AOJ 200 Dis

Question Description

Actus Reas and Voluntariness (POST)

4949 unread replies.4949 replies.

Read about actus reas and voluntariness on pages 72 – 74 of your textbook and watch this week’s video on actus reas.

Then answer the question at the end of 4.2, “Do you agree with the court?”

You won’t be able to see any other posts until you post your first time. Then you’ll be able to read other students’ posts.

After posting your answer, read my post. My post contains the main argument of the appellate court when they ruled in this case. Did your opinion match that of the appellate court?

Grading Rubric: click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

Write a resume

Question Description

Write the resume from the time frame that this is your last semester and you are looking for your first job in the computer science or computer related field. If you have had prior work experience in the computer field the resume should reflect that and you would then be looking to get rehired.

In addition to completing this writing exercise, find a computer related job listed anywhere on the Internet for which you would like to apply and tweak your resume as much as possible for that company. You can attach the job listing at the end of your resume if you can copy it or take a screen shot of the job listing and put it at the end of your resume (last page).

Discussion post 300 words needed

Question Description

Hi, this a discussion post I have already started question 1 but haven’t finished it. So you would need to finish question 1 and and complete question 2. A minimum of 600 word count is required, and I have already completed 300. It is very easy to achieve this word count as well, you will notice.

Watch the video and answer the questions provided for the post. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!

Link to the video:

2. Describe which Community Intervention Components (from Ch. 5) were incorporated into the Harlem Children’s Initiative, and thus made it successful.

3. Explain how these program components would affect community members’ (i.e., children’s) stress, coping, social support and resilience (from Ch. 3)

I will provide the textbook

Role of emotions MFT

Question Description

Each answer must be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words. Reading is there to assist with answering question accuratly

1)Explain congruence and incongruence and give one example of a dialogue between two people that demonstrates congruence. Give one example of a dialogue between two people that demonstrates incongruence. Please cite your sources

TD 1 – Bloch, A. (2011). Communication and Congruence Video – Virginal Satir. Thinbking Allowed Productions. Retrieved from Counseling and Therapy in video, volumes I-III in the Touro Library.

2)Based on the reading of how emotions develop, what are the implications for the work with children, teens and adults?

Please cite your sources : An integrative framework Oxford. Oxford: Oxford University Press. EBSCO eBook collection in the Touro Library

Please let me know if anything else is needed.

Final Project: Test Report

Question Description

For your Final Project, you create a test report describing the construction of your own test, combined with the results from your analysis of the provided dataset. See the week 1 project area for a full description of the assignment.

The Assignment (5–7 pages)

Submit your final test report. Your report should be 5–7 pages, not including abstract and references. In it, you should describe:

  • The construction of your own test
  • The results from your analysis of the provided dataset. Include validity, reliability, and factor analysis interpretation.

Please submit your Project by Day 7.

Support your Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course. zero plagiarizing, APA format, Quote work,’s

its my homework question of diversity

Question Description

  1. How are stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination related? Provide examples to support your answer. Refer to the Stereotypes,Bias, PPT from Week 3 Course materials. (i.e. think of a stereotype you have and explain how prejudice and discrimination are connected to it)
  2. Share a conscious bias or group bias you have toward a social group in the U.S. (refer to ppt slide and Youtube links and the identity groups we have discussed in class). Explain where or how you think you developed this bias and what is something you can do to confront it?
  3. Read and view materials link in PPT on micro aggressions by Derald Wing Sue. Choose 2 micro aggression statements (from slide #10) and explain what you think the hidden message or assumptions are from the statements.

Special Interest Center

Question Description

Interest centers are a great way to involve children in learning.

  1. Puppetry center

Provide the following information in this post:

  1. For your chosen interest center, discuss the special considerations you must make for this center in terms of the space you will need, where in the classroom it should be, and the learning materials you will use.
  2. Explain how you can make this interest center developmentally appropriate for infants.
  3. Explain how you can make this interest center developmentally appropriate for toddlers.
  4. Discuss your role in this learning center. How will you model or introduce the center to children? How will you interact with children while they are engaged in the activities, and why?
  5. Lastly, discuss how you will accommodate diverse learners, such as children with disabilities or English Language Learners.

Understanding Poverty

Question Description

For this discussion, highlight key pointsfrom Chapter 3 (Ratcliff, 2017) and the article by Tyler (2013). Using thesehighlights as jumping off points, discuss how these two sources relate to andinform each other, and how do their main ideas affect your understanding of poverty?

A link to the book is included. You may have to Google the article.

400 words, APA format, 1 textcitation, 1 article citation!

Ratcliff, K. (2017). The social determinants of health: looking upstream.Cambridge, UK Malden, MA: Polity Press.

Tyler, E. T. (2013). “Small places closeto home”: Toward a health and human rights strategy for the US. Health and Human Rights, 15(2), 80-96



Montessori Infant-Toddler Environments

Question Description

According to Dr. Maria Montessori (1967), the child’s environment “must be rich in motives which lend interest to activity and invite the child to conduct his own experiences” (p. 81). Learning environments must be carefully prepared to allow infants and toddlers to explore and direct their own learning as they become more and more independent. Watch the video, 01 Preparation for Life: Montessori Infant-Toddler Communities. Then, respond to the following:

  1. Briefly describe the three aspects of the infant-toddler sensitive period of development (movement, order, and language).
  2. Identify and describe how the learning environments in the video support this development.
  3. Review your response to this week’s Discussion One, “Developmentally Appropriate Centers.” After viewing the video on Montessori learning environments, describe how would you change or enhance your learning center.

its my diversity homework

Question Description

  1. How are stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination related? Provide examples to support your answer. Refer to the Stereotypes,Bias, PPT from Week 3 Course materials. (i.e. think of a stereotype you have and explain how prejudice and discrimination are connected to it)
  2. Share a conscious bias or group bias you have toward a social group in the U.S. (refer to ppt slide and Youtube links and the identity groups we have discussed in class). Explain where or how you think you developed this bias and what is something you can do to confront it?
  3. Read and view materials link in PPT on micro aggressions by Derald Wing Sue. Choose 2 micro aggression statements (from slide #10) and explain what you think the hidden message or assumptions are from the statements.