Room Arrangements

Question Description

When designing room arrangements, the developmental needs of children must be taken into account. In other words, the arrangement of an infant room would be different from that of a toddler room. Review the diagrams of the three room arrangements discussed in Chapter 5 (infant, toddler, preschool). In your discussion post:

  1. Compare and contrast the three room arrangements.
  2. Critique the room arrangement of your choice (infant, toddler, or preschool). Which aspects do you feel are missing? Which aspects are not needed? How is this room arrangement supported, or not supported by early childhood theories?
  3. Describe two to three concerns you have about potential safety hazards in these room arrangements and how you would address them.

in this discussion i need to cover the subject exact.

Question Description

You are going back to the 1920s; you are to read Chapter 8 in the text, the lecture on modern culture, especially on the 1920s, and also view the videos on the 1920s.

You are going to transport yourself back to the 1920s and write about what life was like in the 1920s. You can focus on a variety of happenings in the 1920s and enjoy your visit back to that timeframe in our modern history.

Finally let us know which aspect of life in the 1920s you enjoy the most and then comment on ONE other student’s choice of their favorite aspect of the 1920s. Again enjoy your trip to the past.

Module 02 Discussion – The Power of Group Membership

Question Description

Describe a specific example of groupthink you have witnessed in your personal or professional life. Explain what factors contributed to this example of groupthink and how the outcome may have been different had groupthink not occurred. Connect your response to at least one other concept we’ve explored this week (such as in-groups and out-groups, roles, or social institutions).

3.7 Chapter 2 Quiz

Question Description


Read the following passage and provide the issue and conclusion. Include your critical thinking response.

Corporate managers are always interested in techniques for increasing the productivity of their workdays. One interesting suggestion made by productivity consultants is to pipe music into the work area. Several recent studies have explored the extent to which different types of music affect worker output. The primary hypothesis examined in the studies was that soft-rock music would prove the greatest aid to productivity. The research has found almost universally that country and western music is the greatest inducement to efficiency. Therefore, corporate officials should seriously consider playing country and western music as a stimulus to worker productivity.

summarize three studies based on topic (intervention for depressed adults) quantitative study, qualitative study and quality improvement

Question Description

PICO: “In treating adults with major depression, are combined interventions (selective-serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and psychotherapy) more effective than medication only (selective-serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) based intervention?”

Discussion Study strength and design

Using your PICO from the Module 2 Forum as your topic, identify one article from each of the following research publication types: quantitative, qualitative, and quality improvement.

Give a brief summary of each of the articles and briefly synthesize how the different types of scholarship production contribute to the overall state of the science for your topic. Please attach your 3 articles to your discussion post and retain these articles for use in Module 7.

APA format.

European Explorer Project 6th grade on Bartolomeau Dias

Question Description

You are a famous European Explorer from the Age of Exploration. You are at the end of your career now and want to create a journal/scrapbook about your life and travels as an explorer. This will tell the world what your discoveries were, what your travels were like, and how your exploration helped change the world.

Your task is to create a journal/scrapbook about the life and explorations of the European explorer you were assigned in class. This journal will cover the life of the explorer, a specific expedition he had, a map of his journeys, goods he might have traded, and the impact exploration had on the world.

Early Wars Discussion

Question Description

This is your last discussion in the class and it deals with the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the War of 1812. You are to read Chapters 14 and 15 in the text, read the lecture on early wars, and watch some of the videos on these early wars. For this assignment you are going to go back in time and live at the time of ONE of these wars. You are going to describe what you feel would be the major causes of that chosen war.

Finally you are going to describe what you feel is the most important battle of the war that you choose

record your eating

Question Description

Record your breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks intake for three days. If you skipped a meal, indicate that a meal was skipped. Then discuss your eating behaviors in regards to the

ones discussed in your textbook and on the power point. What, if anything, do you need to change about your eating behaviors and what are you doing well. 500 word minimum.

breakfast : always eggs and cheese or boiled eggs and bacon

lunch : Tuna plain, celery ,cheese broccoli, chicken salad

snacks: almonds.cheese sticks

Dinner: asparagus,scallops or fish and cabbage or baked chicken with cauliflower

Anything Keto started 4 weeks ago…

SWM5109 Analyse the meaning and nature of social policy.

Question Description

1. Identify what the author is arguing should happen in that policy area (i.e. what is their viewpoint on the topic?-e.g. Are they pro or anti-abortion, or pro or anti compulsory income management, or pro or anti lifting the payment for NewStart allowance?)

2.Is the author influenced by a particular ideological or philosophical viewpoint (social democratic, feminist, conservative, economic rationalist/neo-liberal, human rights, multicultural), and if so, which particular words or phrases are used to communicate their viewpoint?

3. Explain whether or not you agree with their views, and why- is it because of your personal experiences /beliefs or family beliefs or your work experiences?

This analysis should be no more than 1250 words.

Sociology of cultural emotion

Question Description

1. Choose 2 solutions that connect to your passions and interests – one from the Solution Bank (链接到外部网站。).and one you find yourself. Paste links to each and write 2 paragraphs:

  • Why did you choose these two? What makes each one interesting or effective from your perspective?
  • Based on your analysis from the Needs & Strengths Assessment, what could you add to or change about their approach? Rise to the challenge: 0 points for the assignment if you say “I can’t add anything”!

2. Read a colleague’s post and give a thoughtful response.