Please read the 3 documents and answer the listed questions at the end the numbers you need to do are listed below (4 total)

Question Description

Bayles questions 1 & 4

Kupperman question 1

Meisel & Kuczewski: question 3

each response should be about 1-2 paragraphs

Writing-Format Check List

You should work carefully through the following check list prior to submitting your written responses:

  • My essay is double spaced.
  • My margins are set at 1 inch all the way around
  • My essay is written in Times New Roman font
  • My essay is written in 12 font
  • My essay has page numbers on each page
  • My essays contain paragraphs approximately not more than 4 to 5 sentences
  • My essay contains my name on the right corner of the first page
  • My essay has no cover page or folder
  • My essay’s pages are stapled together
  • My essay does not use the words “feel” or “believe”
  • My essay indents each of its paragraphs
  • My essay does not contain any direct quotations from class lectures
  • My essay contains at least 2 direct quotations from the reading; my quotations follow the directions given in class; my quotations are not longer than 2 sentences
  • My essay avoids obvious, basic grammatical errors.

Choose 2-3 words from ( “GULLIVER’S TRAVELS” PART IV. A VOYAGE TO THE COUNTRY OF THE HOUYHNHNMS. ) and create an argument about how those words are important to the text,

Question Description

In this project, you will use Voyant Tools to analyze the most common words in a text or texts in

the satire unit. In your essay, choose 2-3 of the words and create an argument about how those

words are important to the text, shape its meaning, reveal information about characters, create

themes, etc. You must refer to specific passages, quotes, and evidence from the story in your

exploration of each of the words. Your essay must be a well-developed, thesis-driven,

argumentative piece. You do not need outside research for this essay. Your analysis should be

driven by your reading of the text(s). Think about the following questions:

What do your selected words show about the themes/main ideas of the work(s)?

What do they reveal about the methods of satire?

What do the words reveal about the author’s style, tone, diction, etc?

How do these words contribute to the deeper meaning of the text?

How do these words connect to the overarching themes of Irish literature?

Early Wars Discussion Due October 4

Question Description

Early Wars Discussion Due October 4

No unread replies.No replies.

This is your last discussion in the class and it deals with the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the War of 1812. You are to read Chapters 14 and 15 in the text, read the lecture on early wars, and watch some of the videos on these early wars. For this assignment you are going to go back in time and live at the time of ONE of these wars. You are going to describe what you feel would be the major causes of that chosen war.

Finally you are going to describe what you feel is the most important battle of the war that you choose and you can comment on at least two students descriptions of their wars and agree or disagree with the major causes of their wars. Good luck with this final discussion assignment in the class. French and Indian War

Equality, 600 words

Question Description

1.Define JUSTICE: Justice demands that we treat equals equally and unequals unequally. (just copy/paste the definition)

2. Give a general statement of the unfairness (or fairness) of the case. Best language to use:
X is being treated the same as Y

X is being treated differently from Y

3. Give some idea of who is doing the distribution of judgment in the case. (Be careful, a party being compared in the case cannot be the one doing the comparing.)

4. State whether equals should be treated equally or whether unequals should be treated unequally. Best language to use:
X should be treated the same as Y

X should be treated differently from Y

5. Give your criteria (can be more than one) for why equals should be treated equally or why unequals should be treated unequally.

6. Explain how your criteria fit.
7. COUNTERARGUMENT: Give an argument for the other side that

people would likely or have proposed.
8. Explain why your comparison fits better, and why it is ethically

Marx and Marxism Graded Discussion

Question Description

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed admiration for the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways have Marx and Engels expressed antagonism and rejection toward the bourgeoisie and capitalism?
  • In which ways are Marx and Engels ideas relevant for sociology today?
  • Include a direct reference or quotation from the Communist Manifesto when answering these questions.

After submitting your answers, please reply to at least three (3) of our classmates’ posts, pointing out their good points as well as any limitation you see in their arguments.

Your original answer to the questions as well as your reply-comments to other students must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers and reply-comments must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person without professional citation.

Project 1: Shitty First Drafts

Question Description

Shitty First Drafts

Due Date: Sunday by 11:59pm

This week since we are working on pre-writing and drafting of Essay 1, we are going to learn about embracing the shitty first drafts. (Something I wrote about in my Essay Format PowerPoint.)

Step 1: Read the following piece by Anne Lamott.

1-Shitty First Drafts.pdf

Minimize File Preview

Step 2: Answer the three questions at the end of the reading.

Step 3: Submit your answers to the questions either in a word or PDF document or a text submission.

Creating a SIOP Lesson Plan: SEI Strategies

Question Description

Need help completing the attached lesson plan. ( My choice grad level is Kindergarten).

Create a lesson plan that integrates language objectives, content objectives, and best instructional practices for ELLs, as well as a method for authentic assessment. In this assignment you will complete a SIOP Lesson Plan based on the Background Information below and your own grade level selection and content area of choice.

Background Information

You are the teacher of a class of 10 ELL students in the same grade, but with differing English proficiency levels. Select your potential grade level and core content area of interest before you begin. Using the SIOP Lesson Plan template in the Student Success Center, design a lesson for those students by completing the following sections of the SIOP lesson plan:

  • Standards
  • Theme
  • Lesson Topic
  • Objectives (Content and Language)
  • Learning Strategies
  • Key Vocabulary
  • Materials
  • Motivation (Building Background)
  • Presentation (Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)
  • Practice and Application (Meaningful activities, interactions, strategies, feedback)
  • Assessment and Extension (Review objectives, and vocabulary, assess learning)

Columbus and Cortes were two explorers who served the interests of the Spanish Crown. Using primary source readings, textbook, and lecture, analyze how the Spanish Crown benefited politically, economically and culturally (religiously) from these men’s vio

Question Description

a.A clear introductory paragraph with an argument. The introduction should also state which sources you are using to prove your argument.

b.Body paragraphs should be well-organized, and include textual evidence and analysis. This includes quoted material with citations.

c.The paper should be well-revised and edited.

Proper citations:

You do not need to use any outside sources except for class readings and lectures. Each time you quote, you need to attribute that statement to a relevant source.

Selections from textbook:

Levack, “The Italian Renaissance and Beyond,” in Revel The West: Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, 5e (2018). Accessed at

Selections from documents:

(at the end of each document, the e-book provides a footnote for the document. Copy that information, then copy the URL.)

Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince, Luigi Ricci, trans. (London: Grant Richards, 1903), pp. 36–43, 60–61. Accessed at


Junko Takeda, “Political and Religious Strife” (Lecture: week 2 lecture 1), September 4, 2019.

Subsequent Citations:

Give author’s name, short title. For example: Machiavelli, “The Prince.”

Creating a Single-System 100% original

Question Description

Please no plagiarism assignment has to be 100% original

Submit a APA formatted 6-page proposal/research plan for single-system (subject) evaluation for your work with Paula Cortez. Identify the problems that you will target and the outcomes you will measure, select an appropriate intervention or interventions (including length of time), and identify an appropriate evaluation plan.

Include a description of:

  • The problem(s) that are the focus of treatment
  • The intervention approach, including length of time, so that it can be replicated
    • A summary of the literature that you reviewed that led you to select this intervention approach
  • The purpose for conducting a single-system (subject) research evaluation
  • The measures for evaluating the outcomes and observing change including:
    • Evidence from your literature search about the nature of the measures
    • The validity and reliability of the measures
    • How baseline measures will be obtained
    • How often follow-up measures will be administered
  • The criteria that you would use to determine whether the intervention is effective
  • How the periodic measurements could assist you in your ongoing work with Paula

YOU MUST BE A GOOD DRAWER Abstraction Drawing Oil Pastels

Question Description

Requirements of Submission: Students will illustrate an abstracted still life. This project will require students to closely observe a chosen subject interms of line, shape, value, and color, requiring the student to exhibit an understanding of the course content thus far, with emphasis on ModuleFive’s introduction to color. The project should meet the following criteria, created with oil pastels

:• One single subject, viewed from an abstracted perspective that focuses on one area (e.g., “zoomed in”)• The final illustration should be in full color.

• The final illustration should occupy the entire page (i.e., no “white space”)

• Renditions should be realistic in appearance, drawn from direct observation, and not stylistically rendered. This means literally viewing thesubject as it is drawn.

Students will submit their project in this module through the use of a digital camera.Along with their project, a self-critique should be submitted explaining the student’s approach and challenges. It should be no less than 250 words.