Need help with assignments for each class.

Question Description

Class Name: Reading Foundations Elem Module 7 due before this Sunday I will upload book

Class name:Mathematics in Elem School Module 7 due before this Sunday

Class Name:ESOL Found:Cross-Cultural Com Module 4 week one due before this Sunday!

Class Name: Edu Governance, History & Phil Module 4 week one due before this sunday!

Discussion Post around 100-200 words

Assignment layouts will be attached.

Just worry on these assignments module first before others on word file!

Eng106 Modify the paper

Question Description

This paper needs to be revised

1. I will send you relevant books for your reference, because I have written 6 pages, but this assignment requires 2 pages, so you need to reduce some unnecessary words.

2. I will send you a document named MINI LENS, which contains some writing requirements. I need you to help me check if there are any problems in my paper.

3. I will send you some photos. This is what the professor modified for me.

Module 4 Assignment

Question Description

Module 4 Assignment

Instructions for this Assignment

Using Microsoft Word, write a response paper of 500-800 words that addresses the following:

What is the dependent variable of your research question ?

What is (are) your independent variables?

How do you operationalize each of these? Make sure you defend your operationalization and justify it with reference to the literature on this topic.

Submission Format

Your paper should be double-spaced and include a centered title

My research question:

How lack of enoughresources in schools is affecting early childhood education?

Answer the following question in 500.

Question Description

How do we continue to work in this topic(sex, love and romance) without creating epistemological harm? For example, how do we ensure that when we are writing, reading, and researching about marginal communities to which we do not belong, how do we facilitate a method of ethics? What must we be attentive to? (I advise a close look at Hartman’s chapter for help on what it means to do justice-affirmed scholarship that does not perpetuate violence or erasure.)

Govt 2305 War Powers Act

Question Description

Many political scholars argue that the War Powers Act was not an effective tool in limiting the expansion of commander in chief powers. How would you amend the War Powers Act to more effectively constrain the president? You must provide specific, attainable options that can be implemented to constrain the President. Do you think constraint is necessary? Why or Why Not?

* Your answers must be realistic. Everyone has opinions, but opinions are not always valid or attainable.

​Voyant Analysis

Question Description

The Assignment

Since the 1990s, a new field of study has emerged in the humanities, including English. In English this new field relies on the power of computing to aid literary analysis. Digital Humanities (formerly called Humanities Computing) contains many subfields, but we will be focusing on text analysis via text mining and data visualization using Voyant Tools.


jane eyre book

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (Oxford edition), ISBN-13: 978-0199535590



The word files attached has more explanation

Can anyone help do a free write a 3 page paper on globlization

Question Description

mla format

given online textbook

you can use quotes and cite them

3-4 pages in length

“Response papers are written as opinion pieces, not research papers. You will write an opinion/commentary about a topic that has been discussed in this portion of the lectures. If you use quotes, make certain to cite them correctly. Response papers are to be 3 to 5 pages in length. Use only Times Roman 12-pt font. Papers are to be double-spaced with 1-inch margins”

Slowing Down Global Warming

Question Description

Slowing Down Global Warming

As Hite and Seitz (2016) discuss in Chapter 5: Climate Change, reputable scientific studies continue to show that the Earth is warming at an unsustainable rate because of a rise in the release of CO2 and methane gases.

Respond to one of the following discussion questions:

1. What is the relationship between population increases and climate change?

2. Do you think fertility control is an effective strategy to halt climate change? Why or why not?

Communication Development in Early Infancy MFT LCSW

Question Description

Self-regulation of an individual is learned through the mutual regulation/co-construction between the mother and child. This article gives us a view of interaction patterns (communication between mother and child) that may affect the infant’s interactions in future relationships. Describe three points of significance that you learned in this article and why are these points important in your work as a therapist?

Cite your source and answer must be a minimum of 200 words. No plagiarism

Reading below…

help with journal

Question Description

If you had been in charge of establishing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), would you have included the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in DHS, or would you have retained it as an independent executive branch agency reporting directly to the president? What is one ramification of moving FEMA into DHS in terms of FEMA’s mission, programs, and reporting structure? Explain.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.