What happened in the Boston area to generate so much rebellious feeling?
Question Description
Please respond to one of the following prompts and reply to the post of at least one other student. Each of your posts must be a minimum of one paragraph in length and follow the guidelines listed in the Discussion Forum rubric in the syllabus. Creative and original thinking are always appreciated, as is going outside of the required reading to find information pertaining to your posts. The intent of the discussion board prompt/post exercise is to stimulate critical thinking and intellectual discourse. Threads have already been established for each prompt. Your reply to another student’s post must also be at least one paragraph in length to receive full credit and should not just be “I agree, you make good points, ” or something similar. The reply should give reasons for agreeing (or disagreeing) with the student and should address the student by name so that I can see whose post you replied to when I am grading. Your goal should be to contribute to the other student’s original post, thus enhancing the discussion. These prompts require critical thinking.