My connect Power of Process (Audience and Purpose Focus): A Diploma Worth Having, by Grant Wiggins & “A Diploma Worth Having” Reader Response

Question Description

Read through the article, completing the pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading activities. As you read, consider the author’s audience and purpose and how the author takes these into account in his message to readers. You will be completing a “process circle,” so each new element will appear as you complete the previous step.

Directions: For this assignment, assume that your audience has already read “A Diploma Worth Having” so minimal to no summary is needed; instead, respond to Grant Wiggins’s argument. Because this is a discussion post, this assignment will not be in MLA format. Length: 400 word minimum

Important Suggestion: Because your response is over another author’s article, like your previous discussion post, the author’s name and article title should be provided in your response. You will also need to follow your response with a works cited entry:

Wiggins, Grant. “A Diploma Worth Having.” Educational Leadership, Vol. 68, Issue 6, March 2011. ASCD.

ted talks – 300 words

Question Description

Watch the TED talk video below by avid photographer James Balog:

Directions: After you watch the video, summarize what you have learned from this TED talk in 150-200 words. You may use these questions below to help you think about the issue more. You may research him more if you would like, but remember that if you bring in an additional source, then you must provide a link.

Note: Remember to think about engaging other students and having a thoughtful discussion.

Things to think about:

  1. Although James Balog is not technically a climate scientist, what do you think gives him credibility on this subject?
  2. What did it take James Balog, a previous climate change skeptic, to change his views?
  3. What kind of ways does James help the audience understand how large the glaciers themselves are along with the size of the glacial retreat?
  4. What kind of problem does James Balog think that the majority of the people in the world have?

Research paper on Technology and its impact on our lives.

Question Description

Topic : Technology and its impact on our lives.

This subject will be based on the discussion we had in class regarding social media as well as self-driving/smart cars. Suggestions are as follows.

  1. Technology’s impact on our lives. Are we better or worse because of our abundance of technological advancements?
  2. Technology’s influence on our brains. Are we more or less intelligent as a result of technology?
  3. Social media’s impact on body image. Specifically, amongst teens. Gender could also play a role in your research.
  4. Social media’s impact on adults.


MLA format (one inch margins, double spaced, times new roman, 12 pt font) In text citation 3 pages of writing 1 mla citation page A strong blend of outside research and your own opinions. 3 credible sources are required for this paper.

Paper is due Tuesday 10/29 at the beginning of class. Please do not email this paper. Ten points off for every day the paper is late.

Preparing for Project 2: Questions for Aubrey & Royte

Question Description

Post Reading: Questions for Aubrey & Royte

  • Due by Sunday, 11:59pm

After you have read Aubrey & Royte and completed Annotation Worksheets for each reading, please answer the following questions.

To receive a complete, you must submit your responses on time. Please remember to answer in full sentences and be as detailed as possible. Your response should be around 500-600 words in total.


  1. Aubrey claims that restaurants are a huge contributor to food waste? How so? What can we change in restaurant policy to correct this?
  2. Aubrey claims that one of our goals should be to “create a generation of Americans that are sensitive to food waste,” but she does not necessarily tell us how to do that. What ideas do you have to help achieve her goal?
  3. Royte makes distinction between food loss and food waste? What is the difference?
  4. Consider the ways in which these two articles are participating in academic conversation. What connections do can you see?

irls417 case study

Question Description

Assignment Instructions

Research Question: Identify security, safety, and health risks facing international civilian police and apply strategies for overcoming these risks in a case study involving a UN peace operation.

This assignment helps you achieve our second course objective (CO-2): Apply strategies for overcoming security, safety, and health risks facing international civilian police.

Formatting Requirements: 3 page paper in Arial or Times New Roman font, with sentencing double-spaced.

Research Requirements: Support your analysis with real world examples and research from at least three sources. At least one of these sources should be a scholarly book, paper, or journal article. As in Week 3, bring in the conceptual and theoretical ideas from your course readings and then research current case studies.

Citation Requirements: Credit all sources in text with parenthetical citations. Include full citations to all sources quoted or summarized in the paper, following Turabian’s parenthetical citation/reference list style of citation, in a Reference List at the end of your paper.

Complete History Philosophy Assignment 1 (LESTER)

Question Description

How. To help you with the “how” of developing your own personal philosophy, please complete the Zinn Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory (PAEI), (Zinn, 1983/1994), by registering as a “New Visitor”, completing the inventory and printing or saving the results. The link to the PAEI is also available in Helpful Links on the Home Page. (NOTE: Be sure you have looked over the reading assignments (above this assignment)–you’ll need information from them to answer the questions below).

So What. Now it is time to personalize your results. Immediately after completing the PAEI, please return here and key in the answers to the following questions to earn the first 5 points toward your Personal Philosophy Report grade:

  1. What did the instrument reveal: (a) that you already knew about yourself, and (b) that you didn’t realize before
  2. What did the instrument reveal that you can immediately apply to your current role as a student or educator?

Milestone Three

Question Description

hello! you have assisted with the previous submissions on this project. I have attached them to remind you of what is being worked on, as well as the final project rubric and the rubric for this milestone/submission.

Thank you!

For this milestone, submit a paper that describes your assessment plan based on the leadership strategies that have been employed as well as any additional strategies you have recommended be employed. Be sure to include employee feedback and performance metrics data. What should be measured? How should it be measured to ensure validity and reliability? How should that data be interpreted and acted upon? The format should be a Word document, written in APA style and cited appropriately. The feedback provided by the instructor should be applied to your final professional presentation.

For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Document and the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric.

Please help

Question Description

Music and the Body: Comparing and Contrasting with a Thesis-based Respons


For this paper, you will be writing about the following articles:

Jayson Greene, “Can Music Heal Trauma?”

Oliver Sacks, “The Power of Music”

Would like you to do three things:

Describe and explain briefly what each author’s work is about.

Consider how each author writes about his subject:

How does each author approach the subject of music and the body?

Are there key differences you find significant?

What is your own response to the subject?

Using the two articles to help form your opinions, discuss your thoughts on the topic of music and the body.

Do you have examples in your life you can draw on? Have you experienced any of the things these authors discuss?

Do you have concerns or questions?

This essay should have a thesis statement: this is your argument.

In the subject of music and the body, what is the most important idea for you?

What do you want people to know or understand

policy change

Question Description

Policy Challenge 1 – Due before live session – Module 2

To prepare for this task you will need to: watch the video Sick Around The World and read the Proposals To Replace The Affordable Care Act and the Changes To Health Care Repeal Plan, to have a background of analysis of existing health care policies.
Part I

Based on the materials you reviewed, prepare an argument to support one of these two options: (1) Keep and adjust as needed the Affordable Care Act, or (2) Pass one of the proposed alternative health care policies. Be prepared to make your argument in the live session.
Part II: Written Response

Using the theoretical ethical frameworks discussed in the lectures: (1) Identify two core questions that will frame your ethical decision-making within the argument you prepared, and (2) justify your course of action based on these questions. Submit your written response to the corresponding page within the Assessments unit in 2FOR.

School Reading and Writing Assessment Data Assignment 1000 words

Question Description

Secondary: School Reading and Writing Assessment Data Assignment

In 1,000-1,250-words, discuss the following regarding how your middle school or high school reading and writing assessment data is used. Utilize the previous years standardized testing scores.

In your discussion, include:

  1. Summary of the data you reviewed. DATA:
  2. What changes in curriculum, instruction, interventions, professional development etc. would you consider based on the reading and writing assessment data?
  3. Based on the changes in curriculum, instruction, interventions, professional development, etc. you proposed, who is involved in the decision making process regarding how to proceed?
  4. How do you monitor changes and the effectiveness of these changes?
  5. How do you, as a reading specialist/literacy coach, support the staff with changes that may occur because of the assessment data?

Cite 3-5 scholarly resources to support your claims.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.