Frankl Essay

Question Description

In 1200 words, answer and defend your position on the following question:

How would Frankl respond to Brené Brown’s ideas on belonging and Esfahani Smith’s work on meaning? Use evidence from Man’s Search for Meaning, Brown’s work, and Esfahani Smith’s work to support your thesis and reasons.

Writing Instructions

  • Include a strong, arguable thesis in your introduction. Underline your thesis statement.
  • Support your position with reason and evidence.
  • Include at least three sources in your Works Cited page and refer to each of these sources at least once in the essay. Man’s Search for Meaning must be one of your sources.
  • Use the feedback on your previous essays to keep improving your work and grades. I do look back at the suggestions I’ve made previously to ensure that you’re not making the same mistakes again.
  • Refer back to these instructions and the English 1 Essay Rubric frequently to make sure you are meeting the expectations.

Assignment: “Edelman: Chapter 4: The Criminalization of Mental Illness”

Question Description

Assignment: From; “Edelman “Not A Crime To Be Poor.”

1: Read: Chapter 4: “The Criminalization of Mental Illness”

2: (APA – 2; Double Spaced Paged! Due, Sept. 27, 2019.)

  1. Read Ch. 4: EDELMAN: “The Criminalization of Mental Illness”. Due 9/27 by 11:00 am.In 2 double-spaced pages, A) Identify 2 important findings or main points the author discusses in the reading, B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole/what are the implications of these findings? C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Check out upload Please: From Page pp: 63 – pp: 81

Types of Claims

Question Description

Determine which type of claim is represented by each of the following questions. Choose only one type of claim for each question, and use only one word in your answer: fact, value, or policy. Ifit seems like one of the questions could result in more than one typeof claim, pick the one that would be the most dominant in the resultingessay.

1-Should the U.S. president be authorized to employ weaponized drones to kill terrorists?

2-Is taking Adderall to increase concentration on an exam a form of cheating?

3-What would be the economic consequences of a carbon tax aimed at reducing carbon emissions?

4-Is burning the U.S. flag an act of free speech?

5-How effective is acupuncture in reducing morning sickness?

6-Is acupuncture quackery or real medicine?

7-Should universities ban the use of calculators during calculus exams?

8-Does the rodeo sport of riding bucking horses or bulls constitute cruelty to animals?

9-Why are couples who live together before marriage more likely to divorce than couples who don’t live together before marriage?

I want you to write one more page research essay on heart disease in the United States and edit the last work.

Question Description

I will attach the one you did before and want you to continue on the work by following the guid line. My professor gave us to follow the guid line below please make sure everything is your work I have to submit it on SafeAssaing for plagiarism check

Argumentative/Persuasive Essay

Include elements of the “they say / I say” paradigm.
Include at least two sources.
Include an in-text citation of at least one quote with a reference page.“Plant a naysayer” in your text.
Answer the “who cares / so what” questions.
Minimum 750 words (approximately 3 pages double spaced).

Your introduction should:Have a hook

Include a broad contextualization of the issue

Have a thesis that is arguable, supportable by evidence, and narrowly-focusedInclude transitions between every paragraph

book link if you need

The text is called They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. It can be purchased here:…

Also I think this one is good for thesis statement you can change it

Heart disease is caused by diet, heredity and lack of exercise.

(Feminism in Sociology)

Question Description

Write two paragraphs answering the following questions:

  1. What is feminism?
  2. Is feminism a sociological theory?

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.


Written Assignment

Written Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo thoughtful paragraphs directly answering the questions.

2.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginal ideas using student’s own words.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating comprehension of required readings.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Directions: Write a five-paragraph essay in response to one of the two options shown below. Make sure you use the correct rhetorical mode (narration or description) specified for each topic. Submit it by uploading your essay to E1: Essay 1 Turnitin Dropb

Question Description

Directions: Write a five-paragraph essay in response to one of the two options shown below. Make sure you use the correct rhetorical mode (narration or description) specified for each topic. Submit it by uploading your essay to E1: Essay 1 Turnitin Dropbox.

Option 1 (Narrative)

How did you and/or your family come here, to this city? Tell the story in scene, moment to moment. Include setting, dialogue, gestures, names of people and places. Tell the year, the season, the moment-to-moment sensations of your journey.

Option 2 (Description)

Describe a person, place, or scene that represents Miami to you.Make sure to include the elements of descriptive writing: sensory details (sounds, tastes, smells, colors) figurative language (similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, etc.) and spatial organization (above, below, to the right/left, inside/outside, etc.). You may also include details such as names of places and peoples to situate the experience. Describe the season, the weather, and other spatial details, and include dialogue, setting, and gestures as well if they are relevant to your description.

help me answering my question

Question Description

hello there,

I need help writing this paper please

Letter to the president of SDSU

Write a one page, typed, double-spaced letter to the president of SDSU, Dr. Adela de la Torre. Your topic is the U.S. university education system.

In the first paragraph, use “logical probability” and “prediction” modals to explain the needs of the U.S. university education system.

In the second paragraph, use “making requests” modals and “giving advice” modals to suggest ways SDSU might help make positive changes to the current system.

Making requests

General nature requestsspecific requests for permissionmost diplomatic



Giving Advice

Degree of authority or urgency

You must see a doctor.high

You (should/ought to) see a doctor.

You (might/could) see a doctorlow

Negative adviceDegree of negativity

You (had) better/best not say thing like that.Strong negative advice

You ought not (to) say thinks like that. (rare)

You shouldn’t say things like that.

You’re not supposed to say things like that.

You don’t (have/need) to say things like that.Weak negative advice.

Thank you

Project 3: Argument Essay

Question Description

Once you have carefully read both articles, write a short essay (800-1000 words) that answers the prompt below.

Should students be required to wear uniforms in schools?

Your essay should include:

  • An introduction with a hook, background information and a thesis that directly answers my prompt
  • 2-3 body paragraphs that follow PIE structure, starting with a Point that is an opinion, using quotes from the articles as Information and Explaining the quotes thoroughly. There should be two quotes, both with explanations, so PIEIE.
  • A one sentence counter argument that comes before one of your Points (the Point would be your refutation)
  • A conclusion that restates the thesis and gives a final thought.

Step 3:

Submit your Essay for grading. Be mindful of the clock. I will not accept any essays past the 2 hour time limit or by email. Remember to do your best, as your grade on this will not change.

Also, remember that using any outside sources is forbidden and will result in a 0 on this assignment.

Briefly describe the making of the modern state of China.

Question Description

if you have this book, take this assignment.

First Edition
Patrick O’Neil
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-393-60280-7


Part 1:

Briefly describe the making of the modern state of China. Then summarize the structure of the government, including both the state and the legislature. What aspects of the economy and society are significant influences on the politics of the state? What does the future look like for China. (Note: we have all read the chapter, so keep this part of the forum brief. Focus on what you think is most important for your analysis)

Part 2:

What do you see as positive and negative aspects of the system of government of China. Why do you feel this way and what are you comparing it to? Is there anything that you think should be implemented by governments of other countries or aspects that others should be cautioned away from? (Note: This is the most substantive part of the forum assignment. Critically analyze the information from this weeks reading.)

Memoir Topic Brainstorm-weekly discussion

Question Description

This week, we should be thinking carefully about solidifying a topic and beginning our prewriting for Project #2. In this discussion, you have an opportunity to begin that process.

Choose three potential topics for your memoir and briefly describe the experience/memory/person that you will be focusing on in your memoir. Then explain why you think this makes a good topic for a memoir. Finally, describe what the “lesson learned” or bottom line for your memoir might be. Here’s an example of one entry you could have in this discussion:

  1. My first potential topic is a memory. It is a memory from fourth grade that centers on a soccer game my team won. This might be a good topic for a memoir because it is rich with detail, it is something that changed my life, and it contains a clear lesson. This lesson is that teamwork is essential in achieving your dreams, whether it be on the soccer field, the classroom, or the workplace.