1. List the six classes of nutrients, and explain the primary functions of each.

Question Description

Answer these 4 questions

1. List the six classes of nutrients, and explain the primary functions of each.

2. Explain how the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the MyPlate food guidance system can help you follow a healthful eating pattern.

3. Discuss strategies for healthful eating, including how to read food labels, the role of vegetarian diets and dietary supplements, and how to choose healthful foods on and off campus.

4. Find an contemporary (2009 – 2019) article Online, Magazine, Newspaper about Nutrition. For this assignment you will include a paragraph summary of the article. Be sure to attach the link/source

Project 1: Revising Your Explanation

Question Description


Step 1: Revisit the explanation from your chosen paragraph for Essay 1. Write down your explanation just as you had it in your the draft that you submitted.

Step 2: Then, review the requirements for a good explanation here:

  • Remember, an explanation needs to accomplish the following: explains what the information means, connects the point to the piece of information, provides analysis, and shows the significance of the information given.

Step 3: Now that you have thought more about what makes a good explanation, rewrite your explanation.

  • Remember that your explanation should be twice as long as the information.

Eyewitness Testimony

Question Description

Review the attached two peer-reviewed journal articles on eyewitness testimony, then in 750-1,000 words, do the following:

  1. Briefly summarize the findings from each article.
  2. Based upon the information read, discuss if eyewitness testimony is reliable or unreliable.

Connect your research to the Filter Theory by psychologist Donald Broadbent.

When writing in APA style, it is important that your analysis is written in third person. Writing in third person, using support from the article to support your position, helps with clarity and conciseness throughout your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide (attached). An abstract is not required.

answer the qustions

Question Description

10 pt font, 1.5 spacing, 2 pages

Page 323 questions 5, 10:

323.5. Where are the five main cultural regions of South America?

323.10. Why has it been so difficult to unify the countries in this realm into a single trade zone?

Page 340 questions 5, 10:

340.5. What environmental problems result from the cocaine production process?

340.10. What types of agriculture are found in the north and western regions of South America?

Page 356 questions 5, 6:

356.5. Why is Manaus such a core city for its region?

356.6. What are the main causes of deforestation in the Amazon Basin? How can deforestation be reduced?


Reflection 2

Question Description


Reflection #2: Watch this video:

Then choose a video from the Crash Course World Mythology site:


Write a two-page reflection on the two videos. What did you learn from

the videos? Why did you choose the video you chose? Are you interested

in mythology? Why or why not? What role does mythology play in your

life? The larger culture?

Feel free to be creative and even a bit casual in tone (though you do need to cite any sources you use). and I need 2 pages on this essay.

Thank you

Research a remote/isolated culture somewhere in the world.

Question Description

Answer some key characteristics of this culture in your paper.

1) Where are they located on earth?
2) What does their worldview, religion, government, and economy look like?
3) How do they dress, what do they eat, how do they raise their children?
4) How has globalization and technology affected this group? What challenges do they face? (be sure to define globalization in your paper.)

Your essay should be 2-3 pages, in APA format summarizing your research. While all parts of your essay require you to respond in your own words, it is important to substantiate your argument with at least 2 academic sources,

Social Movements

Question Description

Write about the Gay rights movement and the counter-movement for Gay rights

In this discussion be sure to include what social problem it is addressing; who is affected by that social problem; and why it is so important to fix it.

Discuss how the social movement is presented. How is technology used to promote the movement? Who funds the social movement and/or provides the resources needed? Is there a counter-movement (a movement that is directly in opposition to the movement you selected)?

Must be over 1500 words, APA Format Style, with a reference page.

Use This Link to help you: https://cnx.org/contents/AgQDEnLI@13.13:dMF8i1Qt@8/Introduction-to-Groups-and-Organizations

Intro to Soc

Question Description

This needs to be an essay for intro to sociology. I have attached the outline. This is the question for the paper. I am giving you a list of topics. You will choose one and describe how each theoretical perspective(functionalism, conflict, symbolic interaction) would address the topic, much as you did in thesmall group discussion. You must give three (3) items or ideas for each perspective, and explain what youmean. Additionally, you will choose two of those perspectives and show two (2) ways they are similar and two(2) ways they are different in how they address your topic.

follow the instructions carefully important you should have the book

Question Description

This is the book if you don’t have the book don’t take this is assignment because I don’t have the book but I hear there is free pdf for this book

(Living with Art 11TH EDITION By Mark Getlein Copyright: 2016 Publication Date: October 9, 2015. )


Textbook Readings Chapters 13-15

Please use the attached document. Read as much as you can – use the guidelines on note taking in order to 1, pace yourself and 2, don’t feel like you are copying the entire textbook please.

guidelines for note taking. a table to help structure your notes.docx

sociology discussion

Question Description

  • First – Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your response
  • Second – Consider the following statement: “The major difference between a successful person and one that is not successful is that the successful person, over time, tends to make better decisions than the less successful person.” Discuss whether or not you believe this statement to be true. Explain the fundamental ways in which effectively applying critical thinking concepts has helped you to become more successful