Outdoor Environments

Question Description

it is important that children are afforded opportunities to engage in meaningful outdoor playtime. “Research indicates that children who play outdoors demonstrate better visual motor integration, imagination, and verbal and social skills than children who play inside” (Yerkes, 1982, as quote by Bullard, 2014, pg. 360). For this reason, it is important that caregivers create quality outdoor spaces for those children in their care. For this post, you will first research grants available to assist with outdoor spaces through KorKat’s website, The Ultimate List of Playground Grants and Fundraisers (Links to an external site.).


Then, you will use the following scenario to develop a plan for your outside space:

Imagine you are applying for one of the grants you researched. Write a 200- to 250-word proposal describing what you envision for your outdoor environment. Provide the following information:

  1. Identify the grant you would most likely apply for and explain why.
  2. Describe the type of playground you envision and provide a rationale for your choices (use table 17.1 in your text).
  3. Discuss the S.A.F.E. (supervision, age appropriateness, fall surfacing, and equipment maintenance) precautions you must take into consideration and how this grant money would assist you in meeting these guidelines.
  4. Describe how you, as the caregiver, will utilize this space with your children (e.g. how often, how will you interact with them, what developmental domains will be enhanced and why, etc.) and why providing this wonderful outdoor environment for your children is so important.

Complete American History Task 04

Question Description


These questions are designed to prepare you for Exam #1, which will be based on the short answers and essays you submit for homework.You should submit complete, detailed answers so you can use the homework assignment to help you prepare for the exam.

I will correct and grade your homework and return it to you so you will know if you missed something before you take the exam.You will lose points for submitting incomplete homework.

Short Answers:Write a brief paragraph for each term that explains who, what, when, where, how, why, and the significance of each of the following terms.

2nd Continental CongressBattle of Bunker Hill

Olive Branch Petition

Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms

Common SenseDeclaration of Independence

Essays:Write an essay that answers each of the following questions.Write a separate essay for each topic.

1.Discuss the progress of the American Revolution from July of 1776 to the end.What happened in New York and New Jersey in 1776? How did the war progress in 1777?What was the battle of Saratoga and what was its significance? What was the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance? What happened at Valley Forge and why was it significant? How did the war progress in 1778? How did the war progress in the South? What happened at Yorktown?What was the Treaty of Paris of 1783 and what were the terms of the treaty?

ARTH 204 Film and American Culture Studies course

Question Description

The film, Birth of a Nation (1915) is a silent film by director D.W. Griffith who pioneered film techniques and changed the way a film’s narrative told its story. Because of this, and the inclusion of some of the most famous stars of the time, the movie had a huge commercial success and was a popular film.

However, the movie is racist and unapologetic about its attitudes, which are those of a white Southerner, raised in the 19th century, unable to see African-Americans as fellow beings of worth and rights.

Another part of Birth of a Nation’s legacy is that it was successfully used as a recruiting tool for the Ku Klux Klan which had a huge resurgence due in large part because of this film.

After Watching the film and reading the articles associated with the film Week Five’s Content, answer the question below and reflect on the film.

While the film is uncomfortable at best to watch in 21st Century America, it has an important place in the history of racism and race issues.

Answer All questions!

  1. What do you think are the two most important issues for you to take away from what you have learned? Why?
  1. What would be your top two talking points about this film if you were to discuss it with friends or family members? Why?
  1. What recent films, TV shows, music, pieces of art address some of the same issues you talked about in questions 1 & 2? How do we/should we respond to them?

please review the ethical guidelines

Question Description

for this assignment follow the instructions and answer the questions . You are a job coach providing services to the disabled seeking employmentPlease respond with 500 words

Unit 1: Assignment 3

Please review the ethical guidelines (http://www.apse.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/APSE-Ethical-Guidelines2.pdf) that are referenced in this section and answer the following questions. Send your answers by e-mail to your assigned instructor.

  1. Think about how you provide the opportunity for choice and development of competency. Describe how you have been able to provide choice to an individual who needed your assistance in understanding and demonstrating his or her choice about some aspect of employment.
  2. Describe ways in which you can assure that individuals have the opportunity to be “socially included” in employment. You can make your description specific to one individual if you wish.
  3. Describe an interaction you have had with an employer that resulted in the individual working as independently as possible.
  4. Describe and support your feelings about the individual with a disability always having the right to choose to work regardless of disability and having the right to choose the specific job.
  5. Discuss your thoughts on how individuals should be paid for the work they perform.
  6. Give an example of how you have maximized natural supports for an individual in his or her workplace.
  7. Discuss your role in assuring that the individual has opportunity to be involved in social and recreational opportunities outside of work.
  8. Give an example of an individual with whom you have worked and who had the opportunity to advance to another job.

A Comparison and Contrast of Two Court Rulings

Question Description

This is for a paper that needs to be corrected/edited which needs to also be reapply to correct template (attached). Please see attached docs for info. I will send you ebook details upon acceptance


A Comparison and Contrast of Two Court Rulings

I have the sign in details for my ebook upon completion.

Course Assignments https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/USW1/202010_…

For this assignment, compare and contrast two instrumental court decisions (i.e., Tarasoff v. Regents of California (1976) and Estates of Morgan v. Fairfield Family Counseling Center (1997), both impacting confidentiality practices in the counseling profession. Discuss how the rulings impact clinical practice.

The Assignment (23 pages):

Compare and contrast the details of the Tarasoff v. Regents of California (1976) and Estates of Morgan v. Fairfield Family Counseling Center (1997) court decisions. Consider how these cases may be similar or how they may be different.

Describe how the court rulings relate to confidentiality in profession of counseling. Cite appropriate ethical codes to support your narrative.

Put on a ‘counselor hat’ and discuss how the rulings might clarify or make it more difficult for you as a clinician. Reflect upon your understanding of your responsibility to maintain confidentiality with a client.

Your paper should be in proper APA format with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly references. Use the readings, additional readings, course textbook and the court cases to support your stance, or any other related references you might find.

help with question

Question Description

Hi , please answer the following question , also I have attached the book you may need it .

you will find book on this link : ukbjtu99s7qk57xw

Section I ( for this section answer each question up to 4 sentence )

Directions: Be able to identify each of the people/objects/places/terms/events below. In a short answer, explain why are they significant and how they influenced Early Western History?

  1. The Epic of Gilgamesh
  2. The Valley of the Kings
  3. Chauvet Caves
  4. Cuneiform
  5. Hammurapi
  6. Lucy
  7. Akhenaten
  8. Neolithic Period
  9. Assyrians
  10. Ur
  11. The Tanakh
  12. Cyrus the Great
  13. Fertile Crescent
  14. Thera
  15. Ötzi
  16. The Phoenicians
  17. Solomon’s Temple
  18. The Stepped Pyramid of Djoser
  19. Zoroastrianism
  20. The Battle of Kadesh

Section II ( for this section answer each question at least 125 words ).

Directions: Be prepared to answer the following questions. Answer the question completely and include some discussion of primary sources, where appropriate, to support your answer.

  1. What factors spurred the development of written scripts? How did the development of written scripts affect the societies that developed them?
  2. Compare the Neo-Assyrian state and Persian Empire. How did they form different types of states? How did each try to integrate its realms?
  3. Why was the Nile ‘central’ to life in Egypt?
  4. How did the cultures of the Minoans and Mycenaeans contribute to the development of Greece?
  5. Describe the reforms of Akhenaten and discuss his role as a ‘revolutionary’.
  6. Compare the Minoan and Egyptian cultures, particularly in terms of art, architecture, and world view.
  7. Discuss the problems of interpreting Neolithic culture.
  8. Discuss the agricultural and technological revolutions of early humans and their impact on the development of early societies.

Discussion: Why not a Third Party?

Question Description

Need approx 100-150 word response….

Many advocates of third party politics point to the lack of choices and influence with only the two parties to choose from. Some argue that the two major parties do not represent specific philosophies on issues, while others accuse them of colluding with each other and maintaining the status quo.

Visit CNN Politics.com to read the article “Two-party ‘charade’ must end, Ron Paul says” (or use the following keywords in an online search engine: Two-party ‘charade’ must end, Ron Paul says) discussing Republican Congressman Ron Paul’s support for third parties, and why he feels it is so essential for third parties to gain momentum, in light of his unsuccessful bid for the 2008 Republican Party presidential nomination.

Then search the Internet for other articles supporting more third party candidates, and consider the following questions.

  • What reasons do they give for advocating a third party?
  • Do you feel the current two-party system is in fact a “charade” which does not accurately reflect the changing views of the American people? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe most Americans actually feel that the major party they are affiliated with truly represents their views? If not, why do you think they continue to be part of a major party?
  • If you feel the current two-party system is flawed, what do you think needs to be done to address it? If you don’t think it is flawed, why do you feel it is working well?

Analysis Paper 1

Question Description

By the turn of the century, Americans had completed their push to connect the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific yet seemed small in relation to the vast empires of European nations like Great Britain and France. In this vein, Americans began to debate whether their nation, a symbol of rebellion against empire, should expand beyond its territorial borders to create its own empire. Using the writings of several prominent American officials and the history written of the period describe the arguments for imperialism and those against the notion. Write about the logic of the arguments for or against imperialism and what it would mean for the nation in each document. Then write which side you think gives the best argument and the reasons you think so.

You will write an essay to answer these questions. Essays should be no shorter than 500 words and preferably no longer than 1,000 words. You may use class readings as well in your essays for further evidence. Your papers will be in MLA format with 1 inch margins, double-spaced, in 12 pt Times New Roman font and include citations for when using text from the sources. We will be using Chicago Style Citation for this paper, we will have a discussion on this during class. Please refer to the syllabus for information regarding what is plagiarism. Also attached at the bottom is a brief essay writing guide to help you with essay writing.

Good Luck


Question Description

After watching the following video on justice (Links to an external site.)narrated by Harvard philosopher professor Michael Sandel, a.) describe the deontological approach to justice and b.) state whether or not you agree with this approach with respect to this case of threatening torture, explaining your reasoning. I am looking for a one-two paragraph response.


Online reading response rubric for case study, short writing assignment

Online reading response rubric for case study, short writing assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Completion

40.0 pts

Assignment is complete. All questions/assignment requirements have been addresssed.

20.0 pts

Assignment is incomplete. The student has partially addressed the assignment questions/requirements.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Expression

30.0 pts

The entire assignment is very clearly written. Grammar/mechanics is very good.

25.0 pts

Writing is unclear in a number of places. There are a fair number of grammar/mechanical errors.

20.0 pts

Writing seriously impedes the instructor’s ability to understand the student’s work.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoughtfulness of Content

30.0 pts

Content is exceptionally thoughtful and perceptive.

25.0 pts

Content of the student’s work is adequate, but not particularly perceptive.

15.0 pts

Little serious thinking is revealed.


homework question 1

Question Description

Your task for this assignment is to do two things: first, you’ll do some work and submit it through this homework assignment, so I can grade it as a homework assignment. Second, you’ll post your homework submission into the first discussion thread titled “Formal Fallacies go Here.” The remaining instructions for posting will be in the forum. Here is your assignment:

You are to create two instances of arguments that commit formal fallacies, as discussed in Chapter 3 of CET. Make sure you familiarize yourself with formal fallacies, as well as arguments with good forms, for contrast. Your assignment in short is to do Exercise 3.2c and post your results as a single post. You can write them out with numbered premises and an identified conclusion, or you can present them as written prose, as someone might when writing a paper. That is up to you. You’ll submit those here AND post them in the discussion forum. As part of this week’s discussion, you’ll also identify fallacies in a classmate’s post. If we each do a post and each identify fallacies, then we can each have a back-and-forth to use as practice with peer feedback. We should also feel free to check out other people’s posts and, once there is a guess or identification, comment constructively to help each other in identifying the fallacies. The original poster can go last and provide what they took to the be right answer.