compare two speeches

Question Description

Compare two speeches that I posted from The Taming A Shrew and The Taming of The Shrew.

Focus on significant differences of content–where do the emphases lie in the quarto Kate’s speech? How does the speech in the Norton Shakespeare differ? Do these two speeches use different metaphors, images, or allusions, and how do those differences affect the meaning? What does the longer version include that the shorter one does not? Does one speech seem more ironic or sincere to you, and why?

Write a substantial paragraph focusing on what you see as the most significant difference in content between the two speeches. Include citations of lines to support your point of view. In the final line of your paragraph, summarize how this comparison has sharpened your understanding of the speech from The Taming of the Shrew.

Advanced Clinical Discussion 2 (WALDEN)

Question Description

Understanding an adolescent’s behavior can be at times elusive and even frustrating. Due to the multiple aspects of the developmental tasks during these years, it can be at times quite challenging to clearly define the issue(s) at hand. Assessment during this stage will include an evaluation of whether an adolescent’s actions are indicative of unhealthy behavior or merely representative of being an adolescent. A comprehensive assessment that includes an evaluation of the client’s developmental stage is a priority when working with this age group.

For this Discussion, choose the opposite case from Discussion 1 and use Erikson’s developmental theory.

By Day 4

Post an assessment of whether the client is mastering the stage of identity. Identify the areas that should be addressed in an intervention based on his or her developmental stage. Describe how you might address those areas.

explain that the Chopin made it possible for the reader to see significant value and meaning in Edna’s awakening.

Question Description

The Awakening can easily be read as a long list of accusations against Edna—against her irresponsibility, her failure as a wife and a mother, her sexual immorality, her self-obsession, and ultimately her cowardly, selfish abandonment of her children—her suicide. But let’s assume that Chopin did not write this novel as a cautionary tale to condemn wayward, immoral women, like Edna, who fail to abide by the laws of society, and to warn them of the downfall that awaits them. That leaves us wondering why Chopin created Edna Pontellier as she did, what her purpose was. Suppose that Chopin had a purpose that goes beyond enforcing opinions we already have, and write an essay in which you explain that the author made it possible for the reader to see significant value and meaning in Edna’s awakening.

Sociology of Family

Question Description

Required Reading: “Diversity in Families” – Chapters 4 & 5 Instructions: As discussed in Chapters 4 & 5, today’s families are affected by macro-level forces such as the economy, immigration, and aging. Discuss how the following macro forces below have shaped your family. “Globalization and the transformation from a modern to the post-modern economy over the past thirty years, as well as the recent economic crisis have significantly affected American families. The outsourcing of jobs, a decline in unionized jobs, job insecurity, housing woes, and financial debt, have contributed to downward social mobility, making it more difficult for families to achieve the middle-class American dream. Discuss how larger shifts in the economy have affected your family’s economic situation.” Assignment Format: Word document 2.0 (double-spaced) 1 inch margins 12pt Times New Roman font MLA citation

Fill in the blanks of this RESEARCH argument essay outline using the ANNOTATED bibliography uploaded.

Question Description

Fill in the blanks of this RESEARCH argument essay outline using the ANNOTATED bibliography uploaded. The first three pages of the RESEARCH argument outline is the teacher explaining how she wants the essay to be completed. Which will not matter for you to a certain extent because you are only filling in the outline that starts at page 4. Please use a different color font or highlight the font that is your statement so it could be easily seen when reading. You should be able to look up the sources used for these articles to be able to document quotes when doing outline. If you feel like it would be much easier to start over to remain on topic please let me know and I can give you the websites to find new sources.

write short essay

Question Description

In class we discussed Naomi Wolf’s The Beauty Myth and attached is a pdf of the title chapter. The central tenets of the Beauty Myth are: that there is a quality called “beauty” that objectively and universally exists, that women must want to embody it, and men must want to possess women who embody it… that it is really a backlash against “Feminism” that uses images of female beauty as a political weapon against womens advancement by keeping them vulnerable to outside approval… and is really about prescribing behavior instead of appearance.

Do some independent research and reflection on the concept of the Beauty Myth. Share a current (last 10 years) article/website/campaign that speaks to the influence of the Beauty Myth in your life or generation. Include a short (200 word) recap/explanation.

I need it by October 20.

Question Description

Family Dynamics and The Chapters of My Life” Paper

Due Sunday by midnight of week 3.

This month you are to write a 1200 word research paper on concepts covered in this class and how you see them related to your own family life. This paper is worth 20% of your grade. As you read the text and do research throughout the class make notes of family systems concepts that you see illustrated in your own family life.You may use some of the concepts in bold print in the Weekly Summaries. You will identify each concept and tell how it applies to your own family system. Please use the APA format and cite at least four (4) sources. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources posted in Student Resources for you.

Finalizing my already done essay comparing two authors who wrote about graphic novels

Question Description

I already completed the rough draft on this rhetorical analysis. I had to compare two authors who wrote articles commenting about graphic novels and their thoughts on their significance. I will submit my rough draft that I already completed. I need to improve on my “topic sentences”. Topic sentences in each body paragraph are important because the most important word needs to bolded in black. I will submit the sample essays she provided us to view as well as the two articles I’m comparing as well as my rough draft.

My teacher let me know I need to work on my topic sentences in each. body paragraph because they are not clear enough on what each paragraph is about. I also need to add quotations in my essay and did not add any.

psy 610 Journal wk3

Question Description

Social Relations Journal

To prepare for this journal, watch Social Relations (Links to an external site.) (2017). Reflect on this topic. Specifically, consider concepts other than those covered in discussions and/or assignments. Explain how a particular theoretical perspective applies to your own experience, personal or professional. Describe the social situation in the context of social psychological theory and research, and appraise the factors that impact your behavior as well as the role your own actions play in producing and perpetuating the situation. Your journal should be approximately one single-spaced page and include at least one reference to a required course reading.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Question Description

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writingassignments.

Using the Synthesis Worksheet you completed in Topic 3 andconsidering the themes you developed and the feedback provided by yourinstructor, write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that synthesizes the threearticles. Your paper should include the following:

  1. An introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic.This includes giving a brief description of each article and itspurpose, identifying the three themes that emerged from your reading,describing how they will be discussed in the paper, and presenting aclear thesis statement.
  2. Support for your identified themes with evidence from each article.Provide analysis of these findings to strengthen your narrative.
  3. A discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articlesare taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message ofthe group of articles?

13 days ago