Compare/contrast your experiences with music in these situations with how these experiences are expressed musically in a more global context.

Question Description

Everyone has experience with stages of the life cycle, ethnicity, gender, and spirituality and knows that music represents their innermost thoughts and selves. This journal entry should be reflective, and should express how music represents these areas of your life. Compare/contrast your experiences with music in these situations with how these experiences are expressed musically in a more global context. Make sure to use vocabulary to communicate the attributes of music. Answer should be a minimum of 300 words long.

Scholarship application

Question Description

  • 1.Financial Need Statement
  • Please explain your financial situation, as well as any barriers (personal, financial) you have overcome—or still face—in the pursuit of your education.
  • 2.Academic and Professional Objectives Statement
  • Please describe your passion for your field of study, and your future academic and/or professional goals.
  • 3.Biographic Statement
  • Please provide a brief bio which will be used to tell donors about you. Include your program, year of study, any obstacles you’ve overcome, your future goals, and how receiving an award would impact you.


Question Description

1.Sentimentality is defined as disposition on the part of a researcher to leave certain variables in a research problem unexamined or to refuse to consider alternative views of some social happening. There are two sides: Conventional sentimentality and unconventional sentimentality.

First, define both types of sentimentality. Next, name and discuss a situation where a researcher would need to invoke conventional sentimentality AND a situation where a researcher would need to invoke unconventional sentimentality

answer it with couple of sentences.

The Obligation to Endure Reader Response

Question Description

The Obligation to Endure Reader Response

Read “The Obligation to Endure” and write responses to the following:

  • What passages do you find the most compelling/thought provoking in this writing?
  • What rhetorical appeals do you think gives those passages strength?
  • What details in the language gives you an indication of the writer’s perspective?
  • What line of reasoning do you see the writer presenting/developing/advancing in the essay?

When answering these, think about using full paragraphs, and quoting passages that help support your explanations. Also, use MLA formatting.

Replying to two discussion posts

Question Description

Each of the replies must be 75 to 150 (max) words and offer a thoughtful comment.

These responses must show a consideration of the post you are replying to beyond things like “I agree” or “Well Said.” It is OK to compliment a well written post, but you must go beyond those comments.

There must be two different replies to two different discussion posts and each must be 75 to 150 words.

The discussion posts to reply to are attached.

Com 101 week 1 face to face and digital communication

Question Description

1 page double spaced. 1 reference (just a relevant article)

No plagiarism, and no paraphraser. Use your own words.

Different between face to face and digital communication. you might elaborate upon some of the pros and cons of both types of communication. Consider sharing some difficult experiences you have had communicating both face-to-face and via some form of technology. How might your communication efforts have been improved? What would the interaction have looked like had you used the opposite model?

music listening assignment ( very easy )

Question Description

attached below is the assignment guidelines and form and rubric of the assignment,

for some reason i couldnt upload the file that has the musical piece you will be listening to but,

here is a link to a tweet that i tweeted that has the musical piece you will be doing this assignment on.…


and please be careful doing this assignment

Short essay questions on sociological theory

Question Description

Answer those questions below, please be straight to the point and each must be at least 2 paragraphs.

1. What role does private property play in Marx’s discussion of the inevitable communist revolution?

2. Outline the two forms of solidarity discussed by Durkheim. Explain how each type of solidarity affect and reflect on society. Consider the types of societies in your response.

3. According to Durkheim what does egotistic suicide result from? Explain what groups Durkheim studied and what he found.

Retrospective report on scrum

Question Description

Group retrospective.

Write a retrospective for a completed team scrum project on moving from Baltimore to Washington DC in order to be closer to our new work place.

I have attach a file of the completed scrum team project. i just need a detail retrospective report 500 words of how the team complete the project because this is the first time most of the team members work on an agile scrum project, their experience and what they have learn.

Critical Resources for Final Project – D6

Question Description

For this document, prepare one page document for the critical resources you plan to usein your final Portfolio Project. What are the key concepts of thesecritics (maybe looking at race, religion, class, or gender)? Did youdecide to omit any critics? If so, why?

Portfolio Project:

For the Portfolio Project, you will write a research paper about Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart,supplementing your own interpretation with information from three tofive other sources. Your interpretation of this novel should reflect aninternational perspective.