just answer the question

Question Description

After reading Christian G. Appy’s chapter, “Who We Are,” from American Reckoning, explain what insights you gained from the reading.

Craft your post to respond to these questions:

  • Does reading Appy’s chapter make you reconsider our (the United States’) role in the world? Why or why not? Explain your thinking with specifics from the text. Be sure to include at least one key quote.
  • Why do you think we, as Appy notes, “continue to be seduced by the myth of American exceptionalism” (335)?

Directions and Requirements:

Post your response to the Canvas discussion board under “Discussion Post #4.” Along with your initial post, reply to at least one other classmate to help develop our online class discussion.

Credit for “support writing” will be offered here based on the depth of your response to the prompt. Be sure to cover both questions. Don’t forget to edit and proofread your posts before you submit them.

As you respond to these questions, go with your own reading of the text. Copying or borrowing from commentary on the text from the open web is not acceptable. Don’t Google it; use your own impressions. Please remind yourself of the GCC Plagiarism policy; it applies even in an informal discussion post.

Be sure that your initial post is at least 200 words and completed by 10/10, 10:00am, on Canvas. Reply posts should be at least 100 words and completed by the same deadline.

art ideas female impressionist artist

Question Description

response to the post should be well developed, fully explaining your response and ”include an additional image example” relating to the post. Make responses that add to the conversation and take it further.

Question- There were very few female Impressionist artists. Does it matter what gender an artist is? Does being male or female affect the subject an artist chooses or the ways in which that subject is portrayed?

Answer responding to- An artist is a one of a kind individual who depicts to the world by communication. It is a brilliant articulation of workmanship to convey messages to the world. However it doesn’t make a difference what sexual orientation the craftsman however the character job they are inquired as to whether one was to assume the job of a religious individual or a politician ,one would need to pick the on-screen character in like manner with legitimate body language, expression of face, how adequately one would complete the job effectively. Then Gender doesn’t matter. For making accounts of individuals one would need to be explicit about sex roles. Similar if a female craftsman assumes a negative job it conveys numerous suppositions and flexibility than a man being in a negative role. As the world perceives in sex jobs, ladies as progressively compliant and aloof. Image relating to this answer is attached.


Roberts, A. S. Janson’s Basic History of Western Art.

Please help with art history essay

Question Description

In this class you are being introduced to the formal elements of visual expression as well as its content across cultures and time-periods. This paper is meant to be a personal expression of what you have learned in the first chapters we have studied (5-9).

Find something personally relevant, (a passion, a major, career, etc) and apply what you have learned to that. Select 3-5 works of art from these chapters and organize them around 1 aspect of your life, whether it is a career, a personal interest or an important idea.

Here are some examples of successful papers in the past. One student had a passion for skateboarding. The student related 3 specific works of art from the chapters we studied to not only the aesthetics of certain logos and designs, but also the different styles of skating. Another student was a fashion major and related two lines which were recently released and how they were influenced by specific artworks and how those fashions related to the themes we covered.

You will write a paper in 3-5 pages discussing that idea while relating concepts and artworks from the first 8 chapters to it. The papers are to be uploaded into the drop box under Course Home Writing 1. Make sure you select the file and upload your paper, otherwise, it will not be graded.

(I would like you to relate a topic to the last supper)

reading, paragraphs, multiple choice questions

Question Description

I need the answers to these 8 multiple choice questions, please. Provide me with the correct answers for each question below. 1-8

Questions 1-8 Choose A B or C

1. What part of a paragraph explains or supports the topic and main idea?

A. Topic Sentence B. Body Sentence or C. Closing Sentence

2. What type of paragraph shares and experience?

A. Narrative paragraph B. expository paragraph C. arguement paragraph

3.Where is the topic usually first stated in a paragraph?

A. In the last sentence B. In the topic sentence C. In the second sentence

4. Which of the choices IS NOT a brainstorming strategy used to search for a possible topic for writing?

A. Listing B. Freewriting C. Writing a first draft

5.How is the main idea different from a topic?

A. The main idea tells what part of a topic a writer will emphasize

B. The main idea states the first detail that supports a topic

C. The main idea gives an important example of a topic

6. What types of details are often used in an argumentative paragraph

A. Reflections B. Facts and statistics C. Personal stories

7. What are two types of supporting details

A. explanations and examples B. Brainstorming and questioning C. listing and clustering

8. Which of these sources is the most trustworthy.

A. A personal blog from a fan B. A textbook written by a person who specializes in the subject C. A website that promotes a particular agenda for a political party.

Discussion (government)

Question Description

The Newsroom

In your discussion this week you have to write a short newscast. Select three (and only three) current news stories. Select the three stories that you think are the most important to our nation and society.

  • Write an original headline for each story.
  • Write no more than three sentences summarizing each story.
  • Include the full html web address for each story.

It is very important to only write on three stories and keep your summaries under three sentences as this simulates how challenging it is to explain very complicated new stories in very restricted time and keeping the attention of viewers.

Your initial post will look something like this:

Catchy Headline #1

Summary sentence 1. This is the second sentence. And finally a third sentence.

Catchy Headline #2

Summary sentence 1. This is the second sentence. And finally a third sentence.

Catchy Headline #3

Summary sentence 1. This is the second sentence. And finally a third sentence.

For your follow up posts, question your peer’s newscasts. Why did they select the stories they did? Were there other current events that they seemed to miss? Was there any bias in how the stories were presented? Was there any bias in how those stories were summarized? Why did they include certain news stories? Why did they ignore others? You may also respond to your peer’s questions for a follow post.

View your discussion rubric.

Topic Choice and Outline

Question Description

Over the length of this course, you will be engaged in writing assignments about a psychological disorder of your choice that will help you build pieces of the final project. This will allow you to get feedback from your instructor throughout the course, enabling you to update and improve your work based on that feedback. This approach allows you to submit a polished version of your final project in Module 5. Last week you wrote about 3 disorders and this week you will choose one disorder as your topic for the final project and complete your outline.


  • Your assignment should be approximately 250-500 words in length (typically, two double-spaced pages).
  • For this assignment, you will choose a disorder for your final project case study. Please do not select a disorder you have been diagnosed with or one that you believe you might have. Next, outline each section that you want to include in your paper (e.g., Overview of the Disorder, Symptoms, Treatment Options, Future Implications). Please see the Final Project handout for more details on the final assignment.
  • This should be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all APA style requirements.
  • An abstract is not required.
  • Please refer to the rubric associated with this assignment for detailed guidance about expectations and grading.
  • Please submit this assignment through in D2L by 11:59PM Central Time on Sunday.

Psychology 4007 chapter outline

Question Description

  • make an outline of the chapter.
  • Be sure that your outline includes key concepts, terms, and people from the “Unit Objectives” document in the unit box at Moodle.
  • Make sure you include the important information that is contained in each section of the chapter.
  • Your outline should have the most important points from the chapter in it, but you don’t need to include every point the chapter makes. A general rule of thumb is that every 1 to 3 paragraphs can usually be summarized in a phrase or two on your outline, more or less.
  • Make sure your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct.
  • Your outline must be your own work, of course. You can copy the headings and sub-headings within the chapter of your textbook, but the rest of the phrases and sentences should be in your own words. Don’t copy those from your book or the internet — write them in your own words.
  • Submit your outline on a word document before the Due Date.

Unit Eleven Objectives


collective unconscious

hierarchy of needs

personal unconscious

positive regard





humanistic psychology

positive psychology

psychoanalytic psychology







*** The concepts, terms, and people listed above need to be included within the outline

I wasn’t able to post pictures of the whole chapter, I will do so after the bid on the assignment is accepted

Unit 7 essay

Question Description

What shaped Western culture in the period 1300–1550 more: the Black Death’s emphasis on the afterlife (the hereafter) or the Renaissance’s emphasis on human achievement (the here and now)? Choose one of these and explain your perspective.

Start with a statement identifying your choice; this is your thesis. Then, support your choice with specific examples from at least three of the following categories:

  • significant individuals (e.g., political or religious leaders, innovators, explorers);
  • characteristics of worldview (e.g., philosophy, religion);
  • social institutions (e.g., social mores, practices, hierarchies);
  • patronage (discuss the patrons, their motives, influence, and resulting products or artifacts);
  • the economies (e.g., changes, different economic systems, impact); and
  • politics (e.g., forms of governance, power distributions, contests).

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to practice prioritizing and using specific data to support your choice. Your example may touch on several of the above categories at once, but there should be at minimum three separate examples for which their connection to your choice is explained.

Your essay must be a minimum of 500 words. Be sure to include an introduction; if necessary, review the Unit III Scholarly Activity instructions, which explain how to draft an introduction.

You must use two sources written by historians in history books or journals from the CSU Online Library in addition to the textbook and the study guide. All content must follow APA guidelines, including all sources used, which must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.

Research and Power Point Presentation

Question Description

For this assignment you will do research ,and a 6 year plan Power point Presentation.The presentation should be 13 pages.I assigned a 3 Job Research assignment please fill it out . You need to use three different job listings at three different levels in the Carpentry INDUSTRY. The 3 job listings should be in “Carpentry”, types of carpenter include:

Rough carpenter: Framing, formwork, roofing and other structural work.

Joister: Lays floor joists onto which a floor surface is fixed.

Trim carpenter: Specialises in mouldings and trims, such as mantles, skirting boards), and other ornamental work.

Cabinet Maker A cabinet maker’s responsibilities include the building and installation of cabinets, furniture, and specialty items using many types of materials.

For your particular pathway, the employer may use different terms. In general the entry level positions will pay relatively low and require little experence/skill, the next level will require more tool use and skills, maybe some troubleshooting, and will pay better! The journeyman level will require troubleshooting, leadership, specific and lengthy experience and pay well! Use the research assignment for your “6-year Plan power point presentation.And the entry-level job will be what you we are going to produce a 6-year Plan and present it! Attached are the 6-year Plan Notes, and example Powerpoint Presentations.

Attached is the Research form and an example of the 6 year powerpoint presentation. The presentation should look like the example.

Social Theory Task Due (WALDEN) 1 page case write up

Question Description


Assignment: Application of Crisis Theory and Resiliency Theory to a Case Study

It is common for social workers to be presented with a crisis situation brought forth by clients, families, communities, and/or organizations. The ultimate goal is to restore the client to equilibrium. The five stages of the crisis are (1) the hazardous event, (2) the vulnerable stage, (3) the precipitating factor, (4) the state of active crisis, and (5) the reintegration or crisis resolution phase.

There are times when a social worker will use more than one theory to assist in conceptualizing the problem and intervention, particularly if the theories complement each other. For example, resiliency theory can be used alongside crisis theory.

To prepare: Review and focus on the same case study that you chose in Week 2.

By Day 7

Submit a 1- to 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:

  • Map the client’s crisis using the five stages of the crisis.
  • Describe the client’s assets and resources (in order to understand the client’s resilience).
  • Describe how you, the social worker, will intervene to assist the client to reach the reintegration stage of the crisis. Be sure that the intervention promotes resiliency.
  • Evaluate how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help in working with a client.

Be sure to:

  • Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  • Use literature to support your claims.
  • Use APA formatting and style.
    • Remember to double-space your paper.