What happened in the Boston area to generate so much rebellious feeling?

Question Description

Please respond to one of the following prompts and reply to the post of at least one other student. Each of your posts must be a minimum of one paragraph in length and follow the guidelines listed in the Discussion Forum rubric in the syllabus. Creative and original thinking are always appreciated, as is going outside of the required reading to find information pertaining to your posts. The intent of the discussion board prompt/post exercise is to stimulate critical thinking and intellectual discourse. Threads have already been established for each prompt. Your reply to another student’s post must also be at least one paragraph in length to receive full credit and should not just be “I agree, you make good points, ” or something similar. The reply should give reasons for agreeing (or disagreeing) with the student and should address the student by name so that I can see whose post you replied to when I am grading. Your goal should be to contribute to the other student’s original post, thus enhancing the discussion. These prompts require critical thinking.

Week 8 Journal on Writing Skills (BINGO)

Question Description

Learning how to learn is just as important as what one is learning. Learning to learn, or metacognition, is about becoming aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses as a learner. It is about acting on that awareness to change the way one does things. Once the you are aware, you gain control over future learning situations.

Reflection as a form of metacognition or “thinking about “thinking” enables you to evaluate your experience, learn from your mistakes, repeat your successes, revise, and plan. Therefore, you will be practicing this reflective thinking process by self-assessing your own grammar and writing skills – identifying your strengths, and more importantly, your weaknesses that you will need to focus on for improvement.

Post your self-assessment of reading issues that you will need to focus on for improvement based on your experiences with the Week 8 reading, the discussion activity, and your review of your graded Exam #2.



Special Education Class

Question Description

Show your creativity! Make a representation of a child with any of the challenges in physical development discussed in chapters 4 and 5. YOU CAN DO THIS ALONE OR WITH ANOTHER STUDENT FROM CLASS.

(1) Put the child in the center of your paper. You can use a photo, an image from the internet, or an image that you make on your own. Give the child a name.

(2) Somewhere on your representation, briefly explain the physical or health condition that the child has.

(3) Somewhere on representation, briefly explain/list/illustrate the educational implications that are important to consider.

(4) Use the other space on your paper to represent the WHOLE child. What CAN the child do just like any other child. These are educational “NON-issues”? How would we expect the child to be a class member just like any other child? We don’t want a child to be “defined” by his/her disability!

Please be creative and thoughtful in your representation. Once you have completed your representation, upload it HERE. You can easily take a photograph of your work and upload the photograph here.

Rebel cell add Mia be a product !!

Question Description

Assignment: Find an ad that attempts the “rebel sell” or otherwise sells some sort of distinction. Your thesis should tell me how that ad makes this sell: what appeals does it make? How does it make those appeals? How is it selling distinction? This is an image analysis paper, so you should break the ad down into parts and show the reader how the parts work together to make the ad’s argument. Sample Theses: 1. Xerox’s print ad in Maxim 5/06 issue 45 attempts the “rebel sell” by identifying with creative self-sufficiency. 2. The Pabst Blue print ad in the 78th issue of Stuff effectively makes a rebel sell because it is cynical and self-aware, signaling that it is hip to “rebel” irony. 3. This ad for the H2 in National Geographic’s September 2005 issue appeals to our desire for distinction from mass-culture because it confers the distinction of financial success, absolute “otherness” in comparison to everything else on the road, and the unique potential power to explore virgin wilderness.( MUST BE ABOUT PRODUCT NOT ADVOCACY ADD!

Write 2 paragraphs

Question Description

Write 2 paragraphs explaining the differences between Karl Marx and Max Weber explanation of social stratification. (10 points)

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.


Written Assignment

Written Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo thoughtful paragraphs directly answering the questions.

2.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginal ideas using student’s own words.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating comprehension of required readings.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Transnational law and the boundaries of sovereignty

Question Description

1. What do you see as the biggest challenge to a state’s sovereignty from the emergence of transnational law?

Be sure to include a current event item from an internet news source to illustrate your answer.

News sources on the internet maybe found in our Library (see the link on the left-side toolbar). Thebest database is Lexis Nexis. Do an “advanced search” to set dateparameters to the past six months.

Remember to read your texts, watch the videos, and read any othermaterials in Week Six Lessons. Include those ideas in yourdiscussions.

I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on your topics!

Yourinitial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond to more than 2other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words. Theinitial required post should be supported by course readings usingparenthetical references. Click here for a copy of the discussion rubric.
Follow the Turabian Quick Guide style for author/date. Click on the tab in the middle of the page.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

Washington Discussion Assignment

Question Description

This is your fourth discusson board assignment worth 8 points. You are to read the text chapters, lecture, and watch the George Washington videos. You are also to read the information at the follow websites:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_George_Washington and http://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/the-first-president/ten-facts-about-washingtons-presidency (Links to an external site.)/ (You can use a lot of information from this website about these facts concerning his presidency) and http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/george-washington (Links to an external site.)(this website also has videos on Washington).

You are to make the transformation to become George Washington who has just been elected. You are going to show you he created the present system of government by making a series of administrative decisions that became traditions of government. You are also going to describe what he thought about the formation of political parties. You are going to show how he worked with Hamilton on setting up economic policies. Finally you are going to describe in his second term his foreign policy.

Finally you will comment on whether Washington could be elected president today.

Essay, as well as a table or graph with 4-5 pages

Question Description

Read the documents attached and following the directions. Also watch videos to conduct an argument





follow the documents attached for instructions and watch videos for an argument to discuss in the essay….

The essay is to take the questionnaires at the human metrics link. Which will you a 4 letter words as a personality type based on the answers on the human metrics link. After getting the 4 letters, the Myersbriggs website will provide more information of the type of personality you get.

The other videos is for any argumentative points, people saying the MBTI test is important and others saying it’s not important, what your own opinion will be about it.

Pictures and graphs are recommended at least 2 pictures should be included in the essay and a graph.

I would like for it not to be too wordy please. Thank you so much.

Complete 150 word Persuasion Discussion Post (TCC)

Question Description

DB- Personal Stories of Persuasion

3232 unread replies.3535 replies.

Persuasion is a method that’s employed all the time, in all kinds of situations in our lives. One of the goals of this course is not only to make you a better writer, but also a more persuasive person in general. Definitely a useful life skill!

To get us started thinking about this, and as a way of introducing ourselves to each other, I’d like to know about a recent time when YOU had your mind changed about something. This doesn’t have to be anything major–an incident when your friend talked you into going to McDonalds instead of Burger King for lunch is perfectly appropriate here, or when a loved one talked you out of wearing that shirt with those pants.

In 1 or 2 paragraphs, describe the situation. What was the point of contention? What did you want to do initially, and what were you talked into doing (or thinking/feeling) instead? Who persuaded you to change your mind, and how? Are you happy with the results?

Faith Forum

Question Description

This week, we’ve been reading about selection processes and placing people in jobs.

For millennia, humankind has made decisions about who gets elevated to high positions and who does not. Often, in our world, the most privileged, beautiful or wealthy get picked over those who do not stand out in these ways. But what does God have to say about all of this?

In 1 Samuel chapter 16, the prophet Samuel looked at a man called Eliab and concluded “Surely the LORD’s anointed stands here before the LORD.” But scripture records that “the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

For this week’s post, let’s respond to this question: If we are in charge of hiring or promoting employees for our organization, how do we do so in a way that reflects God’s heart toward all of us as He evaluates our hearts?