Apply the First Amendment rules of the U.S. Constitution in the case study – 750 words

Question Description

THE SCENARIO: You are a reporter for a local newspaper. You come back to the office one day to find several staff members discussing this story: Two teenagers have been killed in an automobile accident. The driver, who survived, had been drinking prior to the accident. The two girls in the back seat, both of whom were killed, were nude at the time of the accident. 2 Your colleague, another reporter, is pushing for all the known facts to be reported. But the editor argues that the fact of the girls’ nudity should not be revealed; he claims that such information will just be an additional insult to their parents, who already are suffering from the girls’ deaths.

Ask: Do you have a right to publish: The fact that the driver was drinking? The fact that the girls were nude at the time of the accident?

Would it be responsible to publish these facts in reporting the accident? Brainstorm ALONE about things to consider in deciding whether to report this information:

Do we have all the facts? Has anyone interviewed the survivor?

Does the newspaper have a policy on printing names of sexual-assault victims?

Will publishing the information help anyone else?

Outline of Research Report: The Trump Administration: Accomplishments, Administration and Scandals

Question Description

By the end of Week 7, you will submit a Research Report in which you apply relevant concepts to a significant public policy problem area based on one of the major topics covered in the course. This week, your Assignment is to identify a research topic that incorporates the theoretical concepts outlined in the readings as well as other material covered in the course. Topics may include any of the issues covered during the course and must relate specifically to a significant public management problem.

For example, you might investigate alternative means (such as, cases, social media, news broadcasts, webinars) to visualize the implementation of complex public policy priorities including health care, immigration reform, national security, civil liberties, digital government, or tax reform. A list of approved topics will be posted in the Faculty Corner.

TOPIC: The Trump Administration: Accomplishments, Administration and Scandals


  • Clearly identify the topic of the research report.
  • Include a thesis, problem statement, or research questions you plan to address in your report.
  • List the main headings and subheadings you plan to use to structure your report.
  • Provide a complete, APA style formatted Bibliography that lists all the sources you plan to use in order to support your discussion of the topic.

Below are some sample Outlines and grading rubric

Complete Education 750 Word Task

Question Description


For this benchmark, you will be creating a Literacy Action Plan for the grade level identified in your Field Experience “Presenting the Grade Level Analysis Digital Graphic Design”. In your Literacy Action Plan, identify three literacy priorities, based on your grade level analysis, that are in specific need of improvement. The Literacy Action Plan should be comprehensive and cover the current school year as well as address each of the following:

  1. Action steps for achieving the goals
  2. Responsibilities (for each stakeholder)
  3. Action steps timeline
  4. Resources
  5. Potential barriers
  6. Communication plan (between instructor and parents, to include initial, follow-up, and progress reporting)
  7. Progress monitoring /Evidence of success
  8. Evaluation tools
  9. Evaluation timeline

Utilize a district plan template or utilize the Massachusetts District Literacy Action Plan template to complete your Literacy Action Plan. In addition research 3-5 scholarly articles to support your plan.

In addition, submit a 750-1,000-word rationale in support of your Literacy Action Plan. Within your rationale, demonstrate your ability to analyze the following:

  1. Appropriate assessments
  2. Interpret assessment data
  3. Use the assessment data to evaluate curriculum and instruction specific to your chosen grade level.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Discussion The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Question Description

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on the 10th of December, 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) (Links to an external site.) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and has been translated into over 500 languages.

View and/or download a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (Links to an external site.)

After reading through the 30 Articles of the Declaration, post a thoughtful response to the following questions:

  • What do you think is the purpose of the Declaration of Human Rights? Is it effective?
  • Choose two Articles that you think are among the most important in the Declaration. Explain what these mean to you and why you think they are important.
  • What moral/ethical principles and theories are reflected in the Articles you chose?
  • For which real-world issues in our modern society do the Articles you chose have relevance and applicability? Be specific.

paper for a case study

Question Description

You are caring for a 37-year-old female who is pregnant with her second child. The first pregnancy was traumatic as the woman experienced a pelvic fracture during delivery causing excruciating pain. The anxiety from this memory plagues her into this pregnancy. She has been managed on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety. Her husband is a pharmacist and has attended most visits with the psychiatric-mental health NP for counseling and psychopharmaceutical drug management.

  • What would be your initial approach to assessment with this woman/family?
  • Would you prescribe an antidepressant? If so, why and which one? Explain the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, contraindications, pregnancy related issues, legal/ethical considerations, testing (if applicable), side effects and relationship to trimester.
  • What would be your overall plan of care? (Be succinct.) Consider supervision/collaboration/type of psychotherapy or complementary modality you might use.

Criteria for this paper:

  • Answer these questions succinctly but completely, integrating resources to provide rationale for all decisions.
  • Use APA formatting for all components of your paper.
  • You may use narrative, bullets, or a table format for various sections of this discussion assignment.
  • Your paper should be approximately two to three pages long (including a table if you create a table).
  • Your paper length should not include the reference page.
  • Use at least one nursing journal reference from CINAHL (available through the Regis library) to support your rationale.

The Challenge of Interfaith Marriages in American Judaism

Question Description

TOPIC IS: TheChallenge of Interfaith Marriages in American Judaism

1.Paper must be 6-7 pages in length (double spaced, 1 inch margins, 10 or12 point type).No triple or quadruplespacing between paragraphs.No startingyour paper half way down the first page.No double spacing your name/course info at the top of the page. around 1500 words

2. APA STYLE In your research you should consult a minimum of 5sources (not including course textbooks).All sources must be listed on a separate bibliographypage and attached to the back of your paper.Although required, the bibliography page does NOT count as one of yourfive minimum pages. You are allowed touse some internet sources for your paper however you should use QUALITYresources and part of my consideration in your grade will be how well you chosethose resources.At this point there arestill not enough quality, academic materials on the net for you paper to haveALL internet sources.For internetmaterials you will need to give author (if known), page title and location sothat I can go directly to the page if necessary.

8. Your paper must involveresearch and analysis of a SPECIFIC TOPIC that deals with some aspect ofreligion as it

specificallyrelates to American society/culture

9.Grades will be primarily based upon your ANALYSIS of the material!!!

TheChallenge of Interfaith Marriages in American Judaism

i need answer to 4 questions to child class 153 . they are just 4 questions

Question Description

How Have you Addressed Separation Anxiety?

1515 unread replies.1515 replies.

If you are a teacher or a parent of a child who has attended school or daycare, you have probably experienced separation anxiety of a child.

Separation Anxiety

One thing to note is that separation anxiety is normal and a positive sigh of a healthy attachment. It is often more difficult for the parent to cope with than the teacher!

There are situations when a child has severe anxiety and in some cases the child may need more time to mature before attending a group care setting.

  1. What does it mean when a parent seems to be supporting the child’s difficulty in separating rather than trying to encourage his/her successful separation?
  1. What can teachers do to help support parents when their child is having a difficult time adjusting to be separated from the parent?
  1. WHat is your understanding or a collectivist family? What are the primary differences between a collectivist family and one who the text describes as an individualistic family?
  1. What has your personal experience been with helping your own child or children in your classroom separate successfully? If you have no experience with separation anxiety, ask someone you know what experiences they might have to share.

Paper – Where Ethics and Values Conflict

Question Description

Please see attached doc for more information. I will send full links for my eBooks upon acceptance of assignment.

For this assignment choose and watch a movie or television show that depicts a main character from a vulnerable population. The population may include someone facing end of life issues, ethnic or sexual minorities, minors, or someone facing barriers to services.

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Give a brief (2-3 sentence) overview of the main character and their situation from the media you watched. Identify the vulnerable population the main character is from and offer a brief explanation of why that population is considered vulnerable.

Discuss your personal beliefs regarding this population that were challenged (or that you explored) after watching the movie or television show.

Identify an ethical dilemma you might consider when working with this population (cite appropriate ethical codes and state laws that apply).

Identify who your state legislature representative is and contact him/her. Include the name of your state representative and contact information in the paper. Discuss what you said in your email or when you spoke or left a voicemail.

Your paper should be in proper APA format with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly references.

why is this “heartland” myth so powerful for Americans?

Question Description

In her 2019 book, The Heartland: An American History, University of Illinois Professor of History Kristin Hoganson discusses the myth of “the heartland” as it is used as a symbolic tool. After reading the introduction to her book, discuss the following for Post #2:

    • Based on your own understanding and what you have read so far, why is this “heartland” myth so powerful for Americans? What anxieties does it ease (as a concept)? Or, what does it reinforce (as a concept)?
    • What are some examples of the ways this heartland myth gets re-emphasized or re-circulated in our present time? Think in terms of texts that create “culture:” films, TV shows, politics, ads, memes, music, etc. With this in mind, what would you say is your own conception of “the heartland”?

Be sure to fully explain your connections. Also, it is useful to bring in at least one key quote from the text. Don’t forget to cite the page number(s).

Directions and Requirements:

Post your response to this discussion board. This time, it is only required to post once.

Credit for “support writing” will be offered here based on the depth of your response to the prompt. Don’t forget to edit and proofread your post before you submit it.

Homeland security short response

Question Description


Read and provide a response to the below post discussion.

150-200 words.

APA only

The Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) is a key process used during disaster response. It provides assets and personnel to local municipalities such as the national guard from either the active or reserve components. The National Guard responds to emergency situations that include but are not limited to natural disasters, special events or for law enforcement. Is this approach complex? Yes, it can become very complex due to the coordination of both local and federal government attempting to work together to accomplish a mission. At times the bureaucratic tape creates challenges preventing key resources being provided during crisis.

The implementation of the to the DSCA can also create a level of enforcement that intimates and at times can take control over an emergency response. Even though Integrated planning can be complex it is a key resource that can be needed to ensure the safety of the American citizens. Examples of the DSCA stepping in to help support local government were in Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Maria.

Defense Support of Civil Authorities (2018). Joint Pub. 3-28, Defense Technical Information Center. Retrieved from