Oxford English Dictionary and Concordance Exercise

Question Description

please read pdf carefully and follow the step by step. instruction, examples and assignment all including in the pdf.

Choose two words from The Taming of the Shrew that you would like to study further. These should be words that seem to be used in ways different from modern practice, or words that are unfamiliar to you. Here are a few possibilities–”politicly,” “humour,” “haggard,” “cunning,” “light,” “curst,” “shrew,” “green,” “happy”–but choose something else if you wish. Avoid examining a word that appears only once in the play.

Use the OpenSource Concordance to discover where Shakespeare uses each of the two words in The Taming of the Shrew. (Print off a screenshot of the relevant pages.) Then use the Oxford English Dictionary to find the most appropriate meanings of the word from its list of meanings. (Print off a screenshot of the relevant pages.) For each word, comment in a sentence or two about what you’ve discovered about Shakespeare’s use of that word.

Your completed assignment should contain:

  • print-offs for your two words from the OED;
  • print-offs for your two words from the OpenSource Concordance;
  • your comments on how Shakespeare seems to define and use these two words in The Tamingof the Shrew.

Complete Two Short American Literature Tasks (SIMMONS)

Question Description



  • Daddy (p.745)
  • Complete a Powerpoint compare or contrasting My Papa’s Waltz to Daddy. You must incorporate lines from the poems and you must use your vocabulary words. You should have 10-15 slides. Be creative.


After reading the introduction to this literary period in the online text, please complete the following activities.

If you directly cite information from outside sources or the online text, please do so in correct MLA format (in-text citations and a reference list). You must use outside sources and you must have a works cited page.

If you have questions about MLA format, please visit the Purdue OWL.–WRITE IN ESSAY FORMAT

  • Define the literary period (this information can be found in the online text).
  • List 2 authors from this literary period (this information can be found in the online text).
  • List 3-5 events (historical, political, social, technological) that occurred during this time period and give a brief description of each (this information can often be found in the online text; however, additional online research may be necessary).
  • Discuss how you believe a minimum of 1-2 of these events may have impacted the pieces that you read this week.

Art discussion pic discretion

Question Description

ART EXPERIENCE: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.

Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.

Example below:

Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.

Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera.

Question Description

Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.

Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.

Example below:

Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.

line layout

Look at the text below please, Thank You

Question Description

Due Date: 11/1/2019- at least 5 references/3 must be journal/ this does go through “TURN IT IN”

Assignment #4: Based on the film, When I Came Home, and information given during classes.

This video can be checked out of the library to watch individually and/or in groups. Please note there are only 3 copies available, so you are only allowed to check it out for 24 hours so that everyone has a change to review.

You must write a minimum of four full pages in your film reaction paper. You must have a cover page and a reference section.

Provide a brief synopsis of the film and describe the issues surrounding Veterans homelessness as described in the film.

What is the message portrayed by the film? Do you agree or disagree with it? Explain and use examples.

What VA programs, to end Veteran homelessness, could Herold have used? Were there any barriers faced by Herold in using those programs? Have there been any changes put in place since the movie first aired? If so, have they been successful or not. Why?

Defend your position based on the readings, the film and classroom discussions.

(Learning objectives A, B, C, D)

Complete Reading Assessmnet Task (TIGRA)

Question Description


Create a matrix analyzing your school’s results on a reading assessment for each grade level. Specifically identify at least three strengths and three limitations per grade level. Be sure to include the number of times students have taken the assessment before they achieved a passing score.

After you have separated the data by grade, analyze each grade level regarding the following topics:

  1. Attendance
  2. Number of attempts
  3. Instruction
  4. Materials
  5. Time
  6. Support

Upon completing the matrix, create a one-page handout to give to each of the grade level teachers that outline your findings. Offer recommendations for what is being done well, and suggestions for improving the assessment results related to that grade level.


  1. Changes that can be implemented to support literacy per grade level
  2. Opportunities to select or develop new/different reading assessments
  3. What these teachers can do, instructionally, to help their students improve

Provide three scholarly resources to support your recommendations.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

History hw multiple choice questions

Question Description

There are 8 multiple choice questions to solve and for each question yo choose the correct answer below the numbered questions

1) Labor + Resources = Labor + Resources =





pick one

2) How was power in the Continental Congress divided under the Articles of Confederation?

Each state’s votes were proportional to its population.

Each state had an equal vote.

The states were not formally represented in Congress.

Each state’s power depended on its geographical size.

pick one

3) Voting with the majority if a clear majority exists, otherwise voting your conscience describes which theory of representation?





pick one

4)Ex Post Facto means

Let the decision stand


Don’t tread on me

Tell me the truth

pick one

5) The state government of New Jersey is an example of what type of governmental arrangement?





pick one

6) Generally speaking, the mark-up of a bill occurs at what point in the lawmaking process?

a filibuster

Conference Committee

Sub-Committee action

Floor debate

pick one

7) Familiarity with self-government made the political break with England much easier for the colonists than the economic break.



pick one

8) Among other things, Shay’s Rebellion was

aimed at overthrowing an ineffective central government.

a resounding success.

a manifestation of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

the result of a border dispute between Massachusetts and Connecticut.

pick one

4 Most Powerful People in the Community

Question Description

I have chosen 4 people within my community that I consider fairly powerful: 1. Mayor- Chockwe Antar Lumumba 2. Sheriff- Victor Mason 3. Judge- Bill Skinner 4. Superintendent- Dr. Errick L. Greene.

The assignment is to provide sources that support my claim that these individuals are in fact the most powerful. I am supposed to provide a phrase or short sentence describing who the person is and what he or she does and their basis of power.

  1. Legitimate – This comes from the belief that a person has the formal right to make demands, and to expect others to be compliant and obedient.
  2. Reward – This results from one person’s ability to compensate another for compliance.
  3. Expert – This is based on a person’s high levels of skill and knowledge.
  4. Referent – This is the result of a person’s perceived attractiveness, worthiness and right to others’ respect.
  5. Coercive – This comes from the belief that a person can punish others for noncompliance.

Six years later, Raven added an extra power base:

  1. Informational – This results from a person’s ability to control the information that others need to accomplish something.

Site sources & for each source note why it is relevant.

Mini Brain Project

Question Description

Directions: Conduct research on a selected brain area or structure. Areas and structures available for research include: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, medulla, pons, cerebellum, reticular formation, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, cerebrum, hippocampus, amygdala, corpus callosum, Broca’s area, OR Wernicke’s area.

Conduct research using scholarly Internet sources, library sources, and the textbook.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Each question should be a minimum of 50 words.

Part 1: Using your research thoroughly answer the questions below:

1. Where is the area or structure located?

2. What are its major functions?

3. What techniques are used to view or measure it?

4. What happens when it is damaged?

5. What other structures is it near?

6. What other structures help or perform similar functions?


Reflection on Your Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (Government)

Question Description

In at least 250 words reflect on your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that you presented to your peers in the discussion board. This assignment is about creating and communicating a fully developed argument.

1.First, describe your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (this is a thesis statement)

2.Second, present and describe three (3) arguments in support of your Amendment. Think especially about the ideas, themes, and nature of our nation’s founding and political institutions. For example, do our founders ideas of what liberty means support you proposed amendment?

3.Third, address at least two 2 counter arguments that could be made by those that might oppose your proposed amendment. Describe those counter arguments fully and discuss why those counter arguments do not sufficiently counter your proposed amendment to the Constitution.

4.Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that restates your proposed change to the Constitution and reviews what you believe to be the most compelling argument in support of your proposed amendment.

Be sure to include a reference list for any outside sources you use in completing your paper.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

View your assignment rubric.