essay discussion

Question Description


The Election of 1896 was a turning point in American political history. The decade of the 1890’s was filled with crises, upheaval and unrest. Americans believed this election would be an especially significant one. Both candidates took different political positions on the monetary question (gold v silver) , the tariff and trade.

Pretend you are a voter in 1896 would you have voted for William Jennings Bryan or William McKinley? Become a fictitious voter in 1896. Make sure to tell us your occupation, ethnicity and where you live. Women could vote in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho in 1896.
View the chart on page 545, use my Content Comments and your text, videos concerning the election and other Canvas resources to use to write your posts.

peer reviev

Question Description

You will be prompted to write 2 peer reviews. One review will be of a classmate’s (colleague’s) letter. One review will be of your own letter. In each, respond to the writer’s Letter of Introduction as though it is a draft. In this assignment, you will write at least 150 words to a classmate reviewing both the strengths and the areas in need of improvement. Comment on the style, organization, tone, persuasiveness, and audience awareness. The reading this week provides you with solid examples of careful feedback. See figures 3.3, 3.6, and 3.7 in the reading for examples of the types of suggestions you might make. Consider also what kind of tone will be appropriate for your comments to a colleague and team member.

architecture hw

Question Description

Select an architect from your text, from class discussions, or from some other source. He/She may be a

historic or contemporary architect that you want to learn more about.

Use drawings/diagrams/photographs (or any combination) to illustrate the architect’s most significant



written words (outline form is acceptable) to describe the architect’s era, philosophy,

influences, etc. This project may be presented crea

tively (collage, figure/ground organization,

photoshop, etc.), but remember the single page,

8 1/2″ x 11″ paper format.

Be prepared to discuss your architect in class.

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage research and to establish hierarchi

es…..there is only so

much information that can fit on one page, so you have to choose the most important data.

i inserted a symbol in files

600 words discussion on Psychology of Personality

Question Description


  • List Erikson’s eight stages of development. Describe two of them. Choose one and describe what happens when this is successfully negotiated. Choose the other to describe what might happen if this crisis was not successfully negotiated.
  • Describe Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious (what is it, where does it come from, what is its purpose?). Give an example of a current application (in the study of personality or in therapy) of the collective unconscious.


Read the full text of at least one peer reviewed/refereed journal article published within the past few years on the discussion question topics. Include at least one article for both of your discussion responses.

Friedman, H. S. & Schustack, M. W. (2016). Personality: Classic theories and modern research (6th ed.). MA: Pearson

Discussion Board 5

Question Description

CLASS Discussion Board 5: The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez

Who was Gregorio Cortez and what happened to him? Analyze the distinct ways that he is portrayed among Mexican Americans and Euro-Americans. Was he seen as a hero or a criminal? Why is Gregorio Cortez significant in Chicano history?

When replying to your classmates’ posts, be sure to examine the reasons the portrayal of Cortez was inconsistent and why his story persists.

Here is a song, in Spanish, about Gregorio Cortez:

Your post (as a new thread) is due before 11:59 pm on 9/18/19 (post should be at least 6 sentences long).
Two replies to different classmates is due before 11:59 pm on 9/19/19 (each reply should be at least 3 sentences long).

Visit a historic site, building, or landscape

Question Description

PROJECT 2: HBCU Campus Building Preservation | Site VisitProject Brief

Visit a historic site, building, or landscape on Morgan State Univeristy campus and record your initial observations of thesite. Clearly describe the site and summarize what is historical to you. What message ormemory is being preserved? How does the site make you/visitors feel about the past? What isthe relationship between the object/material/form and the messages and narratives that arebeing presented? Assess the extent of restoration/conservation at the site – is it evident to thevisitor? Select a site you have not visited before and don’t know much about. Focus on theexperience of your visit (open your eyes and senses); this is a reflective response.After you have observed, reflected and responded to the above,

300 words about memory psychology

Question Description

Please respond to the following prompts using a minimum of 300 words total:

  1. Describe something you have learned that is now in your procedural memory. Discuss how you learned this information.
  2. Create a mnemonic device to help you remember a term or concept from this chapter.
    1. Watch Joshua Foer’s video on the effectiveness of a memory palace and consider using this strategy to remember something from this chapter. (Links to an external site.)
    2. Whichever mnemonic device you use, explain why you chose this particular one.
  3. If you were forced to lose one type of memory – sensory, short-term, or long-term – which would you select and why?

Use simple words.

Use ONLY the video as a reference, no outside sources.

[u01d2] Unit 1 Discussion 2 A MULTICULTURAL PERSPECTIVE

Question Description

Consider your own cultural background and how likely it is to influence your ability to work with a diverse range of people. Describe specific attitudes and beliefs that might enhance or interfere with your ability to understand and work with diversity. Reference Haycock’s 2001 article, “Closing the Achievement Gap,” and Okech, Pimpleton-Gray, Vannatta, and Champe’s 2016 article, “Intercultural Conflict in Groups,” noting key takeaways from the articles as you synthesize your post.

Response Guidelines

Respond to one learner. As you consider his or her post, share your plan of action to improve the area you identified in your post to enhance your ability to work with diversity.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Research culturally relevant strategies for group work.

Discussion Question- Hopi Religion or Native American Freedom

Question Description

Pick ONE for a discussion board

Option One: The Hopi and United States Culture

Compare and contrast teachings in Hopi religion with themes and aspects in culture of the United States. Is the Hopi way of life compatable with United States culture? Why or why not? What do you see in the future for the Hopi?

Option Two: Native Americans and Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is a foundational right in national life of the United States. However, Native American have often been denied this freedom, especially up until recent decades. What does the history of Native Americans tell us about freedom of religion in the United States? Can Native Americans freely practice traditional tribal religions today? To what extent is this possible and/or should be possible?

Reading Response

Question Description


Bob is a volatileperson, quick to anger and yelling. Samuel has a tendency to lie.Samuel knows that Bob is volatile, and Bob knows that Samuel has atendency to lie.

Bob and Samuel arehaving an argument. During the argument, Samuel tells a lie to Bob sothat Bob will agree with him. Bob knows that Samuel is lying, andwinds up screaming and frightening Samuel.


*While both Bob and Samuel acted unethically, whose actions areworse, Bob’s or Samuel’s? (Pick one)


*Use one (no morethan two maximum) of the following philosophers to justifyyour position: Smith, Hutcheson, Balguy, or Kant.

*Make sure that youhave an argument (with premises and a conclusion) and that youexplain the philosopher’s ideas in your own words.

I will attach readings once it is assigned.