assignment paper

Question Description

I have essay based question on my final exam. These are the questions:

  • The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
  • Foreign Intervention in Africa.
  • The Era of European Colonial rule in Africa (why it began and how it ended).

Each question have to be a full page long. BE SURE TO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES BECAUSE THIS IS A FINAL EXAM.


3 pages single space

philosophy discussion

Question Description

Chapter 1: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

1. What are some things the allegory suggests about the process of enlightenment or education?

2. The allegory presupposes that there is a distinction between appearances and reality. Do you agree? Why or why not?

3. What sometimes happens to people when the illusion is shattered and reality is revealed? Can you give an example from your own or a friend’s experience?

Writing Assignment : Summary-Response

Question Description

The following instructional guide contains all of the informationneeded to complete Writing Assignment 1: Summary-Response. Please alsolook below to find files to other important resources: SampleWA1, Rhetorical Précis instructional guide, and theRefutation-Rebuttal Formula. The files on the instructional guide “might”be inactive, so rely on the ones below instead.
I need this paper done by the end of this month. Writing Assignment : Summary-Response as attached.


complete the questions

Question Description

Judicial review is an example of

a. legislative authority. b. a check or balance. c. federalism.

In a confederate government, the central government holds most of the power.

a. true b. false

What is an example of judicial review?

a. a state legislature voting to ignore a federal law

b. a state governor appointing a United States senator

c. the United States Supreme Court finding a law unconstitutional

Because it provided for Congress to s

Based on the concepts of Augmented Reality and Neurotourism, how could these tools be used to develop target markets? , Information technology in Hosptality& tourism

Question Description

Based on the concepts of Augmented Realityand Neurotourism, how could these tools be used to develop target markets?

1. Chose a target market, describe itdemographically, geographically, and psychographically.

2. Choose a product you would like to promoteto the target market.

3. Then explain how you would use these tools.

4.Please respond to two classmates’ postsafter you have completed your post.

Hospice Care Practice

Question Description

Submit 2 page APA formatted paper in which you:

  1. Briefly describe the setting where the intervention/treatment plan was conducted.
  2. Briefly discuss how you used the literature to guide your practice (i.e. actual use of the treatment/intervention plan).
  3. Briefly summarize the experience of actually working with the client and any emerging themes (i.e., anything in the literature that captured your attention or was repeated throughout) that were present during the intervention.

i have a meeting with my instructor in money and i wasn’t attended the last 2 class so i dont know what should i do?

Question Description

i will attach his email so that it can help you to understand what he need and help me to finish what he want please. as soon as possible and i will copy the link of the videos,, . to be honest i dont know what should i do if you can help me thats will be wonderful.

humanitarian crisis

Question Description

Evidence is a key component in identifying trends and changing practice especially in the public health field. Choose a public health topic that you are especially passionate about. (e.g. water and sanitation, vaccinations, infectious disease, etc.) Discuss how studies/research support your views (for or against).

Choose a recent international or humanitarian crisis. What public health issues were associated with this incident? How would you manage these issues?

Case Analysis – Integrating Theoretical Orientations

Question Description


I need a tutor to write a Case Analysis. I the Case Analysis, you must assess the evidence-based practices implemented in this case study that I will provide. Below is the complete instructions. Every question must be answered in the Case Analysis. I will provide all articles so that you will be able to complete the assignment. This Analysis need to be 4 to 5 double-spaced pages.

​What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries as independent nation-states?

Question Description

What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries as independent nation-states? Is there something peculiar about Africa that delayed its drive for independence? Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict been so persistent? What religious and cultural factors have contributed to the persistent state of unrest in the Middle East and, in particular, in what some people refer to as the Holy Land?

300 words; 2 sources