CHFD 220 Week 2 Discussion

Question Description

Forum 2: Debate on Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States ( (SIECUS) recommends a comprehensive approach to sexuality Education. Read the article Pop Culture Sex Ed: What Media Teaches Us About Sexual Health(, and reflect on the questions, “At what age should sexuality Education begin in a public school setting? Is public or community Education an appropriate manner to teach sexuality? What should the curriculum include or exclude? Who should be responsible for developing and approving the curriculum?” Respectfully debate these questions with your peers.

250 words in length and must contain 1 citation/reference from our course text.

Write a three page essay summary of why should everyone go to college ?

Question Description

After reading one of the essays listed above, write a three page essay summary of the essay they say as well as your response to the argument made I say. In other words, what is the essay about? What is the authors viewpoint and position regarding the subject matter? What is your argument in response to the subject matter? You can use additional essays as support for your own ideas, but you should construct your own argument in response to one particular author. Don’t forget to work cited page.

I will be sending pictures of the pages that must be read to reply to this assignment.

Examine the effectiveness of statewide testing programs

Question Description

  • Write a 500 word essay expressing a position on a topic listed above.
  • Choose an educational issue that is both controversial and researchable to make an argument.
  • Be sure to offer a clear thesis, remembering that this is an essay, not just a list of random evidence, nor is it just a rant.
  • You want to develop clear and logical reasoning as well as sufficient and reliable evidence to support your claim.
  • Consider the breadth and width of your audience; commentary seeks to influence the greater group.
  • Include an annotated bibliography (2-3 sources) with your essay.

homework 1

Question Description


Just do this two questions on one page at Word:

1. Scan the web for educational resources and find one that, according to you, demonstrates good use of technology to enhance language learning. The site could be dedicated to language learning, or it could be a tool that is available on the web that helps second language learners. You could also talk about a site that provides tools for teachers to create language learning activities.

2. Reflect on your own learning experiences. What would have helped you become a better language learner if the technology that exists today had existed when you first started your language learning experience?

Short Answer Responses: Each question is worth four points. Your answers should be at minimal, three to five complete sentences.

Question Description

RTM 330- Quiz # 1

Short Answer Responses: Each question is worth four points. Your answers should be at minimal, three to five complete sentences.

  1. What is women’s empowerment?
  1. Review the Progress on Women Empowerment article. In your own words, discuss the drivers of progress on women’s empowerment.
  1. Review the Progress on Women Empowerment article. In your own words, discuss structural reason’s for women’s lack of power.
  1. Discuss something recent (within the last three months) that involved women empowerment and politics. Connect your topic to the article.
  1. Based on the article and what you’ve learned thus far, how can empowering adolescent girls be seen as a societal investment?

Need help please

Question Description

In 750-1,000 words, discuss the following:

  1. Identify the different forms for the insanity defense.
  2. Identify the most common insanity defense applied by the States.
  3. Describe how often the insanity defense raised.
  4. Discuss how a criminal defendant assessed for insanity.
  5. Describe how a psychologist would be utilized as an expert witness to prove or disprove an insanity defense.

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

Discussion board WAX POETIC

Question Description

Week 5 Discussion: Wax Poetic

Pick any poem from this week’s readings. Paraphrase it in 200-300 words. Be sure to include the poem and author at the top of your post. DO NOT SUMMARIZE or tell us what happened in any way.

Answer the question in no less than 300 words. Then, respond to two of your classmates in no less than 150 words. Did the paraphrase make you see the poem in a different way or help you understand it better?


Developmental growth

Question Description

Consider your developmental milestones that have occurred in your life. Choose three that you will be able to discuss in the following ways:

  • physical aspects
  • cognitive elements
  • psychosocial

As you explain your developmental growth in the three milestones you have chosen, be able to recognize it not just as a change, but the scientific factors affecting the development. Specifically include what part nature and nurture played in your personal development. Think about physical/biological (nature) and environmental, family, social (nurture) as you complete this evaluation.

**I attached powerpoint noted related to the discussion**


these notes actually apply better to the discussion


Small Discussion: Gendering

Question Description

In the Module 1 discussion about men and feminism, many of you mentioned how boys and men are socialized to be “tough” and not show emotions. Think about your own gender socialization, and if you’re a parent, about the gender socialization of your child or children. How were you gendered? And if applicable, how have you gendered your children? What would the world look like if we eliminated genders? Is a genderless world possible?

Topic replies are due on Wednesday by 11:59 p.m.. Peer replies are due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. Remember that in small group discussions, you must respond to ALL peer topic replies

Complete Humanities 100 Task

Question Description

Following review of one set of the videos in the previous task, respond to the following questions in 1–2 sentences.

  1. How do you think the new and old versions represent different aspects of their societies/times? What are the similarities and differences?
  2. How does each version reflect the culture and time period in which they exist?
  3. After considering the examples presented, think about the artifact that you chose for Project 1. Pose one question regarding the relationship between human culture and expression in relation to your artifact. In one sentence, explain one approach you may take to find the response to the question posed.