500 words essay organizational behavior NEED ASAP

Question Description

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (Organizational Behavior) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Discussion #6- CJUS5000

Question Description

Seiter, R. P. (2017). Correctional Administration: Integrating Theory and Practice (3rd Ed.). Boston: Pearson.

From Chapter 15, describe why prisoner reentry has emerged as an important issue recently, and some of the positive developments regarding it.

Post should be at least 250 words with reference to the textbook above. If you do not have access to this book, please add at least one other in-text citation and reference page.

Writing Activity for ENGL 102

Question Description

Read Colin Charlton’s chapter in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writings, “The Complexity of Simplicity: Invention Potentials for Student Writing”. Think back to the five potentials Charlton talks about and describe them in your own words. How would you define these potentials in terms practical to your own writing? Which of these would you be moved to try/consider first? (Discussion Question #2 in reading)

It should be 250-300 words and in MLA format.

What is contrapposto?

Question Description

  • Discussion Topic: What is contrapposto?


  • Please post your responses (20 sentences or more, not including websites and/or visual examples) on the topic or reading material under Discussions-Week 6 on Canvas. Please share what you learned, did not know, how the topic/learning changed your view toward the topic now, possible questions, and more with classmates.
  1. Please pay attention to the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism under the Course Policies of the course syllabus.

Editing and proofreading. I only need part 3 and 4 corrected. It is a very small part

Question Description

It is a very small part.

Editing and proofreading. I only need part 3 and 4 corrected.

I have an issue with the work thesis,and explaining how i should explore my research questions using two social science disciplines. I would like to use history and political science. You can write a new work thesis and for the rest of part 3 and 4 i just need editing and proofreading. Thank you

What is Cultural Heritage?

Question Description

  • Discussion Topic: What is Cultural Heritage?


  • Please post your responses (20 sentences or more, not including websites and/or visual examples) on the topic or reading material under Discussions-Week 4 on Canvas. Please share what you learned, did not know, how the topic/learning changed your view toward the topic now, possible questions, and more with classmates.
  1. Please pay attention to the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism under the Course Policies of the course syllabus.

comparative-contrast essay

Question Description


two articles on a topic on how they differ basedon writers’ styles or beliefs.Choose only two articles from approvedsources such as the same news story written by two different majornewspapers Compare and contrast a movie with the real life event it wasbased on.Compare and contrast a movie with the book it was ‘based on

must be at least 1.5 pages or 2

5 or more paragraphs

guidelines are attached at bottom

750 Words Short Essay

Question Description

Write 750 words short essay Topic: happiness is pleasure (Epicureanism). Be typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins. Use 12-point font. Your essay should refer to the readings and should include a works-cited page at the end (the workscited page does not count towards the final word count). Your paper should also have an informative, creative title. Use methods of proper citation (for content that does not directly belong to you).

reading : farmer, kings and traders in South Africa

Question Description

-reading response : Complete the assigned reading and write a 150- 250 word (1 page) response. This response should include 1 – 2 sentences for each of the following prompts:

• Argument: What is the author’s main thesis argument.

•Evidence:What types of theories, sources or methods does the author use?

•Analysis:What does this article add to the topic that is important or new?

•Evaluation: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

Unit 6 journal

Question Description

Reflect on how you feel you have changed as a person since your early teenage years. Do you feel you have been more or less prone to change as you have gotten older? Why do you think that? Do you think life stage development or social influences play a bigger role in your changes?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.