families and communities

Question Description

for this assignment you are a camp director for kids read the article and answer case study #2 please respond with 300 words :

If you want a perspective on the value of traditional camp and its life skills training read this ACA Camping Magazine article A Place to Share: “Camp” Skills Are “Real” Skills.

CASE STUDY #2: Remote Camp and the Local Community

Camp X is located in a very remote mountain region with part of the camp’s outpost actually on leased US Forest Service lands. The camp’s small lake has two private cabins on one far shore and a US Forest Service campground at one end. Across the ridge is a winter downhill ski area that is not even visible from the camp. Camp X has experienced strong program growth and participation but had its dining hall vandalized during the winter when the camp was completely shut down.

Please respond: How could Camp X seek to reduce another future vandalism experience with the support or help of the local community?

Social Norm

Question Description

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on some of the unwritten, but strict, rules of social interaction in the United States. Ethnomethodology points out that everyday behavior rests on a number of assumptions. Harold Garfinkle noted a good way to investigate the assumptions we make about everyday reality is to break the rules. Your task is to think about some subtle social norm (not a law!) and then break it in public. For example, have a candlelight dinner at McDonald’s, offer to pay more than the listed price for an item at a store, or stand too close to someone in an uncrowded elevator.

First, describe the entire experience. Clearly identify the norm you will break and how you go about breaking it. Include details about the reactions of bystanders and the emotions you felt during the experience. Did people react the way you expected?

Second, analyze your experience. Explain how this experience demonstrates the importance of social norms. Be sure to incorporate concepts from class and clearly define key terms.

Feminism in Sociology

Question Description

Write two paragraphs answering the following questions:

  1. What is feminism?
  2. Is feminism a sociological theory?

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.


Written Assignment

Written Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo thoughtful paragraphs directly answering the questions.

2.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginal ideas using student’s own words.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating comprehension of required readings.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Climatic awareness

Question Description

Paper details

Pages : 4 pages



TOPIC :What new technologies are the Tar Sand organizations using to improve its climate change awareness

Topic: What new procedures and technologies are the Alberta Tar Sand organizations are doing to improve its climate change / environment awareness and debunk the negative stigma that surrounds the industry.

The paper should explore topics such developing technologies, and current research to improve the tar sand climate change awareness. * An appropriately formatted report including; cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, references. * The APA documentation style is required for all in-text citations and the reference list. * The group report should not exceed 2 pages; cover page and reference list NOT included. * Document formatting: * Doubled space, no extra line spaces between paragraphs (indent paragraphs to show paragraph breaks). * Please use a reader-friendly 12-pt. font (Times New Roman, Calibri etc.). Use 1″ margins. * Use page numbering, but suppress on the title page. * Proofread carefully for proper grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and overall assignment coherence and unity

Week 2 assignment

Question Description

This is my week 2 assignment: Please see instructions below.

Critically evaluate three journal articles. Each journal article should be peer reviewed, current within the last 5 years and related to a topic in community psychology. You must pick a journal article from the American Journal of Community Psychology or the Journal of Community Psychology. Articles from other journals can be selected with instructor approval.

For each article:

  1. Summarize the main points of the article.
  2. Discuss the research methods utilized. Including the population studied, the sample, how the sample was chosen and the results.
  3. Evaluate the full study including limitations and any bias.
  4. Each article review should be 500-750 words in length. (1,500-2,250 words total).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Milestone Two

Question Description

Hello! You assisted on the first milestone for this project and it’s time for round two.

For this milestone, submit a paper identifying the leadership strategies that were employed by the organization described in the case study (found in the Module Resources folder), how they were employed, and any additional strategies that could be employed to reflect flexibility, promote sustainability, foster effective change management, and further organizational goals. Explain how your recommended strategies should be employed. Defend your evaluation and choices. The format should be a Word document, written in APA style and cited appropriately. The feedback provided by the instructor should be applied to your final professional presentation.

Identify appropriate leadership strategies that have been, or could be, employed by the organization described in the case study toreflect flexibility, promote sustainability, foster effective change management, and further organizational goals. What additional strategies could be employed toreflect flexibility, promote sustainability, foster effective change management, and further organizational goals? Clearly explain how your recommendedstrategies should be employed. Defend your evaluation and choices.

architecture and historic preservation

Question Description

Topic 1: The Language of Preservation

1. How many Secretary of the Interior’s Standards are there? Name one of the Standards?

2. What are the 5 R’s in preservation; name them?






Topic 2: The History of Historic Preservation

1.How did the preservation movement start in America?

2.Name one of the most significant individuals in the history of Historic Preservation in America and why?

Topic 3: Historic Districts

1.Name the Historic District that established zoning in America in 1931?

2.Name thenationally recognized Historic District that was recreated?

Topic 4: Preservation Legislation “Neighborhood Planning References”

1.Name the most significant act passed by Congress that established historic preservation in America, in w hat year?

2. Name the legislation that gave rise to the “economic engine” in historic preservation?

Topic 5: Preservation Planning “Historic Structures Report”

1.What is the sole purpose of the Historic Structures Report (HSR)

2. Name one of the components of the HSR?

Topic 6: Identification “Periods vs. Styles”

1. Name the period associated with the eraand one of the corresponding styles?




2.Name on of the movement that is not a period or a style?

3.Name one vernacular building type?

adoptable kids

Question Description

Visit the AdoptUsKids website.

Search for adoptable children using different criteria, such as different ages, sibling groups, etc.

Select 3 children and explore information on them that would indicate why they may or may not be easily adoptable.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing your search and answer the following questions:

· Why might these children be more easily placed in foster care or adopted than others?

· How could parents prepare to adopt or foster the children you have identified?

· What are some ways you could prepare these children for adoption or foster care?

· As a teacher, what might you do to help prepare a new student coming to your class who is being adopted or in foster care?


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

What resources are available for abused and neglected children in your local community? Are these services family-centered? If so, what makes them family-centered? If they are not, what could be improved upon to make them more family-centered?

Writing a paper for ENG1020

Question Description

The memoir can be a challenging writing assignment because the writer may not know where to begin.The point of the memoir is not a fully expansive work but instead a “snapshot” of a particular time in the writer’s experience.Compared to the novel, a distinguishing characteristic of a memoir is length, closer to the short story or novella.

The following steps will guide you through the writing process:

  • All people regardless of age, ethnicity, location, social status, etc., share certain felt needs: shelter, food and love.They also tend to fear abandonment, loneliness, the loss of loved ones, failure, etc.Regardless of your theme, you memoir should touch on one of these to connect the human experience.
  • Trust the narrative to tell the story; do not worry about editing until you have the whole story down.You can add details in your second draft.
  • Write the memoir in first person: it is your experience
  • Ideas for your memoir may include writing about: a memory, a pivotal experience, a lesson you learned, most embarrassing moment, humorous situation, etc.

answers these?

Question Description

For your third paper you will be required to write an essay at least

8 pages long

building an argument based on one of the topics covered in Chapters 18-20, 23-25, or the Classic

Arguments section of your textbook.Choose which chapter you wish to use, draw evidence

from the readings in that chapter, and make a persuasive argument of your own based on the

chapter’s topic.These chapters and classic arguments give you a wide range of choices for

topics, so choose the one you find most interesting.

Your essay needs to be clear and unified under your thesis.Make sure to include specific

evidence from the articles you read, to show how and why you analyzed the articles the way you

did in your essay.Make sure to review the section in your textbook on proper MLA citation for

any quotes or paraphrases you use from your outside source.

Make sure to use one or more

sources outside the book to support your argument.