4 short answer questions child development

Question Description

Short-Answer question – ALL parts of a question must be addressed

1.) Describe three reflexes present at birth and the stimulus that elicits each reflex. Indicate whether these reflexes are permanent features of human behavior.

2.) Identify and provide examples of two achievements that indicate infants’ reliance on mental representation at the end of infancy (i.e., sensorimotor stage).

3.) Describe ways in which infants’ a.) sleep, b.) feeding, and c.) crying become coordinated with those of their caregivers.

4.) Provide two arguments for why the strange situation may be problematic in assessing infant-caregiver attachment across different cultural communities.

Essay on “If he hollars let him go”

Question Description

Write an essay that thoughtfully explores how ONE of the novels characters might support and develop and/or criticize and reject the ideas of TWO of the supplementary historical readings (Washington, Du Bois, MLK, Carmichael). Show how the character, through either his or her words or actions, express similar ideas and perhaps, give us a deeper understanding and defense of the position of the supplementary reading. And/or show how the character, through either his or her words or actions, opposes the ideas of the supplementary reading and perhaps even reveal its inadequacies or errors.

Effects of Actions – 600 words

Question Description

  • First, demonstrate the understanding of what the authors mean by “diversion-oriented system” versus “punitive- or punishment-oriented system.”
  • Second, offer the perspective on whether a shift toward a “diversion” and away from a “punishment” (arrest, court processing, court trial, possible detention) model for dealing with juvenile offenders would be effective in the U.S. juvenile justice system.
  • Third, find an example of a diversion-oriented model that has been applied by a U.S. state or county juvenile court system, and describe its main features.
  • Finally, suggest how you think a diversion-oriented shift might impact case processing and caseflow management.

Use references

500-1000 words about the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Movie.

Question Description

The thesis that I chose are the magic events in Hogwarts and the good music that they used. We have written the thesis like this. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is both attractive and vivid movie because the magic events in Hogwarts and the director used the good music on this movie. Or you can create the thesis and write the whole essay. That depends on you and pick your own thesis. But do not choose the difficult thesis and do go too far, make it easy to understand. Thank you. 🙂

Scholar Communication

Question Description

While Caffarella and Barnett (2000) indicate that critique is the mostinfluential element in helping learners produce a better writingproduct, critique can be an emotional event. Cameron, Nairn, and Higgins(2009) note that it proved helpful in their workshops to discuss theemotions that emerged as students prepared to give and receive feedback.What is the role of critique in the development of a researcher andscholar? In what ways can it positively contribute to a learner’sacademic success? In what ways can it have a negative effect?

300-350 words

Please follow the format for writing the references in PHD termonolgy.

I need an analysis of a video. Please be knowledgeable in analyzing opera and symphony orchestra.

Question Description

  • Why does this piece stand out to you? briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  • Whatare the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use yourtextbook as your reference! This should be the main part of yourmini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you haveresearched.
  • Cite your sources – including your textbook. Points deducted for not citing references. You may use MLA format

Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

Minimum 200 words

My class is Sociological Theory

Question Description

I have 21 pics from the book to help you answering the questions


  1. Summarize how Weber understood the connection between history and sociology.
  2. What does Weber mean by “Verstehen”
  3. How does Weber view causality?
  4. What is an ideal type?

Substantive Sociology

  1. How does Weber view social action?
  2. According to Weber, on what dimensions is society stratified? Explain how this functions.
  3. Compare and contrast Weber’s three types of authority.
  4. Using the majority characteristics of bureaucracy on page 130, walk me through an example of how you experience bureaucracy in one of your everyday interactions.
  5. Compare and contrast Weber’s four types of rationality.

homework help

Question Description

Part 1: In 100-250 words for each, examine the following:

  • Choose two health issues.
  • Identify the risk factors associated with the health issues/disease, including who is most at risk for this health issue.
  • Identify health protective behaviors to prevent the disease, including individual and interpersonal factors that can prevent the disease.
  • Identify resources available that can help address the health condition.

Part 2: In 250-500 words, choose two of the health issues outlined in Part 1. Explain what barriers might exist when trying to promote those healthy behaviors, including ways to overcome those barriers.

Write four paper about the three selected topics.

Question Description

the three topics I chose are (I will provide you information about each topic to help writing the paper)
1- Queen Njinga

2- Araminta ross

3- Omar Ibn Said


  1. Introduction Paragraph
    1. Introduce the reader to the three examples
    2. Avoid broad phrases like “Throughout history…” “All over the world…”
  2. Body Paragraph x (at least) 3
    1. Start with an introduction sentence
    2. Example from class of resistance
    3. 2-3 sentences explaining the historical context or moment
    4. What conclusions can be drawn from this act of resistance?
    5. End with a concluding sentence
  3. Conclusion Paragraph

See the instructions for the paper below atta

Mind at a Time Reflection based on Chapter 7

Question Description

The development of children’s motor skills is very important for school success, and there is a great deal of diversity in development. Think about how children differ in their gross and fine motor skill development and how this is important in school. Discuss and provide examples.

This discussion is based on the book called, “Mind at a Time” chapter 7. Please use the book to answer the above prompt. Used examples from Chapter 7 and relate it to the book. Thank you! I need 1 and a half pages- 2 pages.