What is foreshortening?

Question Description

  • Discussion Topic: What is foreshortening?


  • Please post your responses (20 sentences or more, not including websites and/or visual examples) on the topic or reading material under Discussions-Week 7 on Canvas. Please share what you learned, did not know, how the topic/learning changed your view toward the topic now, possible questions, and more with classmates.
  1. Please pay attention to the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism under the Course Policies of the course syllabus.

women study short essay 200 words

Question Description

Watch the following TedTalk- The dangerous way ads see women by Jean Kilbourne (15 min)


In at least 200 words, reflect on what Jean Kilbourne shared & the points she raised.

What is the most dangerous part of advertising for women?

What evidence does she use to support her argument?

Do you agree or disagree? Explain why or why not.

be more liberal and on women side with women when writing the essay

Film Analysis ( Fight Club – 1999)

Question Description

There is seven question in every q you answer you gonna talk about one scene and that scene you have to prove it with a screenshot from the movie so we can know your talking about which part of the movie , at the end there is Example only one not more than it and also you have to screenshot it from the movie to prove the example .

Write two paragraphs answering the following questions: What is feminism? Is feminism a sociological theory?

Question Description

Write two paragraphs answering the following questions:

  1. What is feminism?
  2. Is feminism a sociological theory?

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.

Essay 1: Submit Here!

Question Description

After working on your essay for the past week, please make necessary edits and corrections you need to make. Once done, save your final draft (including a Works Cited page just like the one you did for practice) and submit your essay for grading by uploading the file here in either .doc, .docx or .pdf format.

Please before submitting your final draft, go through this following worksheet: MLA Citation Checklist

Reflection 5

Question Description


Reflection #5: Read the paper “Blackfoot Physics and European Minds”. Write a reflection on the differences between the worldviews of indigenous peoples and twentieth century science. Comment on the consequences for the earth of each perspective.

Feel free to be creative and even a bit casual in tone (though you do need to cite any sources you use). and I need 2 pages on this essay.

Thank you

Photography and Cinema

Question Description

In the 21stcentury, the smartphone camera changed the way we use and view photography. In addition, apps and social media have changed the way we share photography.

  • How has the invention of the smartphone camera changed photography?
  • How have apps and social media changed the way we share photos? Are they positive and/or negative changes? Explain.
  • Include a statement from a current photographer or critic to support your points.

1 page single spacing

Academic Integrity

Question Description

GCU places great importance on academic integrity based in the Christianworldview. How will you go about utilizing sound habits and behaviorsto prevent plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, in your coursework,doctoral writing, and ultimately your dissertation research? Whattemptations might doctoral students encounter that would challenge theirethics? How does your worldview influence your adherence to academicintegrity? 300-350 words

Please format references as they are in the attachment for PHD assignments. Thanks

Cultural Competence

Question Description

for this assignment you are a camp director for kids watch the video and answer the following question and respond with 300 words.


Cultural Competence Activity

1. Reflect on what you saw and felt during the video, what are the potential ramifications of lack of cultural competence or the failure of having a culture of competence in our world?

In our communities?

In our camp and youth programs?

In our homes?

Wk 4 DQ#3 Dorsey

Question Description

Week 4 — DQ #3

The retirement age continues to increase depending upon the age of the worker. Is this a positive or negative strategy and why?

NOTE: Remember that all responses need to be a minimum of 100 words to receive credit and you MUST use citations and references as needed to back up your comments. Comments with out citations and the corresponding references are just opinions.