EN101 Persuasive Essay: briefly discuss why students should be involved in politics & if we should continue to Usenet privately owned prisons or not in the US.

Question Description

This essay is my final exam grade in my EN101 class. This essay is supposed to be a persuasive essay. It should briefly discuss why students SHOULD be involved in the political process. Such as voting. After that’s briefly discussed you’ll write about how we should or should not continue the use of privately owned prisons in the United States. I don’t care what side you choose. Must have statistics to back your side up. This is supposed to be a persuasive essay!!!! So don’t forget to have your rebuttal, quotes & stats in there. It’s due at 5PM today. Thank you so much

one-way ANOVA

Question Description

For this Assignment, you will examine the one-way ANOVA based on a research question.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review this week’s Learning Resources and media program related to one-way ANOVA testing.

Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in the Learning Resources for this week.

Based on the dataset you chose, construct a research question that can be answered with a one-way ANOVA.

Once you perform your one-way ANOVA analysis, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.

Read 5 pages and write 300 words

Question Description

1.Because of your technical and academic expertise as a graduate of CSU, you have been tasked by your organization/department to provide your recommendations for increasing homeland security capabilities related to one of the missions and goals discussed in this unit. For this essay, begin by briefly reviewing the section entitled The Mission Framework in Depth (pp. 75-80) in the 2014 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review and choosing one of the mission areas and at least one of the associated goals. In no less than 300 words, present your strategy for achieving the goal(s) as it relates to your organization/department (or your desired future position).

Labor Log 09/16-09/19)

Question Description

Labor logs are documentations of labor. You will be expected to turn in a labor log on Thursday by 5pm that records the labor you produce Monday-Thursday. Labor logs allow you to self-reflect on the amount of time you spend working as well as your daily habits, and should challenge you to consider your behaviors and effort. These logs are not designed to be an invasion of privacy. They are not meant to document everything you do.

Labor log expectations include meeting the due date, time due, documentation of day, documentation of time, documentation of type of labor, and 100-word explanation of activity. (09/16-09/19)

Need a quick discussion done for theater

Question Description


From your reading, write two sections (A) and (B.) USING APPROPRIATE FORMAT AND SUBHEADINGS WITHIN EACH PARAGRAPH. Be sure to properly label each sections as indicated here, state the question, then put your detailed reply below it.

A. We have discussed the mediums of Film and Theatre

1. Which medium do you respond to more? Why?

2. Comment on the Garson Kanin quote in the module. Do you agree with it?

B: Comment on the Catalano quote that appears at the end of the module. Can you add to it?

Course Reflection

Question Description

Write a reflective journal response based on your learning so far in the course as well as your goals for future professional positions:

  1. How has your understanding of infant and toddler environments changed as a result of taking this course?
  2. How do you see this course affecting your actions and decisions in your future role working with young children?
  3. What additional areas related to infant and toddler environments would you like to gain a better understanding?

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries.

ENC1101 Compare and contrast essay

Question Description

Working with Sources. Go to YouTube and listen to “The Death of Emmett Till” by Bob Dylan. Then, read the lyrics online. Write an essay in which you compare Wilkerson’s treatment of Emmett Till to Dylan’s. What does each hope to accomplish by telling Till’s story? Do they each have the same purpose? Are they successful? Be sure to document all references to Wilkerson’s essay and include a works-cited page. (See Chapter 18 for information on MLA documentation.). The essay that you need to read is on page 607 Chapter 11. It has to be MLA, two and a half pages.

I want one transfer essay around 500-600 words.

Question Description

Please provide an essay that explains why you chose your intended program of study. What interests you the most about this major? To which careers or job opportunities do you think acceptance into this program would lead? *

I am going to transfer next semester, so i need one transfer essay around 500-600 words. Do not plagiarism in the essay. My major is computer science so you need to write about why i interested in computer science. And you need to write why I chose this University for Computer Science. Also, you need to write about careers in this feild.

Complete Short Art Discussion

Question Description

Discussion 4

22 unread replies.22 replies.

The Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painters were strongly influenced by Japanese and Chinese landscape painting. Identify design principles that you discovered from your reading in the paintings below. What design elements does Cezanne borrow from Chinese landscape. How does the work of Eastern landscape painters and that of Cezanne share principles of design with traditional Western landscape paintings such that of Thomas Cole? How do they differ in design.

Post your answer in approx. 450 words. Respond to two students in approx. 250 words each.

Thomas Cole

Classic Chinese Landscape

Paul Cezanne

Does nationalism work or not work in RIP Van Winkle or The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

Question Description

QUESTION: Please define for me literary nationalism and how it worked in America during the early 19th century. Please feel free to search for this term on the Internet. Once you have defined literary nationalism, please explain for me how that works or doesn’t work in either of the Washington Irving stories we read: “Rip Van Winkle” or “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”


RIP Van Winkle http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2048/2048-h/2048-h….

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow


Essay must be 250 words minimum. Each main point must have 1 quote from the reading. (3 total direct quotes in essay)
Please follow the outline below.




