How to do visual (formal) analysis in art history

Question Description

  • Discussion Topic: How to do visual (formal) analysis in art history

  • Please post your responses (20 sentences or more, not including websites and/or visual examples) on the topic or reading material under Discussions-Week 5 on Canvas. Please share what you learned, did not know, how the topic/learning changed your view toward the topic now, possible questions, and more with classmates.
  1. Please pay attention to the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism under the Course Policies of the course syllabus.

Abel and Raiford, “Introduction, Photography and Race”

Question Description

write a review about the reading attached . you could include summary of the reading, your thoughts on the different issues covered in the reading , and questions you have about the reading. This is an open paper so feel free to effectively criticize the book. The format is MLA and you should only use 1 source. the work is 1 page long but ensure it effectivley covers all the key aspects of the reading.

their personal values and summarizing their individual viewpoints and perspectives on society. Students must discuss how they believe their personal values were formed and how they impact their current view of the world.

Question Description


-I believe not enough help is being given to the homeless (mental issues)

– welfare :poverty

personal values were created because my parents where more strict they taught me to care for people

even though there was times when I would think why do people ask for money on the side of the street .If they have both arms both legs .But I really didnt think about the welfare and drug addictions they would have.

Food Discussion

Question Description

Please see attached and answer the questions.

For this week’s discussion, please share a brief passage of what you consider a great description of food. It can come from one of the food memoirs we have read for class, a film, book, recipe, TV show, etc. It could even be a menu description from one of your favorite restaurants! Share it and then briefly explain why you think it is a great description of food.

Analyze the biology behind sexual orientation and gender identity?

Question Description


Type of service:

Single spacing

Paper format:
Not applicable

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

Use this videoin order to answer the topic, and you will need to mention that you arereferencing the video.
If any question, just let me know as soon as possible. Don’t forget tocite your work if you used any informations from the internet. Thank Youso much.

need a 1.5 page reflection paper

Question Description

2.Reflection Papers

To gain a greater awareness of your progress and development as a therapist, you will hand in reflection papers that will be 1-2 pages in length. They should address the following topics:

In both the on-class presentation and the written case study, please remember to only use Jane or John Doe. Remove all identifying information but include descriptive data about the client (i.e., age, gender, ethnicity). Also, include relevant DSM-V diagnoses.

attached the instruction

Article Response 2

Question Description

Please create a post by responding to “The Myth of the Student Loan Crisi (Links to an external site.)s” and “Here’s Your Crisis: Student Loan Debt Isn’t a Myth (Links to an external site.).” Your post should be at least 100 words in length.

Kathleen Miller suggests that, contrary to stereotypes, Islamic women have more rights than we assume, and American women are not as equal as we believe. Pick three topics such as law, marriage, divorce, abortion, etc., and compare the Islamic and Amer

Question Description

This week’s discussion centers upon three articles by R. Claire Snyder, Kathleen Miller, Susan Archer Mann and Douglas J. Huffman, and a roundtable of women’s historians. Your Initial Post is worth 30 points and should be 250 words in length, which is equal to about 1 page of double-spaced writing in Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman 12 point font in a Word document. It has to be cited chicago tribune style.

Unit 3 Journal

Question Description

In this unit, you learned that sleepiness can produce an altered state of consciousness. Have you, or someone you know, ever driven while sleepy? Reflect on the circumstances, and describe what happened. Do you believe that you, or the individual you described, should be held criminally liable had there been an accident or incident? Why, or why not?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Quiz #6 and Discussion Post

Question Description

Hello again!

I wanted to send you this weeks assignment with time, to see if you are able to have them completed by Saturday at noon the latest. It would be the quiz that follows (quiz # 6) , and another discussion post, in the same format. APA, and with one outside source, and one book source at least. Please let me know, and here is the draft for the work. Thank you!