Quantitative Methods

Question Description

Based on the readings assigned for this unit from the textbook, provide a summary of the article on quantitative methodology that you chose from the library search you were assigned to complete in the unit studies. Address the following:

  • Describe the type of quantitative research that was conducted: non-experimental, experimental, quasi-experimental, cross-sectional, or longitudinal.
  • Describe the variables investigated in the research and how they were measured.
  • Describe what is meant by scientific merit, and discuss ways in which it could have been improved in the article.
  • List the persistent link for the article. Use the Persistent Links and DOIs library guide, linked in the Resources, to learn how to locate this information in the library databases.
  • Cite all sources in APA style, and provide an APA-formatted reference list at the end of your post.

Article link:

Frost, N. (2011). Qualitative research methods in psychology: Combining core approaches. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design (12th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson

why you think humans create monsters with two clear examples and at least TWO quotes from the readings.

Question Description

1. Read “Why We Crave Horror Movies” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., “Monstrous Beginnings”, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.…”, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. & “Fear of the Monster is Really a Kind of Desire” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in Monsters: A Bedford Spotlight Reader

2. Pick one “Reflection & Response” Question or “Making Connections” Question after ONE of the articles and write a 200+ word response or if you do not have a book, compare and contrast two of the articles.

3. Please make sure your response takes an argument stance, use 3rd person, and incorporates at least one quote with proper MLA citation and Works Cited.

Arts Ideas Response

Question Description

Your response should be well developed in one paragraph, fully explaining your response to the posts and including an additional image example relating to the post. Make responses that add to the conversation and take it further. Agree what you like about the post also.

Jansons Basic history of western art

There are multiple themes involved in Romanticism. The theme I connect most with is Nature. “The Slave Ship” by Joseph Mallord William Turner really caught my eye. Turners Contemporaries believed he gone mad since this wasn’t his typical type of work. This Piece was inspired by a poem that expressed sharks follow ships in typhoons by smelling sickness and death. This Paint is a close up of human suffering that is full of emotion. The bold colors representing the bloodstained waters and raging seas. The struggle is shown through arms reaching out for help. Bodies looking as if they are about to sink to the bottom and be lost forever. The wrecked ships show the danger of the sea vs man. “The Slave Ship” pulls every emotional string attached to the viewer.

Music Homework

Question Description

Please read both of the music articles below and write a one page summary for EACH article. There should be two full pages in all. I will post the links to the articles so you can access it online. Also, I will post the format the teacher wants you to use while doing the essay as well in the files section below.

Here are the links..

1. “Beyond ‘Twinkle, Twinkle'” https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/1514-beyond-twinkle-twinkle-using-music-with-infants-and-toddlers (Links to an external site.)

2. “Musicality from Birth to Five” pianonet.com/all-about-pianos/benefits…/musicality-from-birth-to-five/

Lastly, please write about 2 paragraphs on a mission statement. Write your own personal mission statement, committing to include music in your teaching. (A paragraph or two acknowledging the importance of music in children’s growth and development.) THIS SHOULD BE A SEPARATE ASSIGNMENT.

In conclusion, there should be one page on “Beyond ‘Twinkle, Twinkle” and another page on “Musicality from Birth to Five” (Double spaced) and there should be about 2 paragraphs on the mission statement stated above.

The article format is in the files section, please follow the teachers format.

Art as seen through three different cultures.

Question Description

paper, 4-5 pages, double spaced, is as follows: Chose at least one work of art {it could be more} from three different cultures that are illustrated in your textbook. In your own words, tell me the characteristics found in this work of art that show it is from a particular culture.For example, Greek Art was sometimes based on Geometry and pattern. The Greeks also were the first culture to create a free-standing sculpture. Greek artists were also known for their black-figure and red-figure technique in pottery.

In each image you choose from the book, tell me how the art created by this culture may add to the story of art. Give details. Please do not just quote from the book. Use your own words and opinions and observations! You can also gather more information online, but shape into your own words! If I feel you just created an Internet paper you will get a Zero!

Finally,tell me in your own words, why YOU think it is important for todays society, to learn and study the past. Any question, please feel free to contact me.

formal paper

Question Description

Your formal paper for the semester will actually be written in 2 parts. The first part, due23 September, will have you write about George Washington’s Farewell Address of 1796. Youare to explore what advice he provided in terms of foreign relations, and why he offered suchadvice (What was happening internationally at the time that made him consider the issue? Whatcircumstances was the United States in?). This part should be 3-5 pages long.You will hand this part in and have it graded as a regular paper with feedback. For thesecond part you will build from your original paper (changing to reflect your feedback ifnecessary) and consider whether the United States has followed George Washington’s advice inthe last 50 years (from the Cold War to the current period). This new part, too, should be 3-5pages long, making a total paper of 6 – 10 pages. The complete paper is due 9 December.Both parts must be typed, double-spaced, and must include citations even if you are onlyusing class materials (though outside, scholarly, materials are acceptable). Remember to cite allinformation used, not only the direct quotations.

PSY110 Stratford Task 8 prejudice and discrimination.

Question Description

Task 8

In this week’s Task you will explore prejudice and discrimination.

Step 1:

Read chapter 18 in Together: The Science of Social Psychology.

Step 2:

Conduct a search, (e.g., YouTube or Ted Talk) to find at least four videos on the topic of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.

Step 3:

Using the videos you chose, develop working definitions of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.

Step 4:

The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is an online test that measures attitudes and beliefs that one may not be willing to admit to. It was developed by Project Implicit at Harvard University. It is found at: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/education.html.

The IAT addresses several categories of associations. Each test takes just a few minutes to take.

Take three tests.


This week’s Task comes in two parts:

1. Write one paragraph for each term defining prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.

2. Write a 300-500 word paper discussing:

a. the etiology of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination

b. how bias has changed over the years

c. how prejudice and biases can be improved

book report 2 pages Single spaced

Question Description

Thinking Points: Two written thinking points (up to three single-spaced pages, with paragraph breaks). Thinking points are to address a specific question or questions (outlined in the syllabus) or simply to critically review the readings for the topic of the week.

the reading fr this week is:

How ethnography can illuminate what is going on in and across organizations and venues: Spradley, James P., The Ethnographic Interview, pp. 17-21, 25-39, and 58-77.

Schutt, R. K., “Qualitative methods: observing, participating, listening,” ch. 8 in Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Social Research, 3rd ed., (Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2001), pp. 263-325.

GAO Report: Ethnographic Studies Can Inform Agencies’ Actions, (especially pp. 1-14), March 2003, . https://www.gao.gov/new.items/d03455.pdf

Further resources: Schensul, Stephen L., Schensul, Jean J., and Le Compte, Margaret. “Essential Ethnographic Methods,” Ethnographer’s Toolkit 2, Altamira Press, 1999, pp. 69-89.

Thinking points: How do the words and metaphors we use to think and communicate shape how we perceive the world and thereby enable or constrain certain types of action? How does the framing of public policy questions/debates affect the actions that are taken?

Measuring Carbon Footprints Reader Response

Question Description

Measuring Carbon Footprints


Do these two surveys:

https://www3.epa.gov/carbon-footprint-calculator/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/consider-your-impact/carbon-calculator/ (Links to an external site.)

Then write responses to the following:

  • What information from the surveys do you find the most powerful?
  • What rhetorical appeals do you think gives these surveys strength?
  • How might these surveys help you develop ideas for Paper 2?

When answering these, think about using full paragraphs, and quoting passages that help support your explanations. I know they’re not essays with clear single writers, but make no mistake: there is writing involved, perspectives, and lines of reasoning, though it’s a nontraditional text. Do the best you can.

The Reader Response will be graded by a simple rubric you can see here, and must be done by the time we review the piece in class. Consider how you might use the Reader Responses to advance your work on the papers we’re working on.

This is in a Discussion forum, and other can respond to what you write, but having the exchange of ideas in here is not required.

Mental Disorder

Question Description

Research one of the mental disorders and its evaluation and assessments. For example, you can use an Internet search engine to look up a disorder on the following sites:

  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
  • Mental Help.net
  • American Psychological Association Help Center (APA)

Write a 500-word report on a specific mental disorder, the diagnosis of the disorder, and possible treatment/s available. Be sure to use correct grammar, spelling, paragraph formation, with the subheadings per the template in APA. Use APA formatting, following the guidelines and template, including the reference booklet, posted in the course room in the first week.

This is a 2-page paper, and your subheadings that follow the introduction (which does not have a heading!), are Symptoms of Disorder, Treatment of Disorder, and Conclusion. References is the last page and any references you use must be in your paper where you use them. Be sure to reference the APA material as it explains everything. This is not a difficult assignment, so use your textbook and at least one of the sources above for help in learning about the disorder.