100 word Art Discussion (DUKES)

Question Description

Talk about ways in which the aesthetics and designs of countries from the Far East (Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, et al) have affected aesthetics in the United States. I am not asking about technology. I want you to consider the way things look (colors, patterns, styles). Think about architecture (Frank Lloyd Wright), furniture, clothing, graphics, comics, movies, foods, etc. Give specific examples. Remember to mention something you have learned from the lecture notes. Write about your opinion of those things in 100-150 words. Engage in discussion with another student.

time management watch video and answer questions in essay format

Question Description


Watch this video about Time Management from Dartmouth University and then answer the following questions in an essay format.

(a) What is the definition of time management?

(b) Why is time management important to college students?

(c) What are the benefits of effective time management?

(d) Why is goal-setting important? What are the characteristics of good goals, and what steps should you take to help you develop your goals?

(e) What are the three steps for effective time management?

(f) What are some key strategies that you can use to plan your time effectively?

YOU NEED TO BE A GOOD DRAWER Using Watercolor pencil

Question Description

Create a minimum of two practice illustrations in watercolor pencil. These drawings should take around 10 minutes each. They should be loose practice sketches—not finished or “polished” drawings.

  • In one illustration, observe two subjects next to each other. Make sure that the subjects are touching and/or interacting with each other in some way (for example, two pieces of fruit touching each other, or a flower inside a vase).
  • Repeat this process in one additional illustration. You should choose either two different subjects or the same two subjects from a different perspective.

Staff Training and Learning Tip Sheet

Question Description

for this assignment you are a camp director for kids please respond to the following with 200 words.

Much of the info shared during staff training is “forgotten” (never really learned) because the staff person has no context for the situation, they are overloaded with information that is shared only through talking or reading, or are distracted/overwhelmed with the actualities of the job. With this in mind, share a way you could continue to “coach” your staff through the summer on one important expectation/behavior addressed during staff training.

TGA questions

Question Description

Question 1

Why might Jefferson have suffered a “daily loss of friends” as president?

Question 2

What do you think Hoover meant by “the president. . . must interpret the conscience of America”?

Question 3

Do you agree with Johnson’s statement? Why or why not?

Question 4

What is the overall view of the presidency these quotations suggest?

Question 5

Which quotation would you say best sums up the job of the president? Why?

Revise my article as required

Question Description

I have written a draft and need your help to add more details.

The background is that I interviewed a Korean with questions and answers. You need to add more to the answers, and writes a clear effective introduction. sufficient detail to provide provides important and detailed to give an introduction that gives information about the information about the excellent preview about and idea about the topics interview. Write 5 sentences about what you think about this interview. And find an article to support your opinion use apa citation.

topic brainstorm

Question Description

This assignment is in place to ensure that you have a viable topic for the final paper. You should turn in a one-page discussion of a topic related to course material that you would like to write about. Discuss why you want to write about it and why you think it is a good topic. In addition, please submit the citation information (e.g., author name(s), year published, article title, journal name) for two potential sources that relate to your topic idea. The sources should be published since 2005.

ARTH 204 6380 Film and American Culture Course : Discussion Post

Question Description

After reading this week’s material and watching one of the films from the list, “Cold War Films Made During the Cold War,” answer the following questions.

How did the movie you watched address propaganda, either through actual use of it in film or as a plot device?

Briefly describe how the movie portrays people on the right side and the wrong side? Also include a definition of right and wrong according to the film.

Do you still see the use of pro-America propaganda in films from the last five years? Explain.

I need 3 questions on Beowulf answered….super simple

Question Description

Please read the attached PDF and give detaled answers to the following questions. Please help me understand this reading for an upcoming test. Thank you

Answer the following questions. Include specific examples from the reading to support your responses.

  1. How does Wiglaf stand out among the others? What may he come to symbolize through his word and actions?
  2. What Anglo Saxon Values are celebrated through the character of Wiglaf and the mourning of Beowulf?
  3. How do the references to Christianity throughout the epic both ADD and DETRACT from the story?

reflection homework 1

Question Description

There is in the PDF a full explanation of what was taken in the last class. should do reflection paper was explained about when religions came and so on. I need an essay where the respond to the subject of the explanation itself and do you agree on this topic or not with the explanation of that. Feel free to be creative and even a bit casual in tone (though you do need to cite any sources you use). and I need 2 pages on this essay.