Midterm Assignment Due September 15

Question Description

Instructions: you need to use Perspectives on Early America: An Interactive Reader to answer these questions. Each answer should be 2-3 paragraphs and you need to use examples from the essays in your answer. You need to answer TWO of these questions.

  1. Gonda- Colonial Women. Describe the situation of colonial women in North America and use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.

  1. McMichael- Abigail Adams. Write a biography of Abigail Adams from the information in this essay with examples from her life and times.

  1. McMahon: Beginnings of American Culture. Describe the origins of American culture by using examples from this essay to show how our culture began.

  1. Comer-Eastern Woodland Indians. What was the lifestyle of these Indians and the mound builder Indians like before the arrival of whites? Use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.

  1. Baydo-Origins of Indian Policy. What were the major elements and individuals involved in the beginning of United States government policy towards the Indians and how did Tecumseh challenge that policy?

  1. Brudvig- Pawns of War. Where were some of the different examples at the attempts to educate the Indians of Virginia? Again use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer.

  1. Baydo-Indians Wars of the West. Write a narrative that gives an overview of the wars of the West. Again use examples from the essay in your answer.

Modern America Examined

Question Description

Answer TWO of these questions based on the essays in the Modern America Examined: A Reader text with two paragraphs for each answer. And you use the essay material in writing the TWO answers to these questions.

  1. Baydo essay on the birth of urban America. What were the major elements discussed in this essay that contributed to the birth of urban America? Give examples from essay.
  2. Ennis essay on baseball and the American imagination. Describe the evolution of America baseball as described in this essay.
  3. Comer essay on immigration and assimilation. What problems did the immigrants face at this time in fitting into American society?
  4. Newman essay on black politicians. Who were some of the key politicians who rose to prominence during the period after the Civil War? Use examples from the essay.
  5. Carol Adams essay on American diplomacy. From this essay describe American foreign policy from World War I to the Great Depression.
  6. William Gudelunas essay on presidential scandals. From this essay give some examples of some of the modern presidents and their scandals.
  7. Contreras essay on modern Latin American policy. What have been the various trends in Latin American Policy since World War II?
  8. Coulter essay on the evolution of the Cold War. Identify the Cold War and show how the various modern presidents have handled this Cold War. Give examples in your answers.

Child abuse discussion 5

Question Description

Anne has been in foster care for the past 6 months and has thrived during that time. Anne’s therapist has indicated that Anne really loves her biological parents and enjoys visiting with them, but is ambivalent about returning home. Anne’s biological parents have had a difficult time complying with required services but Anne’s mother has made more progress than Anne’s father.

  • Anne’s mother entered drug treatment and has maintained sobriety for the past 90-days and is contemplating getting her own apartment so that Anne can come home.
  • Anne’s father has begun anger management classes but has been resistant to individual and family therapy.

As the assigned caseworker, you still have concerns about Anne’s safety, but recognize that the goal for this family is reunification. Based on the case file and the current progress in services, you have to make a recommendation to the court about possible reunification.

Draft a 2-3 paragraph progress report with recommendations to the Court and include the following information:

  • Given the allegations, is reunification possible for this family?
  • If you are recommending reunification, are you recommending Anne return to one or both parents?
  • What services would need to continue in order for Anne to return home?
  • Does Anne’s ambivalence about returning home make a difference in your recommendation?
  • When commenting to peers, consider the points you agree or disagree with in their recommendations. Be sure to be respectful and support you opinions.

Assignment: Final Project: Part 1

Question Description

For Part 1 of your Final Project Assignment, you will examine human development in terms of nature/nurture influences of the influential person you chose. You also will explore the role that cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. For the Final Project, you will only need to discuss two of the three processes.

Also, for this part of your Final Project Assignment, you will submit Part 1 to your Instructor to receive feedback. Note: No grade will be given for this submission; however, this submission is a requirement for the Final Project.

For Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment:

Begin the Final Project Assignment by writing a 3- to 4-page paper (Part 1), not including title page and references.

For Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment, explain the development and outcomes of the person’s life through childhood in terms of the appropriate constructs, processes, and theories of development. Address as many of the relevant ages and stages as possible.

Part 1

  • Explain the person’s life from prenatal development through childhood in terms of nature/nurture influences.
  • Provide an analysis of the role cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. Note: You must select two of the three processes to include in your paper.
  • Include at least one theory that is relevant in describing the individual’s development.

Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing, Zero plagiarizing, Quote work, No.com’s

Answer the question below based on reading essays ?

Question Description

Hello 🙂 could you answer the question below based on the following essay please.

Here is the essays : 1-https://www.counterpunch.org/2013/05/08/social-net…2- https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/articles/… 3-https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/201… 4- https://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?a… 5-http://www.uatrav.com/sports/article_f39d73d6-dc41…

  • Alfredo Lopez, “Social Networking and the Death of the Internet,” pp. 478-481
  • Amy Webb, “We Post Nothing about Our Daughter Online,” pp. 482-483
  • Elise Hu, “Facebook Makes Us Sadder and Less Satisfied, Study Finds,” pp. 484-485
  • Isaac Gilman, “Online Lives, Offline Consequences: Professionalism, Information Ethics, and Professional Students,” pp. 485-490
  • John G. Browning, “Watch That Tweet! Monitoring of Student Athletes’ Social Media,” pp. 490-492
  • The questions are: 1-
    1- What is one of the specific concerns about social networksthat Alfredo Lopez discusses in “Social Networking and the Death of theInternet”?
  • 2-
    What is one of the reasons for not posting pictures of herdaughter (or anything else about her) that Amy Webb gives in “We PostNothing about Our Daughter Online”?
  • 3-
    What is one of the possible reasons for why or how Facebookmakes people sadder, according to “Facebook Makes Us Sadder and LessSatisfied, Study Finds” by Elise Hu?
  • 4-
    What is one of the concerns about posting images onlinethat Isaac Gilman discusses in “Online Lives, Offline Consequences:Professionalism, Information Ethics, and Professional Students”?
  • 5-
    What is one of the specific concerns about the monitoringof social media that John G. Browning discusses in “Watch That Tweet!Monitoring of Student Athletes’ Social Media”?

Social Determinants of Health

Question Description

For this infographic assignment, build an infographic based on the information learned over the first 4 weeks of the course.

This infographic should be a visualization of the most important messages you feel the population/client population needs to know about social determinants and the role that these disparities play within the social work profession and the role of a social worker. This can include information on the different health disparities evident in the United States, the different impacts on the population, different roles a social worker plays, ethical guidelines, why the NASW, WHO and continued research is important, etc. This infographic can then be used as an educational tool.

Some examples of infographics are – a good example and a not-so-good example (colors don’t go together, hard to see and read)

You are welcome to choose one of the following tools to build your infographic. These tools are user-friendly and have plenty of user guides to get you started.

Have some fun with this assignment – the focus here is not on your graphic design abilities, but on a different approach to understanding the social determinants of health faced by your target audience.


Please review the grading rubric for performance criteria.

disorder, apa format, zero plag, 1000 words

Question Description

Topic: generalized anxiety disorder:

Part 2- Turning in your final treatment plan and Analysis

The final treatment plan will include the primary diagnosis, diagnostic testing recommended by National Guidelines. Medications, interventions, education, labs, follow up, referrals. After completing the treatment plan include the following sections in a large area called ANALYSIS:

  1. Pathophysiology and Pharmacology: For the primary diagnoses in the case, write a brief summary of the underlying pathophysiology and tie pharmacological treatment chosen in the reversal or control of that pathology.
  2. .Additional analysis of the case: This includes national guidelines that were or should have been used to make diagnosis or treatment and review how they applied or how care was unique but based in guidelines.
  3. Follow-up/Referrals: This means how the patient was doing when seen a second time if this applies. This would be their response to your plan of care. OR when Follow up will occur and what actions will be taken on the follow up visit. Referrals if indicated.
  4. Quality: Include anything that should have been considered in hindsight or changes you would make in seeing similar patients in the future with the same complaint, history, exam, or diagnosis. Add anything you learned from discussion in the class that shed new light on this patient.
  5. Coding and Billing. Any or all CPT and ICD-10 codes that should have been used (List them and name them only.

Writing a wild card scenario – 700 words

Question Description

In Week 6, you looked at trends and driving forces that may have an impact on your organization in the long term. For this Assignment, review the data collected from previous weeks, and continue to do research using the Internet, databases, government reports, newspaper articles, and other sources.

For this Assignment, consider trends and driving forces. Explain which are the most important and likely to have the most impact, as well as which are the least predictable and would have the most negative impact on your organization. Finally, stretch your imagination and build one wild card scenario that may impact your organization in 10 years by looking at the data and information on the organization’s risks and vulnerabilities.

Use the nonprofit or government organization you have selected for your Final Project, and provide the following: Summarize which trends and driving forces are the most important and will have the most impact on your organization in 10 years.

Are any of these inevitable or pre-determined? Summarize which forces are least predictable and would have the most negative impact on your organization. Explain an unpredictable event that may have a significant positive impact on your organization in 10 years and in 20 years.

Imagine your organization in 2025 and write a 1-page wild card scenario for your organization by looking at its risks and vulnerabilities.

Project2: Basic Argument Essay Timed Write

Question Description


For this timed writing, you will need to write a complete (short) essay of 600-800 words based on the two short articles I have provided. Your task is to read the articles and respond to my prompt.

You will have 120 minutes to complete the essay. Once you begin, you may NOT go back to it; it needs to be completed in one sitting. No exceptions. I will not accept essays through email or after the due date.

You will need to write your answer on a Word or Pages file and upload the file to submit.

Your essay should have:

  • An introduction with a hook, background information and a thesis that directly respond to my prompt
  • A minimum of 2 (and up to 3) PIE body paragraphs with a clear Point that is an opinion, Information that is properly introduced quotes from the articles and Explanation that is thorough and connects the reader back to the point.
  • A conclusion that restates your thesis and provides a final thought.
  • Please format your essay in MLA but do not worry about a Works Cited page for this timed draft.

***You are not allowed to use ANY outside sources for this essay. That includes other articles, any form of translator, any other person, Grammarly and so on. If you use any outside sources, you will receive a 0 on the assignment.***

Follow the instruction to write 800words reflection essay

Question Description

Write a reflective essay on an everyday space. (800 words). Refer to ilearn for more information.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

  • 1. Be aware of the history and importance of the study of the sociology of everyday life.
  • 2. Develop a broad understanding of how the ‘sociological imagination’ can be applied to our everyday lives.
  • 3. Be able to read, summarise and apply basic works in sociology and the sociology of everyday life.
  • 4. Be aware of a range of research skills, such as ethnography and visual analysis, used to carry out research in the area of the sociology of everyday life.
  • 5. Develop a range of generic skills useful in tertiary education and in vocational settings. This includes reading texts, critically review arguments and evidence, relate between and across contexts, become theoretically aware, and articulate arguments through written and verbal expression.
  • ——————–
  • Weighting: 20% >> Due date: Week 7 Thursday 12 September 2019 @ 11.59pm >> Margins: 2cm >> Spacing: 2cm >> Font: Arial/Calibri/Times New Roman 12 point >> Word limit: 800 words >> Referencing Style: Harvard author-date Take a photo of an everyday space (bedroom, living room, kitchen, cafe, inside of bus, train or car, class room, etc.). Drawing on the reading materials from weeks 1 to 5 write an essay on the taken for granted and unwritten rules of your chosen everyday space.