what are your personal learning philosohy on working in the classroom with children?

Question Description

Benchmark – Developing a Personal Learning Philosophy

Consider what you have learned through your previous practicum experiences and use the balance of your practicum hours to discuss with your classroom teacher the elements of your personal learning philosophy.

Use the “Learning Philosophy Template” as a resource to guide the writing of your personal learning philosophy essay.

In a 1,000-1,250-word personal learning philosophy essay, include the following:

  1. The nature versus nurture concept and debate.
  2. What it means to be an early childhood professional.
  3. The role of the early childhood educator as a professional when working with learners, families, and colleagues.
  4. The role of the early childhood educator as advocate on behalf of children.
  5. Your methods for assessing student understanding for Birth to Age 5/Pre-K and K to Age 8/Grade 3 children, including your views on the statement “all children can learn” and key assessment practices.
  6. The role of technology in the education of young children.
  7. The importance of environment to teaching and learning for Birth to Age 5/Pre-K and K to Age 8/Grade 3 children.

Use course readings on particular theories, as well as 3-5 scholarly articles that can be used in support of your personal learning philosophy.

Prepare this assignment according to the GCU guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Question Description

After watching the following video on justice (Links to an external site.)narrated by Harvard philosopher professor Michael Sandel, a.) describe the deontological approach to justice and b.) state whether or not you agree with this approach with respect to this case of threatening torture, explaining your reasoning. I am looking for a one-two paragraph response.


Online reading response rubric for case study, short writing assignment

Online reading response rubric for case study, short writing assignment

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Completion

40.0 pts

Assignment is complete. All questions/assignment requirements have been addresssed.

20.0 pts

Assignment is incomplete. The student has partially addressed the assignment questions/requirements.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Expression

30.0 pts

The entire assignment is very clearly written. Grammar/mechanics is very good.

25.0 pts

Writing is unclear in a number of places. There are a fair number of grammar/mechanical errors.

20.0 pts

Writing seriously impedes the instructor’s ability to understand the student’s work.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoughtfulness of Content

30.0 pts

Content is exceptionally thoughtful and perceptive.

25.0 pts

Content of the student’s work is adequate, but not particularly perceptive.

15.0 pts

Little serious thinking is revealed.

30.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

Text Questions Unit 2: The Elements and Principles of Art

Question Description

Text Questions

Please complete thefollowing questions. It is important that you use full sentences andpresent the questions and answers when you submit your work.

Submitthe work as a file attachment. This means you complete all work in aword processing document (e.g., Microsoft Word) and attach the fileusing the dropbox tool. Use the Unit 2: Text Questions dropbox.

The answers to the Text Questions are worth 10 points.

Unit 2 TextQuestions

Review Questions

  1. What are positive and negative space?
  2. Identify and describe the three different types of balance in artwork.
  3. What is proportion?
  4. What is “hue”? How can hue affect artwork?
  5. What is balance in art work?

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Chooseone of the pieces of art from the unit. Identify at least threeelements or principles of art that are present. Discuss how these threeelements or principles are used in the artwork. Why does the artistinclude them?
  2. Imagine that you want to create an artwork thatcreates a sense of peacefulness. How could you use the elements orprinciples of art to create this?
  3. Choose one type of artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) and describe how you could add texture to this type of artwork.
  4. Chooseone piece of artwork from the unit. What type of balance does theartwork have? How does this balance affect the feeling or mood of theartwork?
  5. How can artists create a sense of movement in a piece of artwork?

Discussion Questions

Please post questions and answers on the UNIT 2 discussion boards. Unless otherwise instructed, you should submit at least one full paragraph for each question.

Each discussion assignment is worth5 points.

ProEnglish: Arlington, Virginia

Question Description

( ProEnglish : Arlington, Virginia )

In one to two pages, give a brief history of the group your are researching:

when they were founded,

who founded the group,

their stance regarding immigration,

the motivation for that particular view of immigration,

and if possible, how this group would like to solve any immigration problem(s) real or perceived

(As finding this information may come from many sources, you will need to cite where you have found this information in your paper. You will need to footnote/endnote any quotations you use in your paper. The fine folks in the OWL can help you with this)

Compare the foundational values of the group you are researching to the 4 Franciscan Values of the University. Write one paragraph for cach Franciscan Value listed below and explain how the teachings of the group you have researched compare/contrast to the ideas of:

Reverencing all of Creation-Fostering a simple lifestyle and responsible stewardship; preserving the environment, respecting all creatures.

Making Peace– Forgiving others; healing and reconciling; resolving conflicts, promoting non-violence

Showing Compassion– Serving and caring for the poor and oppressed; working for justice, taking responsible social action; offering unselfish service

Creating a Caring Community– Respecting each person’s dignity, offering hospitality, courtesy kindness, and friendship. fostering loving relationships

Conclude with a paragraph or two of your own thoughts about immigration and whether you would agree more with the anti-immigrant group you have researched or the CSU community-one should include at least three reasons for your agreement with either group

Write an essay in art history

Question Description

Please choose one (1) of the following questions to write an essay in response. The essay should be 1000words or 4-5 pages, using 12-font type and double spacing. Make sure to reference your sources usingChicago, MLA or Harvard. Please STATE which referencing system you are using.

1) One of the ways that ‘Art After Modernism’ sought to critically re-evaluate Modernism and theavant-garde was through new interpretations of the relationship between art and life. Discuss theways that the relationship between art and life is developed through the work of two artists coveredon the course thus far. Please select at least two of the following artists and discuss theirapproaches to the discussion of art into life between the mid-1940s and the late 1960s.

– Joseph Beuys

– John Cage

– Robert Rauschenberg

– Yoko Ono

– Andy Warhol

– Nam June Paik

– Robert Frank

2) In the period 1945-1970, artists across the globe began to foreground material exploration(including moves towards immateriality) as a key area of artistic development. By examining themethods and ideas of two of the following artists, discuss some of the highly varied strategies andreasons- formal, philosophical, conceptual, painterly, etc.- that were central to material explorationin the ‘Art after Modernism’. P Please select at least two of the following artists and discusstheir approaches to materiality between the mid-1940s and the late 1960s.

– Francis Bacon

– Yoko Ono

– Joseph Beuys

– Eva Hesse

– John Cage

no plagiarism as paragraph

Question Description

Research on Poverty (Graded Discussion)

66 unread replies.66 replies.

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • Share your reaction to the YouTube film “Nickel and Dimed: From the American Ruling Class.”
  • Who is Barbara Ehrenreich? Describe her research methodology. What research method did she used?
  • Can her research methodology be considered sociological? Can her research method be considered scientific? Why?

After submitting your answers, please reply to at least three (3) of our classmates’ posts, pointing out their good points as well as any limitation you see in their arguments.

Your original answer to the questions as well as your reply-comments to other students must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers and reply-comments must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.

You must post your original answers first, in order to see other students’ answers.

If you are new to canvas, check the video on how to participate in a discussion (Links to an external site.) or consult the canvas student guide (Links to an external site.) for a text explanation.

Grading Rubric

Click on the Gear icon located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.

PHIL110 discussion

Question Description

Goal: Analyze a Venn Diagram to show the similarities, differences, and relationships and argue its effectiveness. Understand how Venn diagrams are used in logic and/or problem solving


Why do we diagram arguments? For many, seeing helps connect ideas and concepts that can be complex and difficult to grasp. By understanding the elements and components visually we are better able to critically build and understand an argument. For this week’s forum, you will find one (1) Venn Diagram and do the following:

– Find an interesting Venn Diagram on the internet. Google or Yahoo (or whatever you use) “Venn diagrams for deductive logic” OR “Venn diagrams for problem solving.” Find a video or example you like and understand and be sure to include a link to the video, website, problem or example.

– Discuss what the Venn Diagram is trying to communicate.

– Explain why the Venn Diagram is effective or not effective.

– Discuss whether the Venn Diagram made solving the problem or understanding the relationships in a categorical argument easier.

Forum Guidelines:

must be 250+ words in length.

Trigger questions:

What is the value of diagramming an argument?

How can a Venn diagram help with critical thinking?

What are the uses of truth tables?

What are the differences in kinds of arguments?

What are the differences in kinds of appeals?

Why is understanding purpose and audience

so important in critical thinking?

How can an outline help me?

How can you build one?

How can mathematical models help me think critically?

LD Forum Rubric.pdf

BUSINESS ETHICS (2 page essay, single spaced) & ( 3 slides for presentations one question ) Watch the movie (The Pursuit of Happyness)

Question Description

Movie Name: The Pursuit of Happyness https://www.netflix.com/title/70044605

For the essay: 2 page essay, single spaced.

For the presentations: it is going to be a group work. and my part is answering question number 3 in 3 slides.

this is the question

3) How do the scenes/characters link to each other and to the director’s questions?



1) Context/Pretext regarding the film?

2) What questions (ethical) is the director asking?

3) How do the scenes/characters link to each other and to the director’s questions?

4) What are the specific business ethics at stake?

For Instance:

a) Working conditions

d) Accounting Fraud

b) Affirmative Action

e) Social Media Policies

c) Whistle blowing

f) Surveillance Violations

5) How do the characters respond to these ethical issues?

For Instance:

a) Where do the responsibilities lie?

b) Are the issues ignored altogether?

6) What ethical questions are prompted by this film?



Section 1)

Extracting the question(s):

a) As far as you are concerned, what ethical question(s) arose from the film of your/the

group’s choice?—parse out the intricacies of the question(s) as you see it/them

b) As far as you are concerned, what ethical question(s) were addressed insufficiently or

not at all (but should have been)?

Section 2)

Response to the question(s):

a) Having identified and fleshed out your question(s), what are your thoughts?

In what ways would you (would you?) claim responsibility for these

ethical issues?

How does this response square with your worldview?

Section 3)

What soft claim can you make toward some resolve of the ethical issue(s)?

Section 4)

What new questions arise for you from sections 1-3?

Complete US History Assignment 2

Question Description


These questions are designed to prepare you for Exam #1, which will be based on the short answers and essays you submit for homework.You should submit complete, detailed answers so you can use the homework assignment to help you prepare for the exam.

Short Answers:Write a brief paragraph for each term that explains who, what, when, where, how, why, and the significance of each of the following terms.

Mercantile System

Dominion of New England

John Locke

Navigation Act of 1696

Iroquois League

Essays:Write an essay that answers each of the following questions.Write a separate essay for each topic.

1.Discuss the British efforts to control trade in Colonial America.What was the Navigation Act of 1651 and what did it do?What was the Navigation Act of 1660 and what did it do?What was the Navigation Act of 1663 and what did it do?What was the Navigation Act of 1673 and what did it do?What was the purpose of the Wool Act, the Hat Act, and the Iron Acts and what did each do?What was the benefit of obeying these acts to the colonists?What was the Molasses Act and why did the colonists refuse to obey it?

2.Discuss the French and Indian War.What problems led to the start of the French and Indian War? How did the British get involved? What happened at Ft. Niagara?What happened at Quebec? What was the Treaty of Paris and what were the terms of the treaty?


Question Description


I am requesting writing assistance for an Philosophy essay (see instructions below). I will the need the completed essay on Friday (9/20) by 3:00 PM EST. I sincerely hope that someone can help! However, I will need someone that is familiar with the books referenced below. I ask that if you are not familiar with this information, please do not accept this assignment. The movie referenced below, “Never Let Me Go,” can be purchased from Google Plan and Amazon Prime for $3.99 USD. I have attached the link to the footage on Viktor Frankl and Jules Evans and the movie. I have factored the purchase cost for the movie into the payment amount. Please note “Turnitin” will be used to detect plagiarism, so please do not plagiarize.

Jules Evans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuwYvFlNGns

Viktor Frankl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPer_9cUePY


We have read Parts 1 and 2 of Samuelson, Deepest Human Life, watched “Never Let Me Go,” read Hawthorne’s Birthmark, and listened to footage of Viktor Frankl and a talk by Jules Evans. Based on your readings, listening, and our discussion, compose a letter to Aylmer and/or Georgiana, evaluating their actions and providing them with insight as to how they can understand and live their lives. Your essay should include insight from the first four chapters of Samuelson, including Socrates, Epicurus, Epictetus, as well as Frankl, and Evans, and the dvd.

Your essay should be 4 pages double-spaced, It is due Friday, September 20

Please message me with any further questions or concerns.

Thank You,
