American Lit Assignment (SIMMONS)

Question Description

After reading the introduction to this literary period in the online text, please complete the following activities.

READING: Southern Renaissance-First Wave (p.656)

If you directly cite information from outside sources or the online text, please do so in correct MLA format (in-text citations and a reference list).

If you have questions about MLA format, please visit the Purdue OWL.

  • Define the literary period (this information can be found in the online text).
  • List 2 authors from this literary period (this information can be found in the online text).
  • List 3-5 events (historical, political, social, technological) that occurred during this time period and give a brief description of each (this information can often be found in the online text; however, additional online research may be necessary).
  • Discuss how you believe a minimum of 1-2 of these events may have impacted the pieces that you read this week.

answer some art(color)questions

Question Description

How Color Works Chapter Two Discussion Questions

What are the three attributes of color (again)?

What is the additive color system and what are the additive primaries?

What is the subtractive color system and what are the subtractive primaries?

What is a tint, a shade, a tone?

What is saturation exactly, and what is desaturation? What are some synonyms of both terms?

What is mentioned that causes B&W optical illusions? What other kinds of optical illusions—that are color—are mentioned?

What is color constancy? Why might it be important to understand this in relation to painting objects realistically?

What is the described difference in approaches to light in Hopper and in Marshall’s paintings?

How does the neutral palette function symbolically in Luc Tuymans’ and/or Judy Ledgerwood’s paintings?

What are two of Josef Albers’ well-known student exercises? What nineteenth century chemist’s work was Albers work based on?

answer these questions one or two lines

Evaluation of Modern Presidents Discussion Assignment

Question Description

This is the final discussion assignment in the class. You are going to review all the presidential chapters in the text from Chapter 9 to Chapter 14. You are going to review the lectures on the modern presidents and then you will choose TWO presidents from this list: Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Ronald Reagan.

You are going to use the text, lecture, and video information to compare and contrast the two presidents of your choice as domestic leaders and foreign policy leaders.

Finally of all the modern presidents you are to tell which one you feel is the best and highest rated president of all the modern presidents and why. You are to respond to TWO other students by agreeing or disagreeing with their choices. Good luck on this final discussion assignment worth 8 final points.


Question Description

Read “You Make the Call: How connected should we be?” on page 59 of the Mental Health and Stress chapter.

After reading the article and the entire Mental Health & Stress Chapter, discuss your educated opinion on this topic. Whenever possible, relate your answers to our course material.

Are we as a society “too connected?” Do you think this issue of connectivity (maybe social media specifically) affects mental health? Do you personally find that you struggle to disconnect? Are there certain daily times / activities you feel that should be absolutely free from device connectivity? You may want to discuss the pros and cons of constant connectivity that you have experienced in your own life, or the lives of those close to you. What strategies are available to help someone who is struggling to disconnect for a healthly period of time?

Mid-Term Paper: Due Oct. 4, 2019

Question Description

In groups of two undertake the following:

==> Write a 3-4 page paper in which you discuss the similarities and differences between the creation myths that you have studied in this course. Your paper should discuss no less than three (3) similarities and no less than three (3) differences. obviously, a similarity or difference may not apply to all the myths, so compare what is comparable without forcing a similarity or a difference to apply to all myths. Nonetheless your paper must incorporate the Hebraic Myth (Genesis), the Greek Myth (Theogony) as well as whichever African myth/s you choose to employ for your paper. Note: Do not compare one African myth with another African myth, and do not use myths that we have not studied in class.

This is your midterm paper and the due date is Oct. 4, 2019.

Discussion question: 19th Century United States

Question Description

1. How did Mary McLeod Bethune symbolize the changes for the African American community brought on by Reconstruction? How did African American women become community activists during and after Reconstruction? Use at least 3 assigned sources in your answer (primary and/or secondary). (2-3 Paragraphs).

2.How is Frontier Thesis similar to but different from Manifest Destiny? How was Native American removal implicitly and/or explicitly seen as a necessity for US expansion in both of these theories? Use Frontier Thesis, Annexation, and one additional appropriate assigned reading of your choosing. (1-2 paragraphs)

3.Explain the Compromise of 1850. What was popular sovereignty? Why did the Compromise of 1850 invalidate the Missouri Compromise? Why did the sectional crisis intensify in the 1850s? Use at least 3 assigned sources (primary and/or secondary). (2-3 paragraphs).

This is a timed discussion and all the required reading were uploaded.

Project 1: Revising Your Information

Question Description


Step 1: Revisit your Information or what you used as information in the paragraph you chose for the prevision assignment. First, copy the information from your essay word for word.

Step 2: Then, review the directions on information from the following lectures: Review PowerPoints: Essay Format & Tips on Writing and Preparing for Project 1: Practicing PIE.

  • Remember, information is used to support the topic (topic sentence) and to make the topic sentence credible and verifiable.

Step 3: After reviewing the information on how to write a strong point, rewrite your information. You may need to introduce the quote better, choose a different quote that supports the point better or whatever else you think will improve the information.

Complete Artifact Part 2 of Worksheet

Question Description

Open the worksheet that you worked on last week. To complete the second table, select three reasons for creating an artifact from the resources provided, or provide your own reasons.

  1. In the first column, state the reason for creating an artifact.
  2. In the second column, provide an example of an artifact that could have been created for the reason presented.
  3. In the third column, state whether the artifact was created by an individual or a group, and provide the name(s) of the creator(s).
  4. Select one of the artifacts listed and answer one of the questions following the worksheet:
  • Do you believe the creator was successful in achieving their purpose? OR
  • How do you think the artifact and the culture in which it was created could have influenced each other?

Once the worksheet is complete, save the file a final time. Submit your completed worksheet for grading.

6Qs on Philosophy of Religion

Question Description

1-2 paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences each) well-argued answers engaging the specific material, names, ideas and arguments in the textbook.

***Textbook will be provide

1.Formulate your own definition of “religion.” Test your definition to see if it applies to various cultural phenomena normally labeled religious. (page.7)

2.Try to define “philosophy.” What are some of its main concerns? (pp. 8-9)

3.What is the philosophy of religion? Explain how approaches to philosophy of religion are influenced by different approaches to philosophy itself. ( pp. 9-10.)

4.What is the religious nonrealist view of religion? What arguments can be given for it? (pp. 21-24.)

5.What is the religious realist view of religion? What arguments can be given for it? ( pp. 26-27.)

6.What critique would a nonrealist give of a realist view of religion?( pp. 23-24)

discussion about conflicts in Africa

Question Description

While CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC and other major news outlets spend countless hours reporting on the conflicts and atrocities of the Middle East, Lebanon, and Asia, the continent of Africa rarely makes the news. There are currently nearly 30 conflicts on the continent that have led to the deaths of over 5 million people since 2000 and displaced at least as many.

Yet, our media rarely reports on it. View this article discussing the conflicts of Africa in comparison to other nations. (Or use the following keywords in an online search engine: global issues conflict in Africa introduction)

  1. Which of these current conflicts has had the biggest toll on civilians?
  2. How does this compare to the conflict in Lebanon? What about in Europe or the Americas?
  3. What reasons do you think contribute to the media ignoring the African conflict?