650 word literature response

Question Description

Thoughtfully respond to the course material from this week.

  • Here are some suggestions: What is your position concerning art having a social responsibility versus being individual expression? What about beauty versus ugliness?
  • Cite at least two quotes from Arnold and/or Wilde within the body of your response to support your argumentation.
  • Submission should be 2 full pages, doc or pdf file type, and formatted with 1 inch margins and 12-pt. Times New Roman or another serif font.
  • At least 650 words count
  • No outside resources needed. Only use resources I provided.

Reding 1: https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/wilde/oscar/doria…

Reading 2: http://mason.gmu.edu/~rnanian/Wilde-Preface.html

Reading 3: see attached file

US History: The New Republic 1790 – 1820

Question Description

1 page double spaced total.

Answer only TWO of the four questions using the Critical Thinking/Evidence-Based Response method. 1-2 paragraphs per question.

1. Describe Alexander Hamilton’s plans to address the nation’s financial woes. Which aspects proved most controversial, and why? What elements of the foundation Hamilton laid can still be found in the system today?

2. What led to the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts? What made them so controversial?

3. What was the most significant impact of the War of 1812?

4. In what ways did the events of this era pose challenges to the U.S. Constitution? What constitutional issues were raised, and how were they addressed?

Art Creation & Reflection – Photography/Cinema

Question Description

1, Select a photograph to use as a point of inspiration (Include the inspiration photograph within the document,the title, artist/director, year, and place of origin, explain the background of the inspiration piece)

2, you art piece: Include your original photograph within the document,a title, Explain the background of your piece)

3, Connection: Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces, How are they similar and different? Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences? For photography, how do the formal elements of design compare to one another

Workplace Writing

Question Description

You will write a letter of request to JWU regarding the purchase of a piece of art.Follow MLA guide to writing the formal request.Your request letter must have three parts:

  1. Describe the artwork and provide a rationale for your selection. Be sure to include details to support this request and why it would be a good choice for the university.
  2. Advise where the art work should go on campus.Explain the connection to space, student body, the city, etc.
  3. Conclude your request using either an appeal of logos, pathos or ethos.

Heading and closing are important as well as language in formal writing.

Answer the following questions in an essay

Question Description

The essay needs to be at least 1.5 pages but no longer than 2 pages.


  1. How do criminologists measure (count) crime?
  2. How much crime is there in the United States? Are crime rates going up or down?
  3. How does the US compare to other countries in terms of violent crime (homicide)?
  4. According to Barkan, what do we know about race and criminal justice involvement?
  5. What is mass incarceration? What are some of its causes? What are some of its collateral consequences?
  6. What is the significance of white collar, corporate and state crimes to the overall crime problem?

Week #6: Tagore, She, Borges, and Yeats

Question Description

Week #6: All of the stories this week represent or explore various challenges in life. Those challenges can be personal, professional, or part of a wider situation or context (national or even international). Using examples from works by at least three of the four authors assigned for this week, what challenges do we see the characters or personas (the poems are not necessarily autobiographical) facing? What argument does the text seem to make in terms of facing challenges like the ones described? What can we learn or take away from reading these texts that might help us in facing or understanding our own challenges?

Provide one example of functionalist theory in the film that was present when the American Public Education system was founded.

Question Description

12 pt. font/ double space/ 1 page

have to watch the whole documentary

A) Provide one example of functionalist theory in the film that was present when the American Public Education system was founded. What are the specific elements of the theory that are manifested in your example?

B) Provide one example of conflict theory that emerged in the American Public Education system in practice. What are the specific elements of the theory that are manifested in your example?

C) Name two education system characteristics discussed in the film that are present today; be specific.

Please lmk if link works and its 6 parts

Activity on African Politics essay questions

Question Description

Activity on African Politics- Please view PDF in the files I posted

Readings: African Politics in Understanding Contemporary Africa, 57-80 (each answer at least a paragraph long)

1. Discuss the socio-economic, cultural and political challenges that African political

leaders faced in the early years of independence (60s-70s)

2. Describe the strategies that these African political leaders used to maintain power

3. List the five major types of regimes found in SAA and provide 5 specific examples for each type

Extra Political links aside from PDF that was attached

If you’d like you can view a documentary called Africa: in defiance of Democracy





i need you to cover all the required

Question Description

Presidents Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt Discussion Assignment due September 29

This discussion assignment focuses on Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt as presidents. You are to read Chapters 10 and 11 in the text, read the lectures on Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt and watch the videos on these presidents.

You are then to write a description of your presidency as becoming either Theodore Roosevelt OR Franklin Roosevelt. You are going to show how Theodore Roosevelt created the modern office of the presidency through his domestic and foreign policy and Franklin Roosevelt created our modern system of government through his New Deal programs of relief, recovery and reform

Write a 250-300 post about an issue affecting a country you choose

Question Description

“Pick one country you know and/or are interested in. Try to pick one no one else has posted about. (I uploaded a picture with the ones that have been chosen already by others students).

Make a posting highlighting an issue affecting your country.

Include a source where we can read more about the issue and a map of your country (or region within the country).”

– Please give your postings eye-catching titles.

– A quote from a reputable news source with a link to the article at the bottom of the posting.
– 1 image OR 1 embedded video (and no more than 1).

– around 250-300 words.