homework question 1

Question Description

Your task for this assignment is to do two things: first, you’ll do some work and submit it through this homework assignment, so I can grade it as a homework assignment. Second, you’ll post your homework submission into the first discussion thread titled “Formal Fallacies go Here.” The remaining instructions for posting will be in the forum. Here is your assignment:

You are to create two instances of arguments that commit formal fallacies, as discussed in Chapter 3 of CET. Make sure you familiarize yourself with formal fallacies, as well as arguments with good forms, for contrast. Your assignment in short is to do Exercise 3.2c and post your results as a single post. You can write them out with numbered premises and an identified conclusion, or you can present them as written prose, as someone might when writing a paper. That is up to you. You’ll submit those here AND post them in the discussion forum. As part of this week’s discussion, you’ll also identify fallacies in a classmate’s post. If we each do a post and each identify fallacies, then we can each have a back-and-forth to use as practice with peer feedback. We should also feel free to check out other people’s posts and, once there is a guess or identification, comment constructively to help each other in identifying the fallacies. The original poster can go last and provide what they took to the be right answer.

Noble Klans of America

Question Description

Noble Klans of America

In one to two pages, give a brief history of the group your are researching:

when they were founded,

who founded the group,

their stance regarding immigration,

the motivation for that particular view of immigration,

and if possible, how this group would like to solve any immigration problem(s) real or perceived

(As finding this information may come from many sources, you will need to cite where you have found this information in your paper. You will need to footnote/endnote any quotations you use in your paper. The fine folks in the OWL can help you with this)

Compare the foundational values of the group you are researching to the 4 Franciscan Values of the University. Write one paragraph for cach Franciscan Value listed below and explain how the teachings of the group you have researched compare/contrast to the ideas of:

Reverencing all of Creation-Fostering a simple lifestyle and responsible stewardship; preserving the environment, respecting all creatures.

Making Peace- Forgiving others; healing and reconciling; resolving conflicts, promoting non-violence

Showing Compassion- Serving and caring for the poor and oppressed; working for justice, taking responsible social action; offering unselfish service

Creating a Caring Community- Respecting each person’s dignity, offering hospitality, courtesy kindness, and friendship. fostering loving relationships

Conclude with a paragraph or two of your own thoughts about immigration and whether you would agree more with the anti-immigrant group you have researched or the CSU community-one should include at least three reasons for your agreement with either group

Discussion 2: Optimizing Sampling and Data Collection

Question Description

The data that you collect from your norm group are called normative data. These data allow you to see what the results of your test instrument should be, so that you have a standardized score against which to compare others. In other words, the data allow you to equate scores across different tests of the same construct and let you compare individuals to each other. Now that you have considered sampling the population of interest for your proposed test instrument, you explore how you might optimally define your sample and collect your data if you had unlimited resources. Although it may not always be possible for practical reasons to do this in real life, this exercise nevertheless provides you with a valuable thought experiment.

As you complete this experiment, keep in mind that even with optimal sample definition and data collection, test norms are not absolute. They can change with time or with a different norm group.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a description of the information you anticipate collecting through your proposed Final Project instrument. Then explain how you would optimally define your sample and collect your data if you had unlimited resources. Finally, explain advantages and disadvantages of your chosen data collection method. Support your response using the Learning Resources and the current literature.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.Zero plagiarizing, APA format, Quote work, No.com’s

Preparing for Project 2: Reading Activity (Aubrey & Royte)

Question Description

Reading Activity: Aubrey and Royte Article Annotations

To dip our toes into the academic conversation on food waste, we will read two short articles: “It’s Time to Get Serious About Reducing Food Waste, Feds Say” by Allison Aubrey and “One Third of Food is Lost or Wasted: What Can Be Done?” by Elizabeth Royte. As you read the articles, carefully annotate and complete the attached annotation sheet.

“It’s Time to Get Serious About Reducing Food Waste, Feds Say” by Allison Aubrey

“One Third of Food is Lost of Wasted: What Can Be Done?” by Elizabeth Royte

Remember to complete our Annotation Worksheet for each one!

Submission Details:

Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.

Submitting Your Assignment

  1. Please complete the assignment as a Word document.
  2. Click the +Submit Assignment link located in the right-hand column of the course window.
  3. Click the Choose File
  4. Navigate to your document and select it.
  5. Click the Submit Assignment

ENGL 1102: Short Essay

Question Description

“The Red Convertible”: How does the red Oldsmobile function as the story’s central symbol? What changes does the car go through? How do these changes stand for what Lyman and Henry are going through?

Answer one of the following questions in MLA-formatted, essay of 400-750 words in length.
Your essay must follow the standard academic form: introduction with a “hook” and a specific thesis statement ending the introductory paragraph, body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a conclusion that offers final thoughts. Focus on clearly and directly answering the question at the beginning of your response.
Support should be clear and organized; supporting points should not overlap. Do not summarize the stories; instead analyze them.
The response should be well-structured and free of grammatical errors.
Your title cannot be the same as the title of the story.
Review the course syllabus for plagiarism reminders and policies. The CGTC Degree-Level Rubric is used to assess this essay.
Wikipedia/CliffNotes/PinkMonkey/Spark Notes/Shmoop/Similar Sites are not to be used in formal, academic work, such as this essay. You will not receive full credit for your essay if you rely on those types of materials.
For this assignment, you do not need external research; however, you do need a work cited page. You must cite the literature using MLA styling. Literature entries must appear on the Work(s) Cited page. In-text parenthetical citations must be properly used in the body of the essay.

answer 10 questions about the reading “The Qualities of the Prince”

Question Description

Reading about The Qualities of the Prince “Niccolo Machiavelli”

Pre-reading Questions

1.Why does Machiavelli praise skill in warfare in his opening pages?

2.Is it better for a prince to be loved or to be feared? Explain.

Questions for Critical Reading

1.The usual criticism of Machiavelli is that he advices his prince to be unscrupulous. Find examples for and against this claim.

2.Why do you agree or disagree with Machiavelli when he asserts that the great majority ofpeople are not good? Does our government assume that to be true too?

3.Politicians – especially heads to state – are the contemporary counterparts of the prince. To what extent should successful heads of modern states show skill in war? Is modern war similar to wars in Machiavelli era? If so, in what ways?

4. clarify the advice machiavelli gives concerning liberality and stinginess. is this still good advice?

5. Are modern politicians likely to succeed by following all or most of Machiavelli’s recommendations? why or why not?

6. define the terms ends and means and explain why they are important

7.compare machiavelli advice with the behavior of a specific politicians-past or present.

8. under what political circumstances might the ends justify the means Under what politica?

please no plagiarism

Question Description

Write 2 paragraphs of at least 100 words each answering the following questions:

  1. Describe the research methodology Matthew Desmond used for his book “Evicted.”
  2. Is his methodology scientific?

You may review the following sources of information:


Written Assignment

Written Assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo thoughtful paragraphs directly answering the questions.

2.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginal ideas using student’s own words.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating comprehension of required readings.

4.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

4.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0


Evaluation of Early Presidents Discussion Assignment due September 29

Question Description

You are to read Chapters 11 and 12 in the text.You are also going to read the lectures on presidents Thomas Jefferson to Ulysses Grant.You are going to choose Two of the following presidents: Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson James Polk or Abraham Lincoln You will then view the videos on the two presidents that you choose and also read the website on your chosen presidents: Thomas Jefferson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ (Links to an external site.)Thomas_Jefferson; Andrew Jackson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Jackson (Links to an external site.);; Abraham Lincoln: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln (Links to an external site.)and finally James Polk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_K._Polk (Links to an external site.)

You are going to compare your TWO presidents as leaders, with their domestic policy, with their foreign policy. Remember that Polk and Lincoln were also war presidents and should be evaluated as war leaders.You are going to rate these two presidents by the following categories: High, above average, average, below average or poor.

Finally you are going to rate which of the early presidents from Washington to Grant as the best president and why. Please respond to TWO of the other students’ choices. Good luck with this evaluation of the early presidents.

Thomas Jefferson https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=bIJ2KlSfU2Q

Andrew Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=EGfxyeuy8u8

James Polk https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=8wbEw1c8wx8

Abraham Lincoln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8Ov1qS67v4

Population and Environment writing paper

Question Description

the question of whether population growth poses a threat or a potential opportunity is not new. Not long after Thomas Robert Malthus made his prediction that more people would doom us to “gigantic inevitable famine,” an opposing camp of population “boomsters” emerged, highlighting the potential benefits of reproduction. More people, they argued, meant more labor, technological innovation, and economic growth. Now, scientists have proposed that we have entered a new era – the Anthropocene. They have named it as such because this era is defined by how humans have affected the Earth. In this writing assignment, you will explore the ways in which human activities have affected the environment. Drawing from the article (Chapter 5) by Steffen et al. (2005):

  1. Explain how the greenhouse gas effect contributes to climate change
  2. List the gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect and describe their sources.
  3. Describe the trend that you observe in CO2 concentration over time.
  4. Explain why there is a difference between the levels of CO2 during different seasons?
  5. While a growing population presents challenges, can it actually be a positive thing?

Length: One page (references, maps, graphs, tables, and other such supplements are encouraged and do not count against the page length limit) with a one-inch margin.

Spacing: The title and first paragraph should be separated by two spaces. Each paragraph should be separated by a single space (the first line should be indented), all lines within a paragraph should be single-spaced.

just answer the question

Question Description

After reading Christian G. Appy’s chapter, “Who We Are,” from American Reckoning, explain what insights you gained from the reading.

Craft your post to respond to these questions:

  • Does reading Appy’s chapter make you reconsider our (the United States’) role in the world? Why or why not? Explain your thinking with specifics from the text. Be sure to include at least one key quote.
  • Why do you think we, as Appy notes, “continue to be seduced by the myth of American exceptionalism” (335)?

Directions and Requirements:

Post your response to the Canvas discussion board under “Discussion Post #4.” Along with your initial post, reply to at least one other classmate to help develop our online class discussion.

Credit for “support writing” will be offered here based on the depth of your response to the prompt. Be sure to cover both questions. Don’t forget to edit and proofread your posts before you submit them.

As you respond to these questions, go with your own reading of the text. Copying or borrowing from commentary on the text from the open web is not acceptable. Don’t Google it; use your own impressions. Please remind yourself of the GCC Plagiarism policy; it applies even in an informal discussion post.

Be sure that your initial post is at least 200 words and completed by 10/10, 10:00am, on Canvas. Reply posts should be at least 100 words and completed by the same deadline.