Around 10 mins Library Research easy

Question Description

  • COMM 1003 Library Research Assignment Value:10% Date Due: Before the beginning of class in Week 5 (via email) Assignment Instructions: Using the library databases, find 1 full text article of your choice for four of the following topics (= four different articles): Use the chart below for each of the articles you use for this assignment.Cut and paste the chart four times.
    Title of article
    Where was it published? (source)
    Author(s) last name and first name initial
    Date of publication
    What are the page numbers of the article?
    Database name
    Thesis (= main idea) of the article in one sentence. (2)
    How does the article connect to the topic?Be specific. (2)
    • Use your own words for the last two items in the chart.Any cutting and pasting from the original articles will result in 0 for the source.
    • Books and videos are not articles.Choose articles only (or get 0 for the source)
    • Do not send me the actual articles, only the information requested.

project art of activism

Question Description

The instructions for the project

Choose any work of art, including your own, that can be interpreted as artistic activism. Prepare a presentation of any type including visuals, audio, or live performance. You can do a demonstration or give a Power Point/Keynote presentation. You may also do a scrapbook, brochure, or newsletter, which does not require a full presentation. Due to the size of the class, presentations must be limited to 7 minutes. The length of the presentation should not determine the quality of your content. Your presentation is a summary of your research. A bibliography must be submitted with each project with research that includes 3 primary sources, if available, and at least 7 total sources. Include academic sources. General online sources without authors/editors are unacceptable. If you create your own work, your research must focus on the issue and inspiration. Do the same if your project is on an individual, researching the artist, musician, or writer. All projects must be submitted through Canvas by the due date to avoid receiving a grade of zero. File uploads need to be converted to Power Point or PDF format. Do not use Google Slides for upload. Prezi links are acceptable.

All must present on the scheduled date. A preliminary and final bibliography is required for all projects.

Complete Social Work Discussion 1

Question Description

The adolescent stage can be described as a time where there is a loss of innocence and a preentry into adulthood. A large part of being an adolescent is beginning that process of stepping out into the world and learning about oneself as a unique and autonomous individual. This movement out into the world is contingent upon the knowledge that this young person will have a safe and secure home to return to at the end of the day. If a traumatic loss or event has occurred in the adolescent’s life, there may be no safe base to which this individual can return. Attachment theory teaches us that a young person’s ability to attach/engage with peers, family, and other potential support systems is an important aspect of the developmental process. During the adolescent stage of development, assessing attachment styles is important because it provides a window into how the adolescent relates to others, which allows the clinician to choose the appropriate intervention.

For this Discussion, choose either the program case study for the Bradley family or the course-specific case study for Brady.

By Day 3

Post an application of the attachment theory to the case of either Tiffani or Brady. Discuss the connection between his or her attachment style and the exhibiting behavior.

Also use these RESOURCES:

1 attached

SO330 unit 6

Question Description


This week’s readings argue that the major problems facing youth today are not the problems we typically think about. For this activity, I want you to do some research on two problems that teenagers do face: child abuse and dating violence.

Your initial post has three parts (A, B, and C):

Part A (Summarize the statistics on child abuse that you find at these two websites)

  1. Go to the Department of Health and Human Services website:
    (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
  2. Then go to the Child Welfare Information Gateway website: (Links to an external site.).

Part B (Summarize the statistics on dating violence that you find at these two websites):

  1. National Teen Dating Violence Prevention Fact
    (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
  2. Health and Human Services website:
    (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Part C

I want you to explain why these two challenges faced by youth (child abuse and dating violence) are rarely discussed. In particular, what social, political, and economic forces account for the lack of discussion of these problems? Who benefits from this silence? What effect does it have on teenagers’ development?

Eng 250 word Composition Disc (BLANCH)

Question Description

First read “States”.

Then answer and think about the following:

The final chapter of “After the Last Sky” (the book “States” was published in) ends with this:

“I would like to think, though, that such a book not only tells the reader about us, but in some way also reads the reader. I would like to think that we are not just the people seen or looked at in these photographs: We are also looking at our observers.”

Now, read back through Said’s essay by looking at the photos with this reversal in mind – looking in order to see yourself as the one who is being looking at, as the one observed. How are you positioned by the photographer, Jean Mohr? How are you positioned by the person in the scene, always acknowledging your presence? What are you being told? (Answers these in your discussion)

Once you have read through the photographs, reread the essay with a similar question in mind. This time, however, look for evidence of how Said positions you, defines you, invents you as a presence in the scene. What does this look like?

Write two paragraphs of a total of 250 words or more. This may take some time to think on, so I have extended the date into next week.

Please help with this assignment it’s for a threaded discussion post

Question Description

Please keep in mind I’m Jewish and Persian Just if you could base it around that it would be great! Here is the discussion instructions

er, Politics, and Glory

1818 unread replies.1818 replies.

This discussion topic will recur in every chapter. Your job is to post one, two or more images of something that you associate with “your culture” and relate it using the below rubric to the chapter materials. I am using culture in general terms and not limited to ethnicity. The city of Santa Monica has a culture, as does SMC. I am a surfer and there are definitely different surf cultures that exist in LA. I personally identify with the Wanderlust surf culture. Feel free to find an image from the web, or post one that you have taken or an image of something that you have created.

You should describe the image or images that you post so we have a context of what they mean. You should relate your contemporary images to at least two works of art in the chapter. You should comment on someone elses post and add something positive. 5 points for each category for a total of 20.

5 points- Image posted

5 points- Image described

5 points- Related to chapter material

5 points- Comment on someone else

create a video, audio or written presentation* of “What is Good Design to Me.”

Question Description

Plan to keep presentation less than 7 minutes. Your presentation should explain why the particular images you selected represent good design to you. Think back to the readings. During your presentation, answer the following questions.

  • Do the objects you selected fit within Dieter Rams’s criteria?
  • Would these objects represent good design to everyone or only to your specific needs?
  • How would you describe your overall design aesthetic?
  • Why does the object wow you?
  • What possibilities, stories, trends do you see in this design object?

* If you are doing an audio or video, you must also post a written transcript. This document can also include the citations, if they are not included in the audio or video.

What needs to be included in the presentation?

Images, citations and one paragraph (written, audio or video) per category (total of 5 categories). These can be design objects from any time period and culture.

Required image categories. Note, you must select two unique images for each category, they cannot be the same object or designer.

  • 2 images of architecture
  • 2 images of interiors/interior design
  • 2 images of costume/fashion/dress
  • 2 images of graphic design
  • 2 images of product design

Citations for architecture and interiors should include*:

Architect/Interior Designer (if known), Title/Description of Structure, Date, Location

Citations for all others:

Designer (if known), Title/Description, Date, Country of Origin/Manufacture

*Note: A website link is not considered a proper citation.

Reading Group Roles of “Guns, Germs, and Steel”

Question Description

Your assignment is to read “Guns, Germs, and Steel” (. Based upon the readings write approximately 200-300 words in fulfilling your assigned role as Discussion Leader, Passage Master, Creative Connector, or Devil’s Advocate. A separate file clarifies the group of which you are a member and your assigned role for this week’s assignment. Upload your completed assignment before class on Monday September 9 and bring a printed copy with you to class.

Passage Master. Your job is to locate a few special passages that are important in the reading assignment. You should type out the specific passages in the document you turn in and put the passage within “quotation marks” with page number. Each passage should be relatively short (2-3 sentences). These may give key information, back up the information given, or summarize the author’s key points. They might also be passages that strike your fancy for some reason, are particularly well written, or might be controversial or contradictory with other passages or other information learned in class. You will need to turn in at least two important passages per reading, including a summary of the passage in everyday terminology (in other words, how you would explain the passage to your roommate), and an explanation of why you think the passage is important

Conflict and negotiation

Question Description

Managing Conflict

Most of us will face conflict throughout our lives. Being able to negotiate and manage conflict effectively is important in the workplace. Given this, the focus of this unit will be on learning how to manage conflict more effectively.

  • Describe a recent conflict that you experienced (preferably one that you encountered on the job).
  • Discuss the conflict in terms of the five stages that are described in your textbook (potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behavior, and outcomes).
  • Analyze the effectiveness of your approach to managing the conflict.
  • Discuss what you could do differently if a similar conflict were to arise in the future.


Take the Self-Assessment: Do you have the Makings of a Good Negotiator.

  • Discuss your results in terms of effectiveness and individual differences in negotiation.
  • Considering the results, discuss the type of bargaining strategy that would work best for you and why.
  • Select two of the five steps in the negotiation process listed in your text that you are most likely to struggle with, given your negotiation style.
  • Based on your analysis, describe ways in which you could overcome these obstacles to effective negotiation.

There are 2 parts. A minimum of 350 words per section with references,

Reference: Luecke, R. (2010). Best practice workplace negotiations. New York, NY: American Management Association Self-Study.

Complete 300 word Social Work Discussion (LEWIS)

Question Description

iscussion: Strengths Across Development
Learning about psychological, biological, and social development across the lifespan is essential to competent, ethical practice. To prepare for the final project, in which you write up and analyze a biopsychosocial assessment, begin thinking about how you will apply concepts of human behavior and the social environment that you are learning in this course. This assignment supports that process by asking you to engage in self-reflection and consider how the material you have engaged with in the past 4 weeks applies to you. Using the Kultura Media tool, you will video record your response to the assignment questions.

Identify an event that occurred in your childhood that influenced who you are today.

EVENT: Helping my best friend get through her parents getting divorced

Please consider guidelines related to self-disclosure and do not discuss an event that is potentially still triggering or share intimate details.
Identify the developmental stage you were at when the event occurred and describe the important psychological, biological, and social factors that typically occur during this stage.
Explain how the social environment impacted your experience.
Explain your strengths during that time and whether these strengths have changed as you have developed.
Include a transcript and/or edit closed captioning on your video to ensure your presentation is accessible to colleagues of differing abilities