Question Description

Requirements of Submission: Students will exhibit their understanding of value, including accurate portrayal of light and shadow and creation of

the illusion of volume and depth. Students will compound their understanding of contours, space, and perspective to create a finished illustration.

The project should meet the following criteria and be rendered in charcoal:

  • A consistent, identifiable light source
  • At least two organic subjects
  • At least one geometric subject
  • A simple background; there is no need for details, but cast shadows should be included. Choose a simple, flat surface.
  • Renditions should be realistic in appearance, drawn from direct observation, and not stylistically rendered. This means literally setting up the
  • composition and viewing it as it is drawn.

    Students will submit their project in Module Four through the use of a digital camera or scan their work either at home or via an outside source

    (e.g., office supply store).

    Along with their project, a self-critique should be submitted explaining the student’s approach and challenges. It should be no less than 250 words.

    Project 1: Revising Your Point

    Question Description


    Step 1: Go back to the draft of Essay 1 that you submitted on Monday.

    • Pick ONE of your body paragraphs. Write down your point/topic sentence here just like you had written it in your paper.

    Step 2: Once you have your topic sentence (point) written down, revisit the directions and requirements for a Point.

    Step 3: Based on the information above and what you know about Points, re-write your topic sentence. Make sure it follows all of the requirements above.

    *For this activity, please focus only on the Point. We will be revising the rest of the paragraph soon.

    1200 words easy essay about social media being useful and highly active

    Question Description


    1200 words – no plagiarism!

    write essay about 3 article and. I want an introduction 3 body paragraph and conclusions

    Hello how are you at the beginning i don’t won’t my information to be general and then that the English language is not strong, it is my second language I want to write me a simple paragraph but be within the requirements and standards, but write it to a simple person and back to someone who graduated. Middle .i will give you a kick and write them down.

    in my introduction you have to write about three articles and .my essay is about social media Social media is useful and highly active

    The 3 article you will be using:

    Gladwell, Malcom. “Small Change”. The New Yorker.4 Oct.2010 this one article

    LaMotte, Sandee. “How #Me Too Could Move from Social Campaign to Social

    Change.” CNN. 9 November 2017. This two

    Cauterucci, Christina. “The Lessons of Kong 2012.” Slate.16 Sept 2016.

    art homework

    Question Description

    Students write essay on one of the major art element “space” and show art examples.

    Chose two works of art in chapter 4. Write out the name of the artist, the title of the artwork, date, medium/material and explain where, and why “space” is a major factor in the art work.

    Details on the instructions:

    Please write a long summary for each work you have chosen. 1.) You may quote the author of the textbook, but explain the quote or state the reason you have chosen to use quotes. 2) is your chosen work of art 2d or 3d? when you explain this you may use a definition of “space” but you must use quotes or refer to the author who has provided your definitions. 3) Decide how to explain either the artist’s use of space to create their art work or the ways that the viewer/observer understands the space in and around the artwork in order to understand it.

    This is the book :

    1 hour ago


    1-2 page essay 3 questions on podcast

    Question Description

    Listen to the story, “Yanomami Mami” from Snap Judgement and participate in discussion. (This is a radio story. You can also find the story in your Podcast app on your smartphone.)

    Answer all of the discussion questions with details from the story. Be sure to use the class terms, such as culture shock, etc., based on this week’s reading. Turn-in a Word document, or PDF, to the corresponding “Assignment” dropbox.

    Radio story: Yanomami Mami

    Discussion Questions. Answer all of them in your initial post:

    1) What is an example of someone from the story experiencing “culture shock”? Explain.

    2) Pick one norm from the Yanamamo culture that differs from U.S. (or your own) culture. Why does this norm make sense in their culture but not ours? Really think about it! No surface answer here.

    3) When you heard about this story, did you practice ethnocentrism or cultural relativism? Explain how and why. Really think about it. (Use the definition in your textbook, not the internet!)

    Part IV: Project Portfolio

    Question Description



    Type of service:

    Double spacing

    Paper format:

    Number of pages:
    3 pages

    Number of sources:
    4 sources

    Paper detalis:

    Part IV: Project Portfolio

    Use the needs assessment from your Week 1 organization, and the assessment tools created in Week 2.

    Create an Assessment on organizational culture.

    Include the following:

    Describe one issue of diversity in the workplace you chose.
    Discuss how diversity impacts the organizational culture.
    Identify potential cultural impacts of change.
    Identify the government regulations and rules that apply to your workplace and the resulting effects on organizational culture.
    Explain why leaders and the organization must follow government and industry regulations when making decisions and demonstrating ethical behavior. Consider laws as outlined by Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Communications Commission and National Labor Relations Board.
    Present the usefulness of IO/P principles, and the theories and techniques that could be applied in the assessment and creation of organizational culture.
    Cite a minimum of two sources.

    Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

    Discuss Mandela movie

    Question Description

    • Discuss the use of voiceover/narration in the film.
    • How do cinematic elements (lighting, editing, sound, cinematography) in the film portray class and racial divisions?
    • Discuss the theme of unity. How did the director convey this theme using cinematic elements?
    • Do any narrative or visual patterns recur a sufficient number of times (motifs) to suggest a structural element in themselves? How do they help you determine the meaning of the film?
    • Discuss one or more of the stanzas in the poem “Invictus.” What is the meaning/significance to Nelson Mandela? What is the meaning/significance to Francois Pienaar? What is the effect on the audience of using this poem in the film?
    • In the film, Mandela gave the poem “Invictus” to Pienaar as encouragement before the 1995 Rugby World Cup; however, in reality, a passage from a speech by Theodore Roosevelt was given to Pienaar, entitled “The Man in the Arena.” Discuss the meaning/significance of that passage for the two men. Why did the director choose to revise this historical moment?

    Major Developments in the Humanities

    Question Description

    In addition to the information presented this week regarding the reasons for the creation of artifacts in each era (the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance), recall information about motives for creating artifacts presented earlier in the course as you answer these questions:

    1. Identify an artifact that represents the characteristics of each era. You should identify a total of three artifacts. Insert an image or include a link to your artifact.
    2. What do you believe was the purpose for the creation of each of the artifacts you selected? Justify your response using what you now know about the culture and values of each era.
    3. Why do you believe the creators felt the need to express themselves using these artifacts?

    When responding to your peers, reflect on what you have learned in this theme. What differences do you notice between the artifacts from each era? Where do you think those differences stemmed from? Do you think contemporary human creative expression can or should work to elevate humanity?

    HW 2 Space in Art

    Question Description

    this is the book

    Students write essay on one of the major art element “space” and show art examples.

    Chose two works of art in chapter 4. Write out the name of the artist, the title of the artwork, date, medium/material and explain where, and why “space” is a major factor in the art work.

    Details on the instructions:

    Please write a long summary for each work you have chosen. 1.) You may quote the author of the textbook, but explain the quote or state the reason you have chosen to use quotes. 2) is your chosen work of art 2d or 3d? when you explain this you may use a definition of “space” but you must use quotes or refer to the author who has provided your definitions. 3) Decide how to explain either the artist’s use of space to create their art work or the ways that the viewer/observer understands the space in and around the artwork in order to understand it.

    2 page (double-spaced) paper on the topic: “Physical Geography of X country”

    Question Description

    Write a 2 page (double-spaced) paper on the topic: “Physical Geography of X country”

    Choose any country in the world and write a 2 page research paper about the physical geography of that country. (Does it have mountains, rivers, deserts, etc. – if so name and describe them. What is the climate like there? How do people adapt to the physical geography there?)

    Grammar and spelling count towards the grade, so be sure to run the spellchecker and/or have someone review it for you before you submit in order to ensure you earn maximum points.

    Do not copy/plagiarize from your online resource (it’s going to be auto-checked by and be sure to include your information source URL and date retrieved at the end of the paper!! This includes copying sentences word for word. You should have no more than 3 directly quoted sentences from your source – and those should have “quotation marks” around them with the source name and year cited behind it.