RACIAL Narrative

Question Description

Write a short, 3-4 page narrative about your own experiences with race up to this point in your life. How do you define your own race and ethnicity? How much significance does it have on your sense of self-identity? How often do you think critically about your own race and ethnicity, and the particular privileges you have associated with those identities, and the particular ways you are oppressed because of those identities? How does your race and ethnic identity intersect with other identities you may hold?

Read 2 song lyrics and identify literary devices

Question Description

read the lyrics of the two rap songs I’ve attached below and identify literary devices. I’ve made an example on the document for you to follow.

on the outer sides of the lyrics, write down the literary devices you’ve found along with an arrow pointing to the place in the song and if the songs share a literary device you can write it down in the middle with an arrow pointing where in the text the literary device can be found. again, I’ve done an example.

300-400 Word reading reflection – VERY EASY

Question Description

Please read and follow all directions and instructions to ensure best quality work.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


A 300-400 word Reading response on Both files attatched below.

1. Include a short Summary.

2. Talk about Your Thoughts/Opinions about the Reading.

3. At the END Ask a Question about the Reading for others to Reflect on/Think about.

4. Must respond to One Classmate with minimum of 100 words.

**Reading PDF and Example Responses will be attached**

History Homework

Question Description

Please insure that you cite at least 2 additional sources that I’ve assigned in addition to the textbook (for instance–the websites and youtube videos I’ve linked to here on Blackboard or the sources from the .pdf files I’ve required for the weekly assignment )

1. Pick EITHER Egypt or Mesopotamia. How did geography shape that civilization’s long-term history? Be sure to include cultural. political, legal, and social developments.

2. Evaluate the different ruling systems in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Why did these systems evolve differently?

(Will provide sources)

answer this prompt as mini essay

Question Description

short essay of approximately 500 words (about 2 pages double spaced), you will be given a fairly general prompt for you to base essay, with the intention that you will find a more specific thread tailored to your own interests to fit within the theme of the prompt.

the prompt is: Is Buddhism a religion, a philosophy, or both? Explain your thoughts using supporting evidence

When providing these sources, you must use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS or Chicago Style)

Environmental Health

Question Description

For this discussion, scan headlines and locate a recent article reporting on environmental health in your state. Include it in your post and answer the following prompts:

  • What environmental factor in your state is affecting public health?
  • What is the health impact?
  • Who are the sources of this information?
  • Was the link between the hazard and the health condition reported as fact?
  • Share the results of your carbon footprint. What are the biggest contributing factors?
  • 400 words, APA format, 1 text citation, 1 article citation!

Chi-Square Worksheet

Question Description

This worksheet will provide you with experience in calculating (by hand or using Microsoft®Excel®) the formulas from the weekly readings. Using these formulas and performing these calculations will provide with you an understanding of how and why statistical formulas work and what they mean. This worksheet also provides you the opportunity to interpret results in the context of specific problems, which in turn provides experience that will assist you in critically evaluating current research in your field.

Complete the Chi-Square Worksheet.

Signnature Essay for US history to 1865

Question Description

During the mid 18th Century, English colonists appealed to the metropole for redress of various grievances. In this essay, I want you to consider the ethics and civics of those seeking change (later known to us as the Patriots). Who were these Patriots? What methods did they use to further their goals through civic engagement? What ethical considerations did they take into account in seeking redress of their grievances? Did the new United States (under either the Articles or Constitution) address their grievances?

Analytical essay

Question Description


MLA format –14 font only.

500 wordminimum – 600 maximum.

Article tobe analyzed:“What Can I Know”by D.Z. Phillips (p. 82 in your text).

Paragraph1:Introduce the article and thewriter.Give a brief summary of what thearticle is about.Give a directionalstatement as to where you are going in your analysis.

Paragraph2:What is Phillips’ view onknowing?With whom is hedisagreeing?What is the disagreement?

Paragraph3.What is Phillips’ conclusion?What illustrations does he use and how doeshe use them to demonstrate his main thesis?

Paragraph4:What does Phillips mean by “minimalsense” data?How does he illustrate hisbeliefs?

( the pages posted)

Please keep post between 75-200 words

Question Description

Refer to Chapter 6 of Looking Out, Looking In and answer the following:

  • Think of a time when you spoke with someone whose speech violated the syntactic rules that you are used to.
  • Explain the scenario and the situation.
  • Identify what you thought about that person. What was your first impression?
  • How was your impression of that person influenced because he or she did not follow standard linguistic rules?
  • Think about it in hindsight. Was this first impression valid? Why or why not?