a paper of 500 words what . is theater

Question Description

Extra Credit Assignment #3: What is Theater?

Attached Files:

Extra Credit Assignment #3: What is Theater?

In one paragraph, please respond to the following prompt:

In the essays in this reading packet, the authors all seem to believe that theater should have a more profound goal than merely to provide entertainment for its audiences. In a few sentences, can you describe what one or more of the authors (Artaud, Auslander, Grotowski, Brook, or Boal) suggest that theater should accomplish?

Please use at least two specific quotations (from two different essays) to help you answer this question. However, you should also think generally about the readings taken as a whole. Is there a view these writers share about the role of theater in society?

This assignment will be worth up to 2 points. Please upload your answer as an MS Word file onto the ASSIGNMENTS tab on blackboard.

Complete Pre-Writing Exercise (BLANCH)

Question Description

One of the most important things in classification writing is to get the right or best groups or categories. Once you do this, your ideas usually fall into place. Below is a pre-writing assignment for brainstorming, outlining, planning and writing classification.

This pre-writing or introductory exercise is for beginning to write your classification essay. Use your own ideas and try to divide each of the topics on the worksheet (below) into 3 categories. Then, practice writing sentences to express theclassifications for each images classifications.

Once you are done, use the outline (see second image below) to begin working on your own topic for the classification essay.

Turn in both assignments in the dropbox labeled with the assignment name: Prewriting (first worksheet) and Outline (second worksheet).

There are several special interest groups out there that are campaigning for term limits when it comes to term limits for elected officials. There are a multitude of reasons why to have terms limits and several against the process. As you well know, the P

Question Description

There are several special interest groups out there that are campaigning for term limits when it comes to term limits for elected officials. There are a multitude of reasons why to have terms limits and several against the process. As you well know, the President of the United States can be elected to only two terms of Office. In your state, do you have term limits? If so, what positions does it apply to? How long has your State Senator and Representative been in office? Do you agree with term limits? Why or why not?

  1. further research insight – at least one other credible source of information on the topic not used by the author (Wikipedia is not allowed).
  2. your view of the topic and justification of the view – remember, this is your view of the topic NOT your view of the author’s opinion or their solution to the issue
  3. at least 200 words

“The Case for Gardening as a Means to Curb Climate Change” Reader Response

Question Description

“The Case for Gardening as a Means to Curb Climate Change” Reader Response

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Read “The Case for Gardening as a Means to Curb Climate Change” and write responses to the following:

  • What is the argument of this text?
  • What assumptions does it seem like the writer is making?
  • What points does the writer make to advance their claims? Using what rhetorical strategies?

When answering these, think about using full paragraphs, and quoting passages that help support your explanations. Also, use MLA formatting.

    The Reader Response will be graded by a simple rubric you can see here, and must be done by the time we review the piece in class. Consider how you might use the Reader Responses to advance your work on the papers we’re working on.

    This is in a Discussion forum, and other can respond to what you write, but having the exchange of ideas in here is not required.

    Nees help please

    Question Description

    Read the attached case study “Officer Tim Bronson”; in 1,250-1,500 words, discuss the following:

    1. Explain the process of arrest, how are they placed under arrest, what does it mean to be arrested
    2. Explain the process of arraignment, what occurs during the arraignment process
    3. Explain what occurs during pretrial
    4. Explain what happens if the offender is in need of a competency hearing, including a definition competency.
    5. Assess the role of a psychologist in a pretrial competency hearing. Describe what type of assessment tools psychologist use to assess competency for trial.

    Use four to six scholarly resources to support your explanations.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

    Complete Sociology Task AL1 (STEF)

    Question Description

    Instructions: Watch the 20 minute video “The Story of Stuff” online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM. Then answer the questions below.

    [1] The U.S. is ________% of the world’s population, yet we use _______% of the world’s resources.

    [2] What two things do we do with the little leisure time we do have?

    [3] What is the difference between perceived obsolescence and planned obsolescence? Give examples.

    [4] Annie Leonard says that “we aren’t paying for the stuff we buy.” What does this mean?

    [5] Briefly explain why our primary identity in the U.S. now one of consumers. Use information from the chapters on culture and socialization to explain this answer.

    Next, reread “You can make a difference” box in chapter one (page 27) and answer the questions below.

    [6] What are the things economist Juliet Schor recommends we can do to avoid overspending?

    [7] Finally, explain how structural-functionalists and conflict theorists would analyze our culture of consumption.

    American Literature Learning Journal (BINGO)

    Question Description

    Learning how to learn is just as important as what one is learning. Learning to learn, or metacognition, is about becoming aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses as a learner. It is about acting on that awareness to change the way one does things. Once the you are aware, you gain control over future learning situations.

    Reflection as a form of metacognition or “thinking about “thinking” enables you to evaluate your experience, learn from your mistakes, repeat your successes, revise, and plan. Therefore, you will be practicing this reflective thinking process by self-assessing your own grammar and writing skills – identifying your strengths, and more importantly, your weaknesses that you will need to focus on for improvement.

    Post your self-assessment of reading issues that you will need to focus on for improvement based on your experiences with the Week 6 reading, the discussion activity, and your preparation for Exam #2.

    writing on the creation myths

    Question Description

    Please read the instructors before starting work and then

    – read the african creation myths attachment

    – read the Greek Myth (Theogony) attachment

    – read Hebraic Myth (Genesis) from online


    Write a 3 – 4 pages paper in which you discuss the similarities and differences between the creation myths that you will have in the attachment. the paper should discuss no less than three (3) similarities and no less than three (3) differences. obviously, a similarity or difference may not apply to all the myths, so compare what is comparable without forcing a similarity or a difference to apply to all myths. Nonetheless the paper must incorporate the Hebraic Myth (Genesis), the Greek Myth (Theogony) as well as whichever African myth/s you choose to employ for your paper. Note: Do not compare one African myth with another African myth, and do not use myths that is not attached.

    regular discussion

    Question Description

    Click on the link below to view a portion of the film “28 Days” where a heroin addict who is in a rehab facility overdoses.


    (Allow a bit of time for this movie to load and play)

    Post your comments to the following questions on this week’s discussion topic:

    1. Explain what happened to the overdose victim according to a classical conditioning approach.

    (Hint for success: Consider what environment the addict is in, and how that might effect her according to the textbook?)

    2. Do you think this is the best explanation of what happened to this heroin addict in this circumstance? Why or why not?

    3. What alternative explanation(s) do you observe being offered in the film clip? Would an alternative explanation (other than classical conditioning) better explain her overdose? Why or why not?

    Your entire response to all 3 questions together should be 350-500 words.

    Book Review : Colonial New England (Fur Trade)

    Question Description

    Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a book review of one of the secondary source books (not an article) that you have chosen for use in the final project. This review should identify the book’s topic, analyze its thesis, and critique the evidence presented, the book’s structure, the sources used, and the book’s persuasiveness. The review should also discuss how the book will inform the final project.

    Any book can be chosen as the source, as long as it is a usable source for my topic.

    Topic: Encountersand Interactions between Europeans and Native Americans under the Sphere of theMarketplace in Colonial New England focusing on the Fur Trade.

    I will attach the grading rubric and guidelines pdf below. This assignment is to be 4 pages in length, 12pt Times new roman, double spaced.

    The source for this must be a Book.