennan, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (2015

Do you think the Buddha was against women, or were there other factors that the Buddha was addressing?​

Question Description

Please discuss the following prompt: The Buddha was known to have said that if women had been allowed into the Sangha from the start, the impact of the Dharma would have only lasted half as long. What do you think he meant by this? Do you think the Buddha was against women, or were there other factors that the Buddha was addressing?

In Chicago style please.