synthesis easy Y

Question Description

Your essay should use MLA style and be 4-6 pages in length. Your works cited page does not count toward the page total.

Tips to get started:

  • Read the texts again. Do you notice anything new on a second read?
  • Create a working thesis statement. What is the main claim or idea of your essay?
  • Remember that you are entering an academic conversation. What might the texts have to sayabout your main idea, and what might the texts have to say to each other?
  • What quotes or ideas from the texts will you use in your essay, and how will you provide contextfor them? Will you need to use academic summary in your essay?
  • Remember, your sources should support your ideas as well as connect to each other in someway. The sources might agree or disagree with each other, or they might confirm, reject,elaborate on one another, or emphasize a point. Etc. Show these connections.
  • Organize your ideas. You could create an outline, a mind map, or use some other strategy toestablish your main claim and supporting points.
  • Be sure to cite your sources.

Text 1 ) (Links to an external site.)

Complete 2 page Social Work Class

Question Description

Competent social workers are able to construct a strong foundation upon which to build skills by understanding theories from a variety of disciplines. The disciplines of psychology, education, and sociology offer a number of development theories that can easily be applied to the practice of social work. For this Assignment, consider how a theory from another discipline may shed light on social work practice with children and adolescents.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 4-page paper in which you choose a theory of development from another discipline (refer to Erikson, Piaget, Freud etc.). In your analysis, be sure to address how the theory does or does not relate to social work practice. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.


Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K. K., & Hessenauer, S. L. (2019). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 3, “Psychological Development in Infancy and Childhood” (pp. 95-158)

Oshri, A., Lucier-Greer, M., O’neal, C. W., Arnold, A. L., Mancini, J. A., & Ford, J. L. (2015). Adverse childhood experiences, family functioning, and resilience in military families: A pattern-based approach. Family Relations, 64(1), 44–63.

Videography.. Please share your paradigms and truisms here for next week.

Question Description

Please share your paradigms and truisms here for next week.

A) Based on all the projects and experiments you have done, or concerns and big questions you have in your work, define your paradigm. You will need to develop this using the 6 criteria that briefly talked about last class. Get abstract and push the concepts so that they produce a “crisis;” remember this is speculative to some extent, best asked in the form of a “what if….” question. Speculate about how your claim could exceed your current practice. Write it down as a phrase or action based process. What is the big picture we are getting from your practice.

The six criteria for a paradigm are:

1. it produces a crisis – a rupture

2. It is not necessarily true must be exemplary

4. sufficiently unprecedented

5. open ended with lots of problems

6. joins other fields or what we thought to be a very unrelated problem

B) 15-20 Truisms

and here is the example

Hey everyone,

Truisms and my Paradigm are included in Microsoft Word doc below. Please feel free to leave comments and thoughts, very curious to hear from everyone:)

See ya’ll soon,

Finding Support (Types of Evidence) it is a quiz

Question Description

Read (or reread) the following essays in Chapter 7 of Elements of Argument, “Support,” and then answer the questions about each one.

  • Siddhartha Mukherjee, “I’m Sorry, Steve Jobs. We Could Have Saved You,” pp. 211-213
  • Jeremy Markel, “Marketing to ‘Tweens’ Objectifies Women,” pp. 222-224 (i provided them below)
    • 1- Identify at least two sources of information that Mukherjeeuses in his essay entitled “I’m Sorry, Steve Jobs. We Could Have SavedYou.”
    • 2-
      What does Mukherjee use as evidence in his essay besidessources (or expert opinions)? Give examples from the essay of at leasttwo other kinds of evidence that he uses (facts, examples, statistics,or even images).
    • 3-
      What is the overall goal of Mukherjee’s essay? How does the evidence that Mukherjee uses help him (or not) to achieve this goal?
    • 4-
      To which needs does the essay by Jeremy Markel, “Marketingto ‘Tweens’ Objectifies Women,” appeal? Where would you place Markel’sessay on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
    • 5-
      Which are the primary values that Markel appeals to? Whatdoes he assume that his audience values? Give examples that demonstrateyour answers.
    • 6-
      Who does Markel use as sources (or expert opinions) in his essay? How do they help him make his argument?

What is Art Questions / 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

Question Description

Occlude: to stop, plug up or obstruct. In this class, it means to obstruct our ability to see or ask additional questions once an answer has been given.

How can answers to questions keep us from seeing that more questions can, and in fact, should be asked…no matter what the answer is? If I presume to know what art IS, or what a specific art piece says/is about, what am I missing? What other questions are you not asking?

Part 1: Look through THESE photos of artist, Wolfgang Laib. Write at least 5 questions that you have about the work/artist.

Part 2: Watch THIS video. Did the video answer any of your original questions? If so, write those down.

Part 3: Write down as many other additional questions that you have about Laib’s work/life, in addition to any questions that you have prompted by this assignment.

Complete the Reading & Responding form 13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird on the reading. Turn in completed form as a PDF (Down in the attachment )

Evaluating Purpose Statements

Question Description

For this Discussion, you will evaluate the purpose statements in the journal article below in your discipline and consider the alignment of theory, problem, and purpose. You will also explain your position on the relationship between research and social change. As you read the authors’ purpose statements, consider how well the intent of the study, and its connection to the problem and theoretical framework, is presented. Also consider if the purpose statement reveals the study’s potential for engendering positive social change. (500 words or more)

Post a critique of the research study in which you:

  • Evaluate the purpose statement using the Purpose Statement Checklist as a guide
  • Analyze alignment among the theory, research problem, and purpose
  • Explain your position on the relationship between research and social change

Be sure to support your disccussion reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

This is the journal article:

Wilhelmy, A., Kleinmann, M., König, C. J., Melchers, K. G., & Truxillo, D. M. (2016). How and why do interviewers try to make impressions on applicants? A qualitative study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(3), 313-332. doi:10.1037/apl0000046

And below I’ve upload the purpose statement

Complete Art Task Due (SHASTA)

Question Description


1. Make a monoprint by printing a photo of your choosing on the back side of a piece of photo paper on the photo setting. The print will be very wet so be careful to hold it by the edges. Lay the wet side down on a piece of paper, and holding it so it does not move, rub the entire back of the photo so that the image transfers to a plain white sheet of paper. You may wish to experiment and copy multiple images of the same picture, manipulating the color of each print, or you may with to add different images to one sheet of paper creating a collage.

2. Make a short video with your camera that expresses something about your self. The video should be no longer than one minute.

3. Design the cover for a Zine Magazine on some theme or activity that is of interest to you. You may layout your images on a piece of paper on which you draw, paint, and add images, or you may use Word, and insert pictures, type, drawings, etc. into your document.

2pages due in 4 hours

Question Description

Once you have viewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions, with thorough explanations and well-supported rationale.

  1. These workers state the “only thing they have is their work”. This statement suggests that without this work, they would have a lower standard of living. Should we inflict western values on this society? Bring in the concepts of social responsibility, integrity and other business ethics practices.
  2. From Nike’s standpoint, is this a fair assessment of their ethical standards? Explain the some of the ethical issues that Nike is facing in the case.
  3. Explain what Nike has done to improve this situation since this 2011 video. Include the use of codes of ethics and other ethical standards implemented within the organization.
  4. Is your opinion of Nike any different now after viewing this video? Would this change your buying behavior with respect to Nike products?

Your response should be two double-spaced pages. References should include your required reading plus one additional credible reference. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations, and cited per APA guidelines.

Your response should be formatted in accordance with APA style

Discussion 1: Influence of Historical Events

Question Description

In the late 19th century, psychology emerged as a discipline distinct from philosophy, accompanied by increased efforts to measure and classify human behavior. Psychological testing is one way to measure psychological constructs and behavior. The creation of psychological tests has been fueled by the need for mental health diagnosis and for occupational, educational, and military selection. The invention of new statistical techniques, such as factor analysis and item response theory, has led to improvements in the structure and utility of tests.

To prepare for this Discussion, select two events from the timeline of tests and measurement history. Research the events you selected and consider how they influenced the development of tests and measurement.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the two historical events you chose. Explain how these historical events influenced the development of tests and measurement. Then, choose one of the two events and describe a historical example of test misuse and the consequences related to the event.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Zero plagiarizing Quote work, APA format,’s

History presentation;ppt and speech draft

Question Description

You will choose one of the following regions and work with the others who chose thatregion to create and present a report to the class. The report should explain why and how theUnited States became involved in the region at the time we are studying (hint: look at the contentdue on the day of your presentation for help deciding what to focus on). Your presentationshould consider: the condition of the region before US involvement (war or political upheaval orstability or alliances?), the goals for the involvement (control or trade or influence?), the methodof involvement (wars or political pressure or economics or secret operations?), and the outcomeif known. You will let me know which group you intend to work in, before 9 September butthere can be no more than 5 members per group, and groups will be filled first come, first served.All members of a group are expected to participate in the creation and presentation of thematerial.Choose from these regions (with the date they present listed):Native American West: Including what was or would become the United Statesbetween the Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains (9 October)